Tsutomu Kamimura


喜劇 花嫁戦争
Executive Producer
At midnight, Yamabe, a killer, escapes from prison. Two years before, bribed by a narcotic smuggler, Yamabe killed a real estate broker. As he was being arrested by detective Negoro, the detective's bullet struck Sakuko, Yamabe's girl friend who attempted to protect him, and crippled her. When Yamabe was sent to prison, Negoro cared for her and they fell in love. Sakuko asked him to marry her, but Negoro was reluctant to take the killer's sweetheart from him. Learning of the relationship of his girl friend and the detective, Yamabe had pledged revenge.
旅路 おふくろさんより
Based on Shinichi Mori song
Executive Producer
Tsutomu (Kensaku Morita), an orphan who once stabbed a man, is released from a reformatory and goes to Tottori, on the Japan Sea coast, to enter a high school. On the beach, he meets a young fisherman, Yusuke (Norihiko Yamamoto) also a student of the same school. They become friends and Tsutomu is offered free board at Yusuke's home.
男はつらいよ フーテンの寅
Executive Producer
Executive Producer
「男はつらいよ」シリーズ第1作。 20年振りに故郷、東京は葛飾柴又に帰ってきた車寅次郎(渥美清)。ちょうど庚申の祭りの最中で、早速祭りに参加する寅次郎。そんな中、懐かしいおいちゃん(森川信)、おばちゃん(三崎千恵子)や妹さくら(倍賞千恵子)に涙の再会を果たす。翌日、さくらの見合いに出席した寅次郎だが、酔ったあげくの大失態。見合いをぶち壊した寅次郎はおいちゃんらと大ゲンカし、柴又を去っていく。その後、寅次郎は旅先の奈良で旅行中の御前様(笠智衆)とその娘・坪内冬子(光本幸子)と再会。幼なじみゆえ、気さくな冬子に恋をした寅さんは、帰郷してからも冬子のもとへ日参する。一方、裏の印刷工場につとめる諏訪博(前田吟)は、さくらへ想いを寄せていた・・・