Marcello Prayer

Marcello Prayer


Marcello Prayer


La Reliquia
Midday Demons
Megan, a successful Irish artist, lives in Dublin with her husband Leo, an Italian who emigrated there several years ago. After receiving the news of the death of Leo's uncle, Monsignor Domenico, a powerful catholic priest whose death has prompted a campaign for his beatification , the couple travels to Apulia, in southern Italy, to handle Leo's unexpected inheritance.
Italy, 1994. The war in the Balkans drags on with no end in sight. Elvis, a young man from Sarajevo, is taking pictures of tourists with his Polaroid camera to get by. After his camera is stolen, Elvis decides to visit Rodolfo, a stranger met by chance in Venice. Their brief and lonely encounter unfolds in the timeless landscape of whitewashed towns, green hills and olive trees of southern Italy.
Controra - House of Shadows
A couple inherits their family's ancient Italian palazzo where sinister shadows from the past reappear.
Corso Dante
Piazza Fontana: The Italian Conspiracy
Stefano Delle Chiaie
On December 12, 1969, a bomb kills 17 people and injures many more at a major national bank in Milan, marking the beginning of the Years of Lead. Local anarchists are scapegoated for the massacre by police and the media, but an investigator uncovers a larger subversive project made of far-right fringe groups, corrupt secret services, and other interests that seek to undermine democracy.
El verano de Martino
Martino's Father
El verano de 1980 fue trágico para Italia: en junio tuvo lugar el derribo de un DC9 en Usica, y en agosto las Brigadas Rojas perpetraron un sangriento atentado terrorista en la estación de tren de Bolonia. Estos dos episodios enmarcan la vida de Martino, un chico de 15 años; de Clark, un capitán del ejército de EE.UU. aficionado al surf, y de Silvia, la novia del hermano de Martino. En una hermosa playa, Martino aprende a conquistar las olas y el amor, el capitán se enfrenta a los fantasmas de su pasado, y Silvia se enamora de Martino. La vida de los personajes se entrelaza con la leyenda de “Dragut”, un príncipe que decide viajar más allá del arcoiris y zambullirse en las profundidades del mar para encontrar una vasija mágica. Si lo logra, el mundo nunca más volverá a conocer el dolor ni la muerte. (FILMAFFINITY)
A well known judge comes back to his native region, Salentino in the South of Italy, to find out that his old friend is dead and the woman he loved is now working for a crime organization.
Once You're Born You Can No Longer Hide
The life of a Northern Italian middle-class family is turned upside down after their 12-year-old son falls overboard during a sea trip, only to be picked up by a boat of illegal immigrants.
La mejor juventud
Historia de una familia italiana desde los años 60 hasta nuestros días. Dos hermanos, Nicola (Luigi Lo Cascio) y Matteo (Alessio Boni), comparten las mismas esperanzas, los mismos sueños; disfrutan de los mismos libros y de los mismos amigos hasta que conocen a una chica desequilibrada, Giorgia (Jasmine Trinca), que perturba su destino. Mientras Nicola ejerce como psicólogo, Matteo abandona sus estudios e ingresa en el cuerpo de policía.