David Menschel


Trouble Finds You
Executive Producer
Kraig Lewis was one of 120 people swept up in the largest gang raid in New York City history. His story shows how gang prosecutions are used in the mass criminalization of communities of color.
Conditioned Response
Executive Producer
For the past 20 years, ex-Army Ranger and “killology” expert Dave Grossman has been traveling across the US to train police officers on his philosophy of killing. Footage from one of Grossman’s seminars is juxtaposed with stark, brutal images of police brutality—including the shooting of Philando Castile by a Minnesota police officer.
Shadow World
Co-Executive Producer
Una investigación detallada sobre los intereses políticos y económicos que, desde principios del siglo XX, han manejado en la sombra y a su antojo los hilos del comercio de armas, alimentado la vergonzosa corrupción de políticos y funcionarios gubernamentales y promovido un estado de guerra permanente a lo largo de todo el mundo, al tiempo que cínicamente predicaban a favor de una paz durarera y universal.
Do Not Resist
Executive Producer
Do Not Resist is an exploration of the rapid militarization of the police in the United States. Opening on startling on-the-scene footage in Ferguson, Missouri, the film then broadens its scope to present scenes from across the country.
Executive Producer
When a powerful Florida lobbyist discovered that a nanny sexually abused his daughter, he wielded all of his considered political capital to pass some of the strictest sex offender laws in the country. Today, 800,000 people are listed in the sex offender registry, yet the cycles of abuse continue. Moving from the halls of power to the cardboard homes of a marginalized pariah people, this enlightening documentary defies expectations and challenge assumptions to argue for a new understanding of how we think about and legislate sexual abuse.
Executive Producer
En 2013, el analista informático Edward Snowden filtró documentos clasificados que había obtenido de la NSA, la Agencia de Seguridad Nacional Norteamericana, detallando la vigilancia que el gobierno estadounidense ejerce sobre sus ciudadanos. Después de pasar a la clandestinidad para evitar la extadición y el arresto, Snowden pasó a convertirse en noticia. Tanto que su notoriedad amenazaba con eclipsar las implicaciones de la información que había revelado.
The Life and Mind of Mark DeFriest
Executive Producer
When a legendary escape artist comes up for parole after 30 years behind bars, a chance for freedom must be weighed against his infamous past.
Executive Producer
Detroit’s story has encapsulated the iconic narrative of America over the last century – the Great Migration of African Americans escaping Jim Crow; the rise of manufacturing and the middle class; the love affair with automobiles; the flowering of the American dream; and now… the collapse of the economy and the fading American mythos.
War Don Don, juicio en Sierra Leona
Executive Producer
This gripping documentary follows the trial of Issa Sesay, a leader in Sierra Leone's civil war who stands accused of crimes against humanity. Can the trial of one man uncover the truth of a traumatic past?