David Menschel


Trouble Finds You
Executive Producer
Kraig Lewis was one of 120 people swept up in the largest gang raid in New York City history. His story shows how gang prosecutions are used in the mass criminalization of communities of color.
Conditioned Response
Executive Producer
For the past 20 years, ex-Army Ranger and “killology” expert Dave Grossman has been traveling across the US to train police officers on his philosophy of killing. Footage from one of Grossman’s seminars is juxtaposed with stark, brutal images of police brutality—including the shooting of Philando Castile by a Minnesota police officer.
Shadow World
Co-Executive Producer
A detailed investigation into the political and economic interests that, since the beginning of the 20th century, have pulled the strings of the arms trade, hidden in the shadows, feeding the shameful corruption of politicians and government officials and promoting a state of permanent war throughout the world, while they cynically asked for a lasting and universal peace.
Do Not Resist
Executive Producer
Do Not Resist is an exploration of the rapid militarization of the police in the United States. Opening on startling on-the-scene footage in Ferguson, Missouri, the film then broadens its scope to present scenes from across the country.
Executive Producer
When a powerful Florida lobbyist discovered that a nanny sexually abused his daughter, he wielded all of his considered political capital to pass some of the strictest sex offender laws in the country. Today, 800,000 people are listed in the sex offender registry, yet the cycles of abuse continue. Moving from the halls of power to the cardboard homes of a marginalized pariah people, this enlightening documentary defies expectations and challenge assumptions to argue for a new understanding of how we think about and legislate sexual abuse.
Гражданин четыре
Executive Producer
В январе 2013 года Лора Пойтрас стала получать анонимные зашифрованные электронные письма от человека по имени «CITIZENFOUR», который утверждал, что у него есть доказательства существования нелегальных программ скрытого наблюдения, которое ведёт АНБ в сотрудничестве с другими спецслужбами по всему миру. Пять месяцев спустя она и журналисты Гленн Гринвальд и Ивен МакАскилл прилетели в Гонконг для первой из многих встреч с этим человеком. Им оказался Эдвард Сноуден.
The Life and Mind of Mark DeFriest
Executive Producer
When a legendary escape artist comes up for parole after 30 years behind bars, a chance for freedom must be weighed against his infamous past.
Executive Producer
История расцвета Детройта в XX веке всем известна — в 50-е годы он стал главным центром машиностроения в США, богатейшим городом страны, в котором были сосредоточены заводы Ford, General Motors, Chrysler. Но после экономического кризиса 2008 года Детройт движется к упадку и разорению так же стремительно, как в начале прошлого века шел к процветанию. Жители покидают мегаполис, количество рабочих мест сократилось вполовину. Фильм рассказывает о тех, кто пока отказывается уезжать из пустеющего города и упорно надеется на возрождение былого величия.
War Don Don
Executive Producer
This gripping documentary follows the trial of Issa Sesay, a leader in Sierra Leone's civil war who stands accused of crimes against humanity. Can the trial of one man uncover the truth of a traumatic past?