Joe Wonder


Production Manager
Wealthy widow Helen Mercer hires a young woman, Gretchen Addison, to act as her personal assistant and companion. Unfortunately, Helen is a poor judge of character, as Gretchen is part of a murderous extortionist duo with her boyfriend, Jay. However, Gretchen has second thoughts when she develops genuine affection for Helen. When Gretchen informs Jay that she wants to call off their plot, he refuses and carries on with the plan. Now both Helen and Gretchen may be in grave danger.
Terror on the 40th Floor
Production Manager
A number of business people, keeping the Christmas Eve office party going longer than was originally intended, are beset by a fire that starts in the basement of their office building and creeps up at them from floor to floor.
Las cintas de Norliss
Production Manager
El escritor David Norliss ha desparecido de su casa y los últimos mensajes que le ha dejado a su editor Sanford Evans han sido preocupantes, informándole que se encontraba en riesgo de muerte. Evans acude a la casa de Norliss, pero sólo encuentra una larga colección de cassettes numerados, y se dispone a escuchar el primero de ellos. En él, Norliss narra un caso en el que se ha visto envuelto: la millonaria viuda Ellen Cort le ha pedido ayuda, ya que ha visto rondando por su mansión a su fallecido marido. Acuden a la policía, pero las autoridades descreen de su denuncia. Mientras tanto numerosos asesinatos se suceden en los alrededores de la mansión Cort y las víctimas han sido drenadas completamente de sangre.
Future Shock
Production Manager
“Our modern technology has achieved a degree of sophistication beyond our wildest dreams. But this technology has exacted a pretty heavy price. We live in an age of anxiety, a time of stress. And with all our sophistication we are in fact, the victims of our own technological strength. We are the victims of shock … of future shock.” No, this isn’t a quote from a Huffington Post column on the Facebookization of modern communication. Nor is it pulled from an academic treatise on the phenomenologies of post-industrial existence. This statement was made by Orson Welles in the 1972 futurist documentary Future Shock, and, unlike some of the more dated elements of 1970s educational films, Future Shock remains shockingly current in verbalizing the concerns and anxieties that come along with rapid societal and technological change. (Indiana University Libraries Moving Image Archive)
She Waits
Production Manager
When a newlywed woman is taken to her husband's hometown to meet his mother, she is possessed by the vengeful spirit of his previous wife.
Maybe I'll Come Home in the Spring
Production Manager
Dennie has returned from a year among the hippies to her superficial, image-conscious suburban family. She must face their disapproval of her actions. They refuse to even try to understand. She must also deal with an ex-lover, and a beloved young sister who is following in her footsteps, wanting the idealistic hippie life but making some rash decisions in the process.
La jauría humana
Unit Production Manager
Casi todos los habitantes de una pequeña ciudad de Texas piensan que su comisario es una simple marioneta del todopoderoso petrolero Val Rogers. Pero todo cambia cuando el joven Bubber Reeves escapa de la prisión. Y es que mientras el agente quiere entregar vivo al fugitivo, Rogers desea que le mate, pues teme por la vida de su hijo, que ha tenido una aventura con la mujer del fugitivo.
El club del pijama
Production Supervisor
Go Go, un marciano explorador, vuela a la tierra para preparar una invasión que hará con sus camaradas de Marte. Aterriza mientras se está celebrando una fiesta en la piscina de la tía Wendy, excéntrica propietaria de una tienda de ropa para adolescentes.
Bikini Beach
Production Supervisor
Frankie, Dee Dee y todos sus amigos se dirigen a Bikini Beach para pasar unas vacaciones de diversión, surf y mucha música. Allí descubren una peculiar tienda que resulta ser el cuartel general de Potato Bug, una estrella británica de la canción, que está protegido por un inusual guardaespaldas, Lady Bug y sus técnicas francesas de autodefensa.
Muscle Beach Party
Production Supervisor
Local beach-goers find that their beach has been taken over by a businessman training a stable of body builders.
La comedia de los horrores
Production Manager
Cuando sus "clientes" no reclaman su presencia con la asiduidad que ellos necesitan para subsistir, el propietario de una funeraria, un perfecto sinvergüenza, alcohólico y sin escrúpulos, y su único colaborador, un ladrón que tuvo que abandonar su oficio por no saber realizarlo, se ven obligados a forzar las defunciones valiéndose de las técnicas más disparatadas.
The Adventures of Superboy
Production Supervisor
Jimmy, Clark Kent and Lana Lang's friend, is ashamed that his father works as a doorman at the Smallville theater. His opinion changes when Superboy is able to thwart a robbery with Jimmy's father's help.
Tangier Incident
Assistant Director
Steve Gordon, an American agent posing as a black market operator, is in Tangier on a mission to stop the plans of three atomic-scientists who are there to pool their secrets and sell them in a package to the Communists.
The Man Who Cheated Himself
Assistant Director
Ed es un policía de San Francisco que vive un idilio secreto con una mujer casada llamada Lois. Cuando Lois mata a su marido, Ed se ve forzado a ocultar el crimen, de modo que decide hacer creer que el muerto recibió un disparo durante un robo. Pero las cosas no serán tan sencillas.
Cowboy and the Prizefighter
Assistant Director
Red Ryder KO's a fight racket with sidekick Little Beaver (Little Brown Jug) and a new friend.
Río Rojo
Assistant Director
Terminada la Guerra de Secesión (1861-1865) y después de haber sobrevivido a una matanza de los indios, el ganadero Tom Dunson (John Wayne) y su hijo adoptivo Matthew Garth (Montgomery Clift) proyectan trasladar diez mil cabezas de ganado desde Texas hasta Missouri. Nadie hasta entonces había intentado una operación de tal envergadura.