When a rare chance for a meeting with her estranged daughter presents itself, Rachel grabs it with both hands.
When a rare chance for a meeting with her estranged daughter presents itself, Rachel grabs it with both hands.
An Emergency Services Operator in a Fire Control Room has just started a long night shift when she picks up a call from a desperate young mother. An hour previously, Gemma had fallen asleep in front of the television and has now woken to find the room full of smoke. Her three year old son is trapped in his bedroom upstairs. Flames have started to creep down the stairs that Gemma must use in order to reach him. The operator’s guidance is all that Gemma can rely on in order to survive.
An Emergency Services Operator in a Fire Control Room has just started a long night shift when she picks up a call from a desperate young mother. An hour previously, Gemma had fallen asleep in front of the television and has now woken to find the room full of smoke. Her three year old son is trapped in his bedroom upstairs. Flames have started to creep down the stairs that Gemma must use in order to reach him. The operator’s guidance is all that Gemma can rely on in order to survive.
An Emergency Services Operator in a Fire Control Room has just started a long night shift when she picks up a call from a desperate young mother. An hour previously, Gemma had fallen asleep in front of the television and has now woken to find the room full of smoke. Her three year old son is trapped in his bedroom upstairs. Flames have started to creep down the stairs that Gemma must use in order to reach him. The operator’s guidance is all that Gemma can rely on in order to survive.
Judy Gold
Relato del juicio televisado del exoficial nazi Adolf Eichmann que tuvo lugar en Jerusalén en el año 1961. Eichmann fue ahorcado en 1962 después de haber sido declarado culpable de crímenes contra la humanidad. Descrito como "el juicio del siglo”, este evento se mostró en la televisión de 37 países y fue la primera vez que el horror de los campos de concentración era relatado en directo por sus víctimas... "The Eichmann Show" es uno de los proyectos encargados por la BBC para conmemorar el 70 aniversario de la liberación del campo de concentración nazi de Auschwitz.
Drama telling the true story of what happens to a teenage girl when she falls in love with the wrong man. The everyday story of young love turns dark and sinister when the handsome and charming stranger seeks to dominate every aspect of the young woman's life. A tale of contemporary Britain that every young person should watch.