Caroline Bartleet

참여 작품

When a rare chance for a meeting with her estranged daughter presents itself, Rachel grabs it with both hands.
When a rare chance for a meeting with her estranged daughter presents itself, Rachel grabs it with both hands.
An Emergency Services Operator in a Fire Control Room has just started a long night shift when she picks up a call from a desperate young mother. An hour previously, Gemma had fallen asleep in front of the television and has now woken to find the room full of smoke. Her three year old son is trapped in his bedroom upstairs. Flames have started to creep down the stairs that Gemma must use in order to reach him. The operator’s guidance is all that Gemma can rely on in order to survive.
An Emergency Services Operator in a Fire Control Room has just started a long night shift when she picks up a call from a desperate young mother. An hour previously, Gemma had fallen asleep in front of the television and has now woken to find the room full of smoke. Her three year old son is trapped in his bedroom upstairs. Flames have started to creep down the stairs that Gemma must use in order to reach him. The operator’s guidance is all that Gemma can rely on in order to survive.
An Emergency Services Operator in a Fire Control Room has just started a long night shift when she picks up a call from a desperate young mother. An hour previously, Gemma had fallen asleep in front of the television and has now woken to find the room full of smoke. Her three year old son is trapped in his bedroom upstairs. Flames have started to creep down the stairs that Gemma must use in order to reach him. The operator’s guidance is all that Gemma can rely on in order to survive.
아이히만 쇼
Judy Gold
1961년 4월 11일, 예루살렘의 한 뜨거운 열기의 스튜디오 갤러리에 전 세계의 이목이 집중되고 있다. 6백만 유대인의 추방과 학살을 주도한 나치전범 ‘아돌프 아이히만’의 재판이 37개 나라의 수백만 명에게 전달되는 세계 최초의 TV 생방송 이벤트가 있기 때문이다. 이러한 세기의 생방송을 위해 블랙리스트인 TV감독, 허위츠와 프로듀서인 프루트만이 모여 3개의 카메라를 설치하며, 아이히만에 대한 실체를 잡아내기 위해 철저한 준비를 가한다. 생방송까지 남은 시간은 단 3일! 그러나 이스라엘 정부의 생방송 촬영 허가를 받기란 쉽지 않고, 여러 방해 요인(?)들로 인하여 생방송 준비는 더 더욱 어려워지는데... 과연 허위츠와 프루트만은 생방송이 진행되는 동안 아이히만의 진짜 얼굴을 잡아낼 것인가?
Murdered By My Boyfriend
Drama telling the true story of what happens to a teenage girl when she falls in love with the wrong man. The everyday story of young love turns dark and sinister when the handsome and charming stranger seeks to dominate every aspect of the young woman's life. A tale of contemporary Britain that every young person should watch.