Ryuichi Takatsu


Jam Films S
Jam Films S is a Japanese omnibus movie. It was released by Phantom FIlm in Japan on January 15, 2005. The movie follows 2002’s Jam Films and its 2004 sequel Jam Films 2. This time around, the overall theme is “S” which stands for succession, success, and special. There are seven shorts, all produced by Ryuhei Kitamura. Included are the shorts Tuesday by Kenji Sonoda, Heaven Sent by Ryuichi Takatsu, Blouse by Hitoshi Ishikawa, New Horizon by Ryo Teshima, Suberidai by Yuichi Abe, Alpha by Daisaburo Harada, and Suit by Masaki Hamamoto.
The Spear Of Longinus
A war rages on, its end unknown, covering the world in despair. At a military field hospital, a group of soldiers bring in one of their own, wounded by a large, vicious, bite-like wound, along with a large box. The soldiers are visibly shaken. Suddenly, an enigmatic man appears. As he starts to tell them the legend of the Lance of Longinus, their night of unimaginable terror begins.
Sky High
El día de su boda, Mina (Yumiko Shaku) es asesinada. Su alma viaja a la Puerta del Rencor, donde Izuko, su guardiana, le da a elegir tres destinos: aceptar la muerte, ir al paraíso y esperar a la reencarnación; seguir siendo un alma y vagar eternamente por el mundo de los vivos; o maldecir a una persona y matarla. A la dificultad de semejante decisión, se suma el sufrimiento de su novio Kôhei, con quien Mina no puede comunicarse en tanto que alma, un encuentro con el responsable de su muerte, Tatsuya Kudo, ingeniero genético de fama internacional, y la amenaza de más muertes. La frontera entre el bien y el mal se desdibuja ante la imperiosa pregunta.
Battlefield Baseball
Battlefield Baseball is a tough game — it doesn't end until all the members on the opposing team are dead. In this game the Gedo High team is composed of blue-faced zombies, and their opponents on the Seido High team know they don't have a chance at beating them unless they can bring back a star pitcher who has a lethal pitch called the Super Tornado, but who has hung up his cleats and has no desire to return to the game.
Dos samurai heridos de gravedad se refugian de una tormenta en un templo aislado, el hogar de un espadachín y una misteriosa joven. Un samurai se despierta para descubrir que no solo ha muerto su compañero, sino también que sus heridas se han curado milagrosamente. Descubre que el espadachín, un hombre conocido como el legendario Miyamoto Musashi, que ahora vive como el Aragami, un "dios de la batalla", le ha dado el poder de la inmortalidad.