Rows is a psychological thriller, a Gothic fantasy inspired by Grimm's tales. A young woman, Rose, is tasked by her developer father to deliver an eviction notice to a reclusive woman in a ramshackle farmhouse. The woman has strange powers, derived from the house itself. The enchantress puts Rose and her friend, Greta, under a spell. They become lost in a seemingly infinite cornfield and must repeat a series of surreal or terrifying events in order to solve the mystery and break the spell. Rose's father is drawn into the mystery, and Rose's relationship with him is tested. A series of shocking reversals leads to a haunting climax.
Rows is a psychological thriller, a Gothic fantasy inspired by Grimm's tales. A young woman, Rose, is tasked by her developer father to deliver an eviction notice to a reclusive woman in a ramshackle farmhouse. The woman has strange powers, derived from the house itself. The enchantress puts Rose and her friend, Greta, under a spell. They become lost in a seemingly infinite cornfield and must repeat a series of surreal or terrifying events in order to solve the mystery and break the spell. Rose's father is drawn into the mystery, and Rose's relationship with him is tested. A series of shocking reversals leads to a haunting climax.
Rows is a psychological thriller, a Gothic fantasy inspired by Grimm's tales. A young woman, Rose, is tasked by her developer father to deliver an eviction notice to a reclusive woman in a ramshackle farmhouse. The woman has strange powers, derived from the house itself. The enchantress puts Rose and her friend, Greta, under a spell. They become lost in a seemingly infinite cornfield and must repeat a series of surreal or terrifying events in order to solve the mystery and break the spell. Rose's father is drawn into the mystery, and Rose's relationship with him is tested. A series of shocking reversals leads to a haunting climax.
Jack Andrews, un joven detective, ahoga la pena por la muerte de su esposa en el alcohol y en el juego. Cierta noche, en un casino, conoce a una misteriosa joven que le pide ayuda. Según ella, la persigue la mafia y un novio psicópata.
Jack Andrews, un joven detective, ahoga la pena por la muerte de su esposa en el alcohol y en el juego. Cierta noche, en un casino, conoce a una misteriosa joven que le pide ayuda. Según ella, la persigue la mafia y un novio psicópata.
Key Grip
Una banda de Hard Rock llega a la remota ciudad de Grand Guignol para actuar. Sorprendentemente, el público para el que tienen que tocar está formado por pandilleros, hombres-lobo, enanos asesinos, e incluso Hitler. Esto no es suficiente para que el cantante del grupo suspenda la actuación, más que nada porque se ha enamorado de una chica del pueblo, Cassie...