Rows is a psychological thriller, a Gothic fantasy inspired by Grimm's tales. A young woman, Rose, is tasked by her developer father to deliver an eviction notice to a reclusive woman in a ramshackle farmhouse. The woman has strange powers, derived from the house itself. The enchantress puts Rose and her friend, Greta, under a spell. They become lost in a seemingly infinite cornfield and must repeat a series of surreal or terrifying events in order to solve the mystery and break the spell. Rose's father is drawn into the mystery, and Rose's relationship with him is tested. A series of shocking reversals leads to a haunting climax.
Rows is a psychological thriller, a Gothic fantasy inspired by Grimm's tales. A young woman, Rose, is tasked by her developer father to deliver an eviction notice to a reclusive woman in a ramshackle farmhouse. The woman has strange powers, derived from the house itself. The enchantress puts Rose and her friend, Greta, under a spell. They become lost in a seemingly infinite cornfield and must repeat a series of surreal or terrifying events in order to solve the mystery and break the spell. Rose's father is drawn into the mystery, and Rose's relationship with him is tested. A series of shocking reversals leads to a haunting climax.
Rows is a psychological thriller, a Gothic fantasy inspired by Grimm's tales. A young woman, Rose, is tasked by her developer father to deliver an eviction notice to a reclusive woman in a ramshackle farmhouse. The woman has strange powers, derived from the house itself. The enchantress puts Rose and her friend, Greta, under a spell. They become lost in a seemingly infinite cornfield and must repeat a series of surreal or terrifying events in order to solve the mystery and break the spell. Rose's father is drawn into the mystery, and Rose's relationship with him is tested. A series of shocking reversals leads to a haunting climax.
Vince Miller (Michael Madsen) e Fay Forrester (Joanne Whalley) roubam US$ 875 mil ao realizar um assalto, quando esperavam obter só 10 mil. Fay trai Vince e foge com o dinheiro. Em Reno ela contrata um detetive particular em dificuldades financeiras, Jack Andrews (Val Kilmer), que deve US$ 10 mil a mafiosos. Fay lhe promete esta quantia se ele forjar a morte dela e lhe arrumar uma identidade nova. Jack faz o serviço, mas Fay desaparece sem lhe pagar o resto do combinado e ele se torna suspeito do "crime". Além disto ficam na sua cola mafiosos e o ex-amante da "falecida".
Vince Miller (Michael Madsen) e Fay Forrester (Joanne Whalley) roubam US$ 875 mil ao realizar um assalto, quando esperavam obter só 10 mil. Fay trai Vince e foge com o dinheiro. Em Reno ela contrata um detetive particular em dificuldades financeiras, Jack Andrews (Val Kilmer), que deve US$ 10 mil a mafiosos. Fay lhe promete esta quantia se ele forjar a morte dela e lhe arrumar uma identidade nova. Jack faz o serviço, mas Fay desaparece sem lhe pagar o resto do combinado e ele se torna suspeito do "crime". Além disto ficam na sua cola mafiosos e o ex-amante da "falecida".
Key Grip
A hard rock band travels to the tiny and remote town of Grand Guignol to perform. Peopled by hicks, rubes, werewolves, murderous dwarves, sex perverts, and Hitler, the town is a strange place but that doesn't stop the band's lead singer from falling in love with a local girl named Cassie. After Nazi sex perverts kill the band to satisfy their lusts, Cassie calls the rockers back from the grave to save her, the town, and maybe the world.