Jon Plazaola

Jon Plazaola

Nacimiento : 1982-03-08, Guipúzcoa - Spain


Jon Plazaola


No es coma
José Ramón, victim of a serious accident, receives the visit of Agustín, who takes the opportunity to talk about old times.
La pequeña Suiza
Los habitantes de Tellería, un imaginario pueblo castellano enclavado en el centro del País Vasco con 700 años de historia, desean pasar a formar parte del territorio vasco. Tras la negativa del gobierno, un curioso hallazgo en el santuario del pueblo originará que los osados habitantes de la localidad pidan su anexión, nada menos que a uno de los países más ricos del mundo: Suiza.
Villaviciosa de al lado
Quien no haya soñado alguna vez con que le tocaba la lotería que levante la mano. Todos hemos jugado a imaginar lo que haríamos si nos convirtiésemos en millonarios de la noche a la mañana: cambiar nuestro modesto utilitario por un descapotable de lujo, dejar nuestro tercero sin ascensor por un chalet con piscina y pista de pádel... o, simplemente, la satisfacción de hacerle al jefe un sonoro corte de mangas. Pero... ¿qué pasaría si se cumpliese ese sueño? ¿Qué pasaría si te tocase la lotería, encontrases la solución a todos tus problemas, pero no pudieras cobrar el premio porque al hacerlo todo el mundo descubriría tu afición a frecuentar a señoritas de moral distraída?
Tchaikovsky: The Queen of Spades - Gran Teatre del Liceu, Barcelona
Obsessive in gambling and in love, the soldier Hermann is the protagonist of Tchaikovsky’s Pique Dame, based on a story by Pushkin. He is smitten with the aristocratic Lisa and fixated on learning the winning secret of ‘the three cards’ from her grandmother, the Countess, played by iconic contralto Ewa Podles. This opulent production from Barcelona’s Liceu captures St Petersburg in the era of Catherine the Great, while the house’s Music Director Michael Boder conducts a large and impressive cast. Recorded at the Gran Teatre del Liceu, Barcelona, 30th June & 1st July 2010.
NORMA tells the tragic story of a supposedly chaste druidic priestess, who is driven to murderous jealousy by her lover's inconstancy. But she forgoes vengeance, protects innocence, and sees to it that the guilty atone for their crimes. Fiorenza Cedolins, Sonia Ganassi, Vincenzo La Scola, and Andrea Papi star in this 2007 Gran Theatre Del Liceu/Grand Theatre de Geneve co-production of the Bellini opera.
Matteo Borsa
In Rigoletto, the deformed figure of the hunchbacked jester at the Mantuan court acts as a foil to his cynical and powerful master, an unscrupulous philanderer contrasted with his cruel and unforgiving fool. Rigoletto encourages and welcomes the Duke's conquests, pitilessly mocking his victims until he discovers that the Duke has abducted the one person he genuinely loves, his own daughter. As a result, the character of the court jester is transformed into a tragic figure who, in spite of his evident immorality and malice, allows us to sense the devotion he feels for his daughter and his horror at being destroyed by the same despotic world as that which he himself has helped to create.