




14 jours pour aller mieux
Maxime, an ambitious and Cartesian executive, thinks only of his career and his future marriage to Nafège, the daughter of his boss. On the verge of burnout, alone in not realizing it, he finds himself embarked by his future stepfather Romain in the middle of his worst nightmare... A well-being course supervised by Clara and Luc, a couple of "clairvoyants", with trainees more lunar than each other. 14 days to get better, during which his principles and prejudices will be subjected to the zenitude and benevolence regime!
Chicken for Linda!
Paulette realizes she has unfairly punished her daughter Linda. To make up for it, she promises to cook her a chicken with peppers, even though she cannot cook at all. But where to find a chicken on a strike day, when all the shops are closed?
Repostero y Chef
Desde niño, Yazid tiene una gran pasión, la repostería. Criado entre casas de acogida y hogares de acogida, el joven intentará hacer realidad su sueño: trabajar con los mejores pasteleros y convertirse en el mejor.
Swing Rendez-vous
Théodore, a strange and shy parisian man, discovers a song with supernatural power. An old jazz classic from the 1920s which will be make instantaneously make two people love each other. He has to find this song to seduce Amandine, the love of his life. His investigation leads him to New York City, where he meets a community of young jazzmen.
Notre Histoire
Vincent tells the story of Jean, a character who is a part of him, without being him. In this story Jean meets Stacey. Among the echoes of today's society the professional and private relationship of a filmmaker and an actress at work is growing. Notre Histoire is a modern tragi-comedy, a love letter to a woman, a tribute to a neighborhood victim of terrorism, a self-portrait, a social criticism, the description of a relationship between a filmmaker and an actress, in the center of which desire and urgency to work mix.
Evil Seaweed
A scientist in yellow overalls is taking samples of green algae on a beach in Brittany. Lifting his mask, he suddenly drops down dead. There’s panic in the village – he’s not the first person to disappear, and the municipality suspects that toxic algae are the cause. Nevertheless, it’s out of the question to endanger the tourism industry or accuse intensive farming for this maleficent bloom. The mayor prefers to suspect the Parisian “bobos” who rent the Airbnb on the beach. But all it takes is one high tide for the dead to re-emerge from the seaweed carpet as zombies.
Employee of the Month
Le chauffeur jungle
Vincent siempre ha disfrutado de los beneficios del estatus de su familia. Cuando el gobierno vota sobre un plan de ahorro masivo, Vincent es expulsado. Cuando es trasladado al Polo Norte, conoce a Eva y encuentra el amor.
Jean-Michel le caribou et les histoires d'amour interdites
Marcel, the mayor, decides to ban love stories: it only causes problems and makes everyone unhappy! Banning love stories? Jean-Michel is not too much for it and his girlfriend Gisèle even less... Unfortunately, the repression begins. Our heroes decide to join the resistance so that love is once again allowed in the village.
Mis queridísimos hijos
Chantal y Christian viven una jubilación tranquila. Pero desde que sus hijos Sandrine y Stéphane abandonaron el nido, no los ven demasiado. Las oportunidades de reunirse en familia son cada vez más escasas. Cuando sus hijos les anuncian que no vendrán a celebrar la Navidad, ya es demasiado para Chantal y Christian. Entonces deciden hacerles creer que les ha tocado la lotería.
Internet humor star Thomas the Lama gets out of hand in a video. He becomes the target of all haters and his life falls apart. To win back his girlfriend and his audience, he decides to go meet his 10 biggest detractors to see if they can say, face to face, what they write on his page - Each meeting promises to be epic.
Long Time No See
Nine years ago, they lived a brief love affair. Now, a chance meeting has them reunite in a train station, in-between two journeys. He is arriving, she is leaving. They have eighty minutes to re-evaluate their lives, face to face with their truths, regrets and memories. This is their last chance.
A Unique Opportunity
Mid-summer. Lazare is on his way to his sister's, the two hitchhikers in the back are going to a music festival. Different generations with different interests – the hitchhikers provide new dynamism in the car. Lazare slowly lowers his defences, but it seems inevitable that their paths will deviate again.
Maldita jungla
Le Chimiste
Guyana francesa, no hace tanto tiempo. Eliott, un joven e ingenuo investigador de antropología, se embarca en una expedición para estudiar a los Otopis, una misteriosa tribu de la selva amazónica. También es una oportunidad para que se aleje de las garras de su posesiva madre, Chantal de Bellabre, una etnóloga odiada por la profesión por sus prácticas sesgadas y despiadadas. Al llegar al bosque, Elliot se da cuenta de que los Otopis no son los "buenos salvajes" que había imaginado. Alcohólico, violento, corrupto: convertirán su expedición en un verdadero infierno en la selva. Afortunadamente, Chantal, consumida por el remordimiento y preocupada por su hijo, decide abandonar su propia expedición y va a buscarlo a la selva, con la ayuda del no tan servicial Teniente-Comandante Raspailles y sus hombres.
Si tu vois ma mère
Max is single, ophthalmologist, and a real mama's boy. Until she suddenly dies. Max should be devastated, yet he seems to be coping well. Too well. He actually still sees her, talks to her. She is not gone, still here, still close to her beloved baby boy. Max knows she is dead, yet he holds on to this impossible reality. Until he starts sharing his office with Ohiana, a shrink who he slowly falls in love with. Mom is not going to like it.
Willy and Tony have a brilliant idea for getting out of it financially: stealing a dog from the brigade des stups. But everything does not go as planned and the two accomplices will have to rely on the most corrupt of the cops.
Up the Mountain
Hugo, Stan and Bérénice grew up together then grew apart. They were inseparable. Fifteen years later, they meet again as adults. But life has been tough on them. Will they reignite the crazy sparks of their childhood ?
Loco de amor
Le réceptionniste
Pontagnac, un hombre casado, intenta seducir a Victoire, la esposa de su buen amigo. Poco sabe él, Victoire tiene sus propios planes para castigar a su marido infiel. La futura aventura desencadena un vertiginoso hechizo de complicaciones cuando los personajes organizan citas, intentan exponer los engaños de los demás y, en última instancia, se ven obligados a confesarse
Le vendeur de likes / Le vendeur de notes / L'autre témoin
En un mundo donde la tecnología digital ha invadido nuestras vidas, algunos de nosotros terminamos agrietados. Adicto o tecnófobo, con la familia o en la escuela, en el trabajo o en el amor, Smiley cuenta los destinos cómicos y salvajes del Homo Numericus al borde de una crisis nerviosa.
Todos a una
Para no perder la subvención de la federación, un entrenador forma un equipo de baloncesto con falsos deficientes mentales, y así poder participar en los juegos paraolímpicos de Sidney en el año 2000. Siete parados desencantados y dos verdaderos jugadores minusválidos es el equipo que vuela para Australia. Los farsantes van a tener que convivir con los demás atletas, compartir el alojamiento y los vestuarios. El cinismo y la arrogancia de éstos va a confrontarse con la pasión y el esfuerzo de los demás atletas.
Gaston Lagaffe
Bertrand Labévue
Gaston is a new guy at the Peticoin start-up. With his delusional inventions, he will change the lives of his colleagues. Cat, seagull, cow, and gaffophone will be at the center of the mishaps of this genius laidback handyman who wants only to do good, but has the gift of annoying Prunelle, his boss. Can those Gaston's gaffes galore prevent the buy-out of the Peticoin by Mr. de Mesmaeker?
Le Club
Maryse, 75, discovers the existence of the didgeridoo during a group activity at her retirement home hosted by a man named Charlie. Tantalized by this discovery, she decides to drag her 80-year-old friend Fabienne along on a quest for vibrations.
Le Club
Maryse, 75, discovers the existence of the didgeridoo during a group activity at her retirement home hosted by a man named Charlie. Tantalized by this discovery, she decides to drag her 80-year-old friend Fabienne along on a quest for vibrations.
Sácame de dudas
A sus 45 años, Erwan descubre que el viejo lobo de mar que le crió no es su padre. Tras la búsqueda, se encuentra con su progenitor, un hombre octogenario, y cae bajo su hechizo, así como bajo el de la impetuosa Anna.
Des Plans Sur La Comète
Two small time crooks brothers fall apart when they both meet very different women
The Exes
If Paris is the city of lovers, it is also that ... ex! Antoine does not dare to commit, Didier regrets his ex-wife, Father Laurent must celebrate the marriage of his ex, Julie, Serge is harassed by Lise, the ex of his girlfriend of the moment, while Greg consoles With the dog ... of his ex! So many characters whose lives will be telescoped in a joyful disorder and who could fall back in love! But of whom? Whether they obsessed us or loved to hate them, deep down, it is difficult to forget their ex!
No Drowning
In a vague and futuristic world, people must pay for every single service in their life. When a stripper and a thief meet, they find a meaning within it.
The Together Project
Agathe despacha a un seductor del tres al cuarto con un aplomo desconcertante bajo el cual, sin embargo, se adivina cierta fragilidad. Samir, que observa la escena tímidamente desde un rincón del café, se queda maravillado. En un momento, este joven amable y alelado con una mirada de una candidez desarmante, se enamora perdidamente de ella. Sin dudar ni un segundo, el joven compra un abono trimestral en la piscina municipal en la que Agathe da clases, rodeada por una curiosa tropa de empleados municipales. Cuando Agathe vuelve a marcharse para participar en un congreso internacional de monitores de natación, Samir hace la maleta inmediatamente.
Struggle for Life
Marc Châtaigne, an intern at the Ministry of Standards, is sent to French Guiana to implement European construction standards at Guyaneige: the first Amazonian ski slope, intended to boost tourism in French Guiana. There, he meets Tarzan, an attractive intern at the National Forestry Office, with whom he’ll get lost on a journey through the jungle that will take him far, far away…
A walk through the park between a mum and her grown up daughter. A brief exchange that highlights their complex relationship and everything that unites them but also pulls them apart.
Yo! Pékin
Yo! Pékin
Our Futures
Yann lleva una vida bastante aburrida, pero todo cambiará cuando se encuentre con un viejo amigo de la escuela secundaria: con él volverá a vivir sus mejores años y se dará cuenta de que debe dar un paso hacia adelante. (FILMAFFINITY)
Chez Ramzi
Thomas cannot get over his breakup. He heads to the fast food restaurant run by his friends Mickael and Ramzi. They do everything possible to give him generally useful pieces of advice.
Mon héros
A man escorting Chinese clients meets a guy wearing a chicken outfit.
La chica del 14 de julio
Hector se cruza con Truquette en el Louvre el 14 de julio y, desde entonces, no piensa más que en ligarla. Lo mejor sería llevarla a ver el mar. Pator piensa lo mismo, sobre todo si les acompaña su amiga Charlotte... Cortejados por el inevitable Bertier, allá van por las pequeñas carreteras de Francia, país donde nadie tiene ya ni un céntimo. Estamos en plena crisis. Hay que lograr que los franceses vuelvan a trabajar. Para ello, el gobierno decide adelantar un mes la vuelta de las vacaciones. (FILMAFFINITY)
The Lizards
L'homme en slip
Accompanied by his buddy Bruno, Leon waits in this hammam where he made an appointment with a girl met on Internet. From strange meetings to vaporous revelations, our two heroes wait restlessly for the hypothetical coming of the mysterious stranger.
La Vie parisienne
Rémi Henriksen
Pierre and Marion, a couple of Parisien teachers, have a life regulated. When they meet Marion's childhood love, Remi, their life is lighten to a new day.
La delicadeza
Peter's friend
Nathalie pierde en un accidente al hombre del que está perdidamente enamorada. Después de una etapa de duelo, no puede creerse que el amor llame de nuevo a su puerta de la mano de Markus, un compañero de trabajo que nunca ha tenido éxito con las mujeres, pero que rebosa bondad y ternura. Un hombre que para ella supone la vuelta a la vida.
Esteban's Complete Guitar Course for Beginners, Volume One
Esteban (Stephen Paul) studied under guitar master Andres Segovia and played on Billboard-charting hits; now he teaches you to play guitar in this introductory course.
Gerald is dealing with an unwanted sex change.
L'aventure extraordinaire d'un papa peu ordinaire
Vittorio finds himself in Venezuela, where Laura his wife, enjoys happy days with the wealthy Domingo Villaverde.
Si t'as besoin de rien, fais-moi signe
Un enfant
Once inseparable, Charles the artist and Daniel the schemer reunite after 15 years of separation and confess their mutual misfortune. Determined to start over, the two friends and Sylvie, a friend of Charles, take on the movie business. But they come up against the well-established laws of the business and create havoc wherever they go. But their optimism will save them.
Même au milieu des ruines
Mireille Stockaert is a lonely and broken woman. In love with painting and poetry, she makes do with her work in the cafeteria of the Beaux-Arts in Namur. Her life changes when she chooses to live in the large family house she inherits. Not having the means to maintain it, she decides to take in three tenants. Three men who will upset her routine.
La Meilleure d'entre nous