




14 jours pour aller mieux
Maxime, an ambitious and Cartesian executive, thinks only of his career and his future marriage to Nafège, the daughter of his boss. On the verge of burnout, alone in not realizing it, he finds himself embarked by his future stepfather Romain in the middle of his worst nightmare... A well-being course supervised by Clara and Luc, a couple of "clairvoyants", with trainees more lunar than each other. 14 days to get better, during which his principles and prejudices will be subjected to the zenitude and benevolence regime!
Chicken for Linda!
Paulette realizes she has unfairly punished her daughter Linda. To make up for it, she promises to cook her a chicken with peppers, even though she cannot cook at all. But where to find a chicken on a strike day, when all the shops are closed?
Under the stars
Since he was a kid, Yazid has one big passion, pastry making. Raised between foster homes and group homes, the young man will try to make his dream come true: to work with the greatest pastry chefs and become the best.
Swing Rendez-vous
Théodore, a strange and shy parisian man, discovers a song with supernatural power. An old jazz classic from the 1920s which will be make instantaneously make two people love each other. He has to find this song to seduce Amandine, the love of his life. His investigation leads him to New York City, where he meets a community of young jazzmen.
Notre Histoire
Vincent tells the story of Jean, a character who is a part of him, without being him. In this story Jean meets Stacey. Among the echoes of today's society the professional and private relationship of a filmmaker and an actress at work is growing. Notre Histoire is a modern tragi-comedy, a love letter to a woman, a tribute to a neighborhood victim of terrorism, a self-portrait, a social criticism, the description of a relationship between a filmmaker and an actress, in the center of which desire and urgency to work mix.
Evil Seaweed
A scientist in yellow overalls is taking samples of green algae on a beach in Brittany. Lifting his mask, he suddenly drops down dead. There’s panic in the village – he’s not the first person to disappear, and the municipality suspects that toxic algae are the cause. Nevertheless, it’s out of the question to endanger the tourism industry or accuse intensive farming for this maleficent bloom. The mayor prefers to suspect the Parisian “bobos” who rent the Airbnb on the beach. But all it takes is one high tide for the dead to re-emerge from the seaweed carpet as zombies.
Le chauffeur jungle
Венсан обожает свою непыльную работу. Однако грядет массовое сокращение госслужащих. Начальница Изабель всеми силами пытается найти причину для его увольнения, а он категорически отказывается уходить по собственному желанию. В ее власти командировать его в самые сложные и удаленные места службы: от африканской глуши и амазонских джунглей до Северного полюса. Кто победит в этой схватке не на жизнь, а на повышенную пенсию?
Jean-Michel le caribou et les histoires d'amour interdites
Marcel, the mayor, decides to ban love stories: it only causes problems and makes everyone unhappy! Banning love stories? Jean-Michel is not too much for it and his girlfriend Gisèle even less... Unfortunately, the repression begins. Our heroes decide to join the resistance so that love is once again allowed in the village.
Mes très chers enfants
Parents with empty nest syndrome find a clever way to make their kids stay interested: winning the lottery.
Internet humor star Thomas the Lama gets out of hand in a video. He becomes the target of all haters and his life falls apart. To win back his girlfriend and his audience, he decides to go meet his 10 biggest detractors to see if they can say, face to face, what they write on his page - Each meeting promises to be epic.
Давно не виделись
Девять лет назад они пережили короткий роман. Они встретились на вокзале случайно: он только вернулся, она вот-вот уезжает. У них есть восемьдесят минут до отправления поезда, чтобы подвести промежуточный итог уже прожитой жизни, с ее достижениями, надеждами и утраченными иллюзиями. И, может быть, это их последний шанс что-то изменить.
A Unique Opportunity
Mid-summer. Lazare is on his way to his sister's, the two hitchhikers in the back are going to a music festival. Different generations with different interests – the hitchhikers provide new dynamism in the car. Lazare slowly lowers his defences, but it seems inevitable that their paths will deviate again.
Ужасные джунгли
Le Chimiste
Наивный искатель приключений Элиотт де Беллабр отправляется в джунгли Амазонки на поиски загадочного индейского племени. Элиотт считает, что ищет рай на земле, но благородные дикари, какими он их себе представлял, на деле оказываются отъявленными бандитами. А по пятам за героем следует его мать, знаменитый антрополог Шанталь де Беллабр.
Si tu vois ma mère
Max is single, ophthalmologist, and a real mama's boy. Until she suddenly dies. Max should be devastated, yet he seems to be coping well. Too well. He actually still sees her, talks to her. She is not gone, still here, still close to her beloved baby boy. Max knows she is dead, yet he holds on to this impossible reality. Until he starts sharing his office with Ohiana, a shrink who he slowly falls in love with. Mom is not going to like it.
Куш собачий
Как поправить своё финансовое положение, не прикладывая особых усилий? Для начала – обзавестись мозговитым другом без тормозов. А затем – всего-навсего похитить полицейского пса. Теперь нюх на наживу вам обеспечен! Только не забывайте хорошенько кормить компаньона, ведь, по правде сказать, весь куш – собачий.
Up the Mountain
Hugo, Stan and Bérénice grew up together then grew apart. They were inseparable. Fifteen years later, they meet again as adults. But life has been tough on them. Will they reignite the crazy sparks of their childhood ?
Игра в дурака
Le réceptionniste
Мсье де Понтаньяк — большой любитель красивых женщин, что создаёт ему немало проблем. Однажды, следуя за прекрасной дамой, он попадает в её дом, где встречается с её мужем и его другом, нотариусом Ватленом.
Le vendeur de likes / Le vendeur de notes / L'autre témoin
В мире, где цифровые технологи плотно вплелись в нашу жизнь, не каждый может найти себя. Сатирическая комедия рассказывает о судьбах тех, на кого так или иначе повлияли социальные сети и прочие прелести современного мира.
Chacun pour tous
In order to participate with medal options in the Sydney 2000 Paralympic Games, the national coach of France decides to form a basketball team composed mostly of fake mentally retarded. Once in Australia, the fraudsters must fake their disability by living with the other athletes in the Olympic village or by attending the media in the post-match press conference.
Гастон Лагафф
Bertrand Labévue
Клерк Гастон отличается лёгким нравом и ленью. При этом парень крайне изобретателен, когда речь идёт о создании устройств, которые способны облегчить ему жизнь и избавить от части рутинной работы.
Le Club
Maryse, 75, discovers the existence of the didgeridoo during a group activity at her retirement home hosted by a man named Charlie. Tantalized by this discovery, she decides to drag her 80-year-old friend Fabienne along on a quest for vibrations.
Le Club
Maryse, 75, discovers the existence of the didgeridoo during a group activity at her retirement home hosted by a man named Charlie. Tantalized by this discovery, she decides to drag her 80-year-old friend Fabienne along on a quest for vibrations.
Избавь меня от сомнений
Эрван зарабатывает на жизнь обезвреживанием мин. Однажды он узнаёт, что его отец ему не родной, и эта новость буквально выбивает почву из под ног крепкого бретонца. Несмотря на привязанность к человеку, который его воспитал, Эрван желает узнать своего биологического отца. Им оказывается Иосиф — чудной старик, к которому сын проникается искренней симпатией. Казалось, всё разрешилось благополучно, однако теперь другая «бомба» грозит Эрвану — неуловимая нимфа Анна.
Des Plans Sur La Comète
Two small time crooks brothers fall apart when they both meet very different women
The Exes
If Paris is the city of lovers, it is also that ... ex! Antoine does not dare to commit, Didier regrets his ex-wife, Father Laurent must celebrate the marriage of his ex, Julie, Serge is harassed by Lise, the ex of his girlfriend of the moment, while Greg consoles With the dog ... of his ex! So many characters whose lives will be telescoped in a joyful disorder and who could fall back in love! But of whom? Whether they obsessed us or loved to hate them, deep down, it is difficult to forget their ex!
No Drowning
In a vague and futuristic world, people must pay for every single service in their life. When a stripper and a thief meet, they find a meaning within it.
The Together Project
Samir, a lanky crane operator in Montreuil, falls madly for Agathe. As master swimmer at the pool Thorez he decides to take swimming lessons with her. But the lie does not last three lessons - Agathe hate liars. Chosen to represent the Seine-Saint-Denis, Agathe flies to Iceland for the 10th Congress of the International Masters Swimming. Samir has no choice but to fly in turn also.
Закон джунглей
Марк Шатень - стажер в Министерстве стандартизации. Его посылают в Гвиану для приведения в соответствие с европейскими нормами строительного проекта Гвиа-Снег. Эта первая в Амазонии крытая лыжная трасса должна обеспечить новый подъем туризма в Гвиане. Незадачливому стажеру дают в напарники симпатичную, но строптивую девушку.
A walk through the park between a mum and her grown up daughter. A brief exchange that highlights their complex relationship and everything that unites them but also pulls them apart.
Yo! Pékin
Yo! Pékin
Our Futures
Yann who is trying, albeit unsuccessfully, to cope with his life generally and especially bereavement decides to look up Thomas, his best friend from high school. Thomas is thee same crazy character as he ever was and between them they cook up a plan to rearrange Yann's birthday party from their high school days and get all their old friends to come along. This means locating their friends and a journey to visit and convince some of them to join in their plan. How their friends have changed, their lives and the revelations provide plenty of humour. But why is his friend Thomas just the same as he ever was ?
Chez Ramzi
Thomas cannot get over his breakup. He heads to the fast food restaurant run by his friends Mickael and Ramzi. They do everything possible to give him generally useful pieces of advice.
Mon héros
A man escorting Chinese clients meets a guy wearing a chicken outfit.
The Rendez-Vous of Déjà-Vu
Hector meets Truquette on Bastille Day and becomes obsessed with seducing her. The plan is to get her to the seaside pronto. Pator is not complaining, especially if her friend Charlotte comes along for the ride. So off they go, down the country roads of a broke and broken France. Times are hard ! Suddenly the government cancels a month of summer. Everyone back to work! A wad of cash and two gun shots later, the group splits in two like France itself. But careering away from work in no way daunts the remaining trio, dead set on relocating the Bastille Girl and reveling in an endless summer.
The Lizards
L'homme en slip
Accompanied by his buddy Bruno, Leon waits in this hammam where he made an appointment with a girl met on Internet. From strange meetings to vaporous revelations, our two heroes wait restlessly for the hypothetical coming of the mysterious stranger.
La Vie parisienne
Rémi Henriksen
Pierre and Marion, a couple of Parisien teachers, have a life regulated. When they meet Marion's childhood love, Remi, their life is lighten to a new day.
Peter's friend
В один прекрасный день сказочно обворожительная Натали целует молодого коллегу Маркуса. Без особых на то причин, просто так. И даже не придает этому никакого значения. Но Маркус ошеломлен: случайный поцелуй перевернул его жизнь! Теперь он не может думать ни о ком, кроме Натали. Молодому человеку предстоит завоевать сердце коллеги, которая его почти не замечает…
Esteban's Complete Guitar Course for Beginners, Volume One
Esteban (Stephen Paul) studied under guitar master Andres Segovia and played on Billboard-charting hits; now he teaches you to play guitar in this introductory course.
Gerald is dealing with an unwanted sex change.
L'aventure extraordinaire d'un papa peu ordinaire
Vittorio finds himself in Venezuela, where Laura his wife, enjoys happy days with the wealthy Domingo Villaverde.
Si t'as besoin de rien, fais-moi signe
Un enfant
Once inseparable, Charles the artist and Daniel the schemer reunite after 15 years of separation and confess their mutual misfortune. Determined to start over, the two friends and Sylvie, a friend of Charles, take on the movie business. But they come up against the well-established laws of the business and create havoc wherever they go. But their optimism will save them.
Même au milieu des ruines
Mireille Stockaert is a lonely and broken woman. In love with painting and poetry, she makes do with her work in the cafeteria of the Beaux-Arts in Namur. Her life changes when she chooses to live in the large family house she inherits. Not having the means to maintain it, she decides to take in three tenants. Three men who will upset her routine.
La Meilleure d'entre nous