Brahim Chkiri


Busqueda Peligrosa
Un hijo es radicalizado por un grupo extremista en línea. Una noche decide partir hacia Siria para unirse a la lucha de los rebeldes contra el régimen. Para traerlo de vuelta, su madre emprende el viaje más peligroso de su vida. Disfrazada de periodista, se une a un convoy para entrar en la zona de combate; y acaba rodeado por una patrulla de combatientes kurdos. Al ser emboscada por la milicia y sobrevivir, es testigo de la devastación de la guerra y de un mundo en agonía. Pero su amor incondicional por su hijo y su determinación le permiten el coraje para superar cualquier obstáculo y sobrevivir. Todo lo que quiere es llevar a su hijo a casa con vida.
Busqueda Peligrosa
Un hijo es radicalizado por un grupo extremista en línea. Una noche decide partir hacia Siria para unirse a la lucha de los rebeldes contra el régimen. Para traerlo de vuelta, su madre emprende el viaje más peligroso de su vida. Disfrazada de periodista, se une a un convoy para entrar en la zona de combate; y acaba rodeado por una patrulla de combatientes kurdos. Al ser emboscada por la milicia y sobrevivir, es testigo de la devastación de la guerra y de un mundo en agonía. Pero su amor incondicional por su hijo y su determinación le permiten el coraje para superar cualquier obstáculo y sobrevivir. Todo lo que quiere es llevar a su hijo a casa con vida.
Masood saida and saadan
Masoud is released from prison after around 15 years of detention. An old friend he meets after his release from prison asks him to look for his daughter, Saïda, who left her in the city of Dakhla, with one of her relatives before losing contact with her. "Masoud" finds "Saïda", who works as a singer in a bar, the latter steals a key to a mafia belonging to an imprisoned minister, this key opens a safe filled with precious documents which accuses a member of parliament. a monkey named "Saâdan" swallows this key, to become their travel companion in many adventures where they find themselves chased by the mafia, the police, the men of the member of parliament, as well as trafficking gangs.
Road to Kabul
In Casablanca, Ali, Hmida, Mbarek and Messoud are four unemployed youths who spend their time dreaming of a better life in the Netherlands. One day, Hmida falls on a specialist of illegal immigration, Ouchen. The four friends manage to collect enough money only for the departure of one of them, Hmida. Several months later, it still has not given any sign of life. Ali, Mbarek and Messoud discovering that he is not in Holland but in Afghanistan, they decide to go looking for him on the road to Kabul.
Road to Kabul
In Casablanca, Ali, Hmida, Mbarek and Messoud are four unemployed youths who spend their time dreaming of a better life in the Netherlands. One day, Hmida falls on a specialist of illegal immigration, Ouchen. The four friends manage to collect enough money only for the departure of one of them, Hmida. Several months later, it still has not given any sign of life. Ali, Mbarek and Messoud discovering that he is not in Holland but in Afghanistan, they decide to go looking for him on the road to Kabul.