Evgeny Barulin


The Interceptor
Visual Effects Supervisor
The film tells a story of an agent betrayed by his partner when transporting new psychic weapon. Believed to be dead, he escapes and takes new identity so he can live in peace far away. But later he is forced to return to Moscow to confront a secret organization, led by his former partner, that attempts to use the dangerous weapon in order to take control over the country. Now he is a key figure in the battle between forces of darkness and light.
3 Girls
Visual Effects
The plot of the film is based on three love stories. The events take place in Moscow, Baku and Africa, but most of them are related to the Azerbaijani capital. The film, shot in the comedy genre, takes place during the Great Patriotic War, when the Germans left the occupied territories.
Guardianes de la noche
Visual Effects Supervisor
Al caer la noche, las fuerzas de la oscuridad combaten a los “Otros”, sobrehumanos, Guardianes de la Noche, cuya misión es patrullar y proteger a la humanidad, manteniendo la calma. Pero existe un temor constante de que una antigüa profecía se convierta en realidad: que un poderoso “Otro” aparecerá, será tentado por uno de los lados e inclinará la balanza, haciendo que se desate una guerra entre la luz y la oscuridad, cuyos resultados pueden ser catastróficos.