Giancarlo Rutigliano


Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Beautiful and troubled 20-something Donya, an Afghan translator who used to work with the U.S. government, has trouble sleeping. She lives by herself in Fremont, California, in a building with other Afghan immigrants and often dines alone at a local restaurant watching soap operas. Her routine changes when she’s promoted to writing the fortunes at her job at a fortune cookie factory in the city. As her fortunes are read by strangers throughout the Bay, Donya’s smoldering longing drives her to send a message out to the world, unsure where it will lead.
Sound Mixer
In Rome it hasn’t rained for three years and the lack of water is overturning rules and habits. Through the city dying of thirst and prohibitions moves a chorus of people, young and old, marginalised and successful, victims and profiteers. Their lives are linked in a single design, while each seeks his or her deliverance.
Sound Mixer
Tras 40 años de ausencia, Felice Lasco regresa desde Egipto a su ciudad natal: Nápoles. Allí redescubre los lugares, los códigos de la ciudad y un pasado que le corroe.
Le Pupille
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Una fábula graciosa sobre la mayoría de edad que termina con una moraleja descarada: ¿y si las presuntas "chicas malas" fueran las mejores?
Aquí me río yo (Qui rido io)
Sound Mixer
El querido actor y dramaturgo napolitano Eduardo Scarpetta, padre de Eduardo De Filippo, dedicó toda su vida al teatro, logrando el éxito con obras atemporales como “Miseria e nobiltà”. Sin embargo, todo por lo que trabajó parece perdido en 1904, cuando se ve envuelto en una desagradable batalla legal que podría comprometer su libertad de expresión.
Ad una Mela
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Un retrato de quienes intentan sobrevivir en el Medio Oriente devastado por la guerra.
The Young Observant
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
In a prestigious hotel school, Luca learns the art of service. How much of his own freedom and adolescence must the young man give up to work at serving customers?
I Hate Summer
Sound Mixer
Tres familias terminan en la misma casa alquilada. A lo largo del verano, se hacen amigos y redescubren cómo disfrutar de la vida.
Learning the Ropes
Mix Technician
A border town in the south of Switzerland is the backdrop for the most important summer in 15-year old Samuel’s young life. He is introverted, a loner and communicates through the world of comic drawings. Determined to overcome the doubts and memories that have long plagued him, he hires a former private detective. With him, he embarks on a daring adventure that will lead him to discover a painful family truth.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Filmed entirely inside Civitavecchia prison, with the inmates themselves as protagonists and co-authors, Fortezza is the reinterpretation of one of the most important novels of the 1900s: The Tartar Steppe by Dino Buzzati. Three soldiers arrive at a solitary military garrison which no longer serves any defensive function. Here, time is at a standstill and is marked by strict regulations, power dynamics, engrained idleness and habit. Waiting in vain for an enemy that will not arrive, the military officers are consumed by the need to give their stay meaning, and resist the attraction that this place holds for them.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Una descripción del período previo al asesinato en 1995 del primer ministro israelí Yitzhak Rabin a través de la visión mundial de su asesino, Yigal Amir.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Él es encantador, irónico, nostálgico. Ella está llena de vida, inteligente, apasionada, vive el momento.Cuando se encuentran, se enamoran al instante. Pero a medida que crecen uno al lado del otro, sus personalidades evolucionan: mientras Él es cada vez más alegre, Ella es la que comienza a sentirse melancólica. Y como esta película está construida a base de sus recuerdos subjetivos, influenciados por el estado de ánimo de Él y Ella, vamos a presenciar tantas historias de amor en ella como puntos de vista.
Sound Effects Editor
En 1914, con Italia a punto de entrar en la Primera Guerra Mundial, una comunidad de jóvenes artistas del norte de Europa se establece en la isla rural de Capri, un refugio seguro para disidentes e inconformes de todo el mundo, como los exiliados rusos dirigidos por Maxim Gorky. Preparándose para una próxima revolución. Aquí, la joven Lucía se encuentra con Seybu, la encantadora líder de la comuna, y Carlo, un joven médico.
Menocchio the Heretic
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Italy, late 16th century, the Church, threatened by the Protestants, unleashes the Inquisition. Menocchio, an old, stubborn, self-educated miller oppose the new order. Accused of heresy, he ignores the pleadings and stands trial. The story of a man incapable of betraying his own principles.
Little Tito and the Aliens
Sound Editor
Professor Biondi is a depressed scientist. After his wife's death, he lives isolated from the world in the Nevada desert, near Area 51. He supposedly works on a top-secret project for the US government, but in actuality, he spends his days on the couch, listening to the sound of the Universe. His only contact with the outside world is Stella, who organizes alien-themed weddings for tourists on the prowl for extra-terrestrials. One day the Professor receives a message from Naples: his dying brother is entrusting him with his two children, so that they may live with him in America.
Donde caen las sombras
Sound Editor
Anna y Hans, una enfermera y su ayudante en una clínica para ancianos, son dos almas de niños que habitan cuerpos adultos. Atrapados en el tiempo y el espacio, se mueven entre los cuartos y el jardín de lo que solía ser un orfanato.
Vedete, sono uno di voi
Sound Mixer
The film is the personal story of a protagonist of our times and traces Carlo Martini's actions and thoughts, as he has remained faithful to its vocation and ideals. Through dramatic events (terrorism, Tangentopoli, labor crisis, conflict, loneliness) Carlo Martini interpreted losses and concerns of the people, who saw a free man and a non dogmatic prince of the Gospel Church. Thanks to the authenticity of his testimony he has been a reference point for believers and non-believers, a prophet of hope, a forerunner of Pope Francis.
All Confession Oeuvre
Sound Mixer
A man decides to buy a flat in a controversial district of the city. An abandoned area can be seen from this building, a factory with a glorious past, laying there while waiting for a sumptuous, well-structured restoration project. At the same time, a rom family has been living for a long time in a camper there, trying to fit in this space. Far from there, an old worker, keeps his passion for aircrafts and dreams to have one last flight. Sounds and movements linking environment and man, and representing a shared dignity in facing the seasons that go by.
Fuego en el mar
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
La isla de Lampedusa es el punto más meridional de Italia, que desde 1990 se ha convertido en un lugar masivo de desembarco de inmigrantes ilegales procedentes de tierras africanas. En poco más de 20 años, más de 20.000 personas se han ahogado durante la travesía para alcanzar lo que para muchos supone vía de entrada a Europa, y que les debería permitir escapar de la guerra y el hambre. Samuel vive en la isla, tiene 12 años, va a la escuela, le gusta tirar con la honda e ir de caza. Le gustan los juegos de tierra, pese a que todo a su alrededor habla del mar y de los hombres, mujeres y niños que intentan cruzarlo para llegar allí. (FILMAFFINITY)
Sound Mixer
Sound Editor
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
From the Depths
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Sacro GRA
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Documental dedicado al transitado y enorme anillo de autopistas -Grande Raccordo Anulare, o GRA- que rodea la ciudad de Roma. (FILMAFFINITY)
An apartment on one of Rome's seven hills turns into a film studio for shooting three different stories about cocaine.