
Sacro GRA (2013)

Tales from Rome's Ring Road

Género : Documental

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 33M

Director : Gianfranco Rosi


Documental dedicado al transitado y enorme anillo de autopistas -Grande Raccordo Anulare, o GRA- que rodea la ciudad de Roma. (FILMAFFINITY)


Roberto Giuliani
Roberto Giuliani
Franceso De Santis
Franceso De Santis
Paolo Regis
Paolo Regis
Amelia Regis
Amelia Regis
Principe Filippo Pellegrini
Principe Filippo Pellegrini
Cesare Bergamini
Cesare Bergamini
Gaetano Finocchi
Gaetano Finocchi
Patrizia Torselli
Patrizia Torselli
Daniel Ona
Daniel Ona


Gianfranco Rosi
Gianfranco Rosi
Jacopo Quadri
Jacopo Quadri
Nicolò Bassetti
Nicolò Bassetti
Gianfranco Rosi
Gianfranco Rosi
Roberta Ballarini
Roberta Ballarini
Paolo Del Brocco
Paolo Del Brocco
Lizi Gelber
Lizi Gelber
Associate Producer
Gustavo Angel Olaya
Gustavo Angel Olaya
Carole Solive
Carole Solive
Marco Visalberghi
Marco Visalberghi
Dario Zonta
Dario Zonta
Creative Producer
Gianfranco Rosi
Gianfranco Rosi
Director of Photography
Roberta Ballarini
Roberta Ballarini
Production Manager
Ilaria Quintas
Ilaria Quintas
Production Manager
Roberto Rinalduzzi
Roberto Rinalduzzi
Assistant Director
Alberto Baccari
Alberto Baccari
Graphic Designer
Andrea Castelletti
Andrea Castelletti
Graphic Designer
Giuseppe D'Amato
Giuseppe D'Amato
Sound Designer
Stefano Grosso
Stefano Grosso
Sound Designer
Gianfranco Rosi
Gianfranco Rosi
Giancarlo Rutigliano
Giancarlo Rutigliano
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Riccardo Spagnol
Riccardo Spagnol
Sound Designer
Dario Di Vito
Dario Di Vito
Post Production Producer
Fabrizio Federico
Fabrizio Federico
First Assistant Editor
Fabrizio Federico
Fabrizio Federico
Post Production Coordinator
Michele Vicenti
Michele Vicenti
Assistant Editor
Andrea Maguolo
Andrea Maguolo
Alexa Carenati
Alexa Carenati
Producer's Assistant
Mirjana Kastratovic
Mirjana Kastratovic
Assistant Accountant

Carteles y fondos


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