Stefano Grosso


Sound Designer
Beautiful and troubled 20-something Donya, an Afghan translator who used to work with the U.S. government, has trouble sleeping. She lives by herself in Fremont, California, in a building with other Afghan immigrants and often dines alone at a local restaurant watching soap operas. Her routine changes when she’s promoted to writing the fortunes at her job at a fortune cookie factory in the city. As her fortunes are read by strangers throughout the Bay, Donya’s smoldering longing drives her to send a message out to the world, unsure where it will lead.
The White Caravan
Sound Designer
The neon sign ‘Circus’ illuminates the wide street of Naples’ suburbs: four circus families were abandoned by the institutions, and now they’re awaiting the pandemic will disappear, like a magic show. The circus has stopped, but their lives go on.
Foley Artist
In Rome it hasn’t rained for three years and the lack of water is overturning rules and habits. Through the city dying of thirst and prohibitions moves a chorus of people, young and old, marginalised and successful, victims and profiteers. Their lives are linked in a single design, while each seeks his or her deliverance.
Hacia mi nombre
Sound Editor
La historia de cuatro jóvenes amigos que comparten importantes puntos de inflexión en sus vidas y en sus transiciones de género.
The Book of Vision
Sound Designer
Eva, una doctora misteriosa, busca una respuesta a su dilema urgente mientras desentraña el Libro de la visión del Dr. Anmuth. Henry se involucra en su vida y se ve obligado a enfrentarse a su propia naturaleza, ya que Eva enfrenta la decisión más importante de su vida.
A New Perspective
Sound Designer
Early one morning, in an unspecified and seemingly far off time, a 12 year old boy, together with some friends, is searching a thick forest for objects of value. There is a lot of fog. The boy goes off by himself to another part of the wood and stands admiring an antique object he has found at the foot of a tree. His happy expression turns to one of curiosity as he is distracted by some high pitched cries which come and go intermittently.
Las hermanas Macaluso
Sound Effects
Maria, Pinuccia, Lia, Katia, Antonella. La infancia, adolescencia y vida adulta de cinco hermanas nacidas y criadas en la planta alta de un edificio de viviendas en los suburbios de Palermo, donde viven solas sin la compañía de sus padres. Su hogar guarda las cicatrices del paso del tiempo y de aquellos que han crecido y que aún viven allí. Es, en resumen, la historia de cinco mujeres, de una familia, de quién se va, de quién se queda y de quién resiste.
Sound Editor
Un retrato de quienes intentan sobrevivir en el Medio Oriente devastado por la guerra.
The Young Observant
Sound Editor
In a prestigious hotel school, Luca learns the art of service. How much of his own freedom and adolescence must the young man give up to work at serving customers?
I Hate Summer
Sound Editor
Tres familias terminan en la misma casa alquilada. A lo largo del verano, se hacen amigos y redescubren cómo disfrutar de la vida.
Learning the Ropes
Sound Designer
A border town in the south of Switzerland is the backdrop for the most important summer in 15-year old Samuel’s young life. He is introverted, a loner and communicates through the world of comic drawings. Determined to overcome the doubts and memories that have long plagued him, he hires a former private detective. With him, he embarks on a daring adventure that will lead him to discover a painful family truth.
Sound Designer
Filmed entirely inside Civitavecchia prison, with the inmates themselves as protagonists and co-authors, Fortezza is the reinterpretation of one of the most important novels of the 1900s: The Tartar Steppe by Dino Buzzati. Three soldiers arrive at a solitary military garrison which no longer serves any defensive function. Here, time is at a standstill and is marked by strict regulations, power dynamics, engrained idleness and habit. Waiting in vain for an enemy that will not arrive, the military officers are consumed by the need to give their stay meaning, and resist the attraction that this place holds for them.
Martin Eden
Sound Editor
Martin Eden es un chico de pueblo que se gana la vida trabajando como marinero. Un día, Martin consigue salvar la vida de Arthur Morse, un joven de clase alta que vive en San Francisco. Como agradecimiento, Arthur invita a Martin a su hogar y, poco a poco, le va introduciendo en su propio estilo de vida. El joven ve esto como una oportunidad para convertirse, finalmente, en escritor y trata de aprovechar al máximo el tiempo entre lujos. Martin recibirá un impulso inesperado cuando conozca a Ruth, una joven de la que se enamora al instante.
Tony Driver
Sound Designer
Pasquale Donatone, aka Tony, is the taxi driver who drives us through America land of dreams and Italy land of broken dreams. Tony is a backward deported immigrant. He left italy 40 years ago when he was child and he became American but he did some mistakes, more than one. The biggest was to sign to be deported, instead of go in jail for ten years because of its second work: loading illegal mexicans immigrant and delivery drugs. Now he was deported in a small town in South of Italy, and he has to wait ten years before he can return legally to US but ten years aren’t easy to live. The waiting time is too long and Italy is a country without hopes. For sure he can’t wait anymore. A story of immigration, drug, love and sense of union in a country that change you inside, the United States of America.
Sound Editor
Él es encantador, irónico, nostálgico. Ella está llena de vida, inteligente, apasionada, vive el momento.Cuando se encuentran, se enamoran al instante. Pero a medida que crecen uno al lado del otro, sus personalidades evolucionan: mientras Él es cada vez más alegre, Ella es la que comienza a sentirse melancólica. Y como esta película está construida a base de sus recuerdos subjetivos, influenciados por el estado de ánimo de Él y Ella, vamos a presenciar tantas historias de amor en ella como puntos de vista.
Sound Effects Editor
En 1914, con Italia a punto de entrar en la Primera Guerra Mundial, una comunidad de jóvenes artistas del norte de Europa se establece en la isla rural de Capri, un refugio seguro para disidentes e inconformes de todo el mundo, como los exiliados rusos dirigidos por Maxim Gorky. Preparándose para una próxima revolución. Aquí, la joven Lucía se encuentra con Seybu, la encantadora líder de la comuna, y Carlo, un joven médico.
Noches mágicas
Sound Effects
Italia, 1990. En la noche en que la selección nacional de fútbol de Italia es eliminada de la Copa del Mundo por Argentina en los penales, un conocido productor de cine es encontrado muerto en el río Tíber. Los principales sospechosos del asesinato son tres jóvenes aspirantes a guionistas, detenidos frente a los Carabinieri para contar su versión de lo ocurrido.
Menocchio the Heretic
Sound Editor
Italy, late 16th century, the Church, threatened by the Protestants, unleashes the Inquisition. Menocchio, an old, stubborn, self-educated miller oppose the new order. Accused of heresy, he ignores the pleadings and stands trial. The story of a man incapable of betraying his own principles.
Little Tito and the Aliens
Sound Editor
Professor Biondi is a depressed scientist. After his wife's death, he lives isolated from the world in the Nevada desert, near Area 51. He supposedly works on a top-secret project for the US government, but in actuality, he spends his days on the couch, listening to the sound of the Universe. His only contact with the outside world is Stella, who organizes alien-themed weddings for tourists on the prowl for extra-terrestrials. One day the Professor receives a message from Naples: his dying brother is entrusting him with his two children, so that they may live with him in America.
Donde caen las sombras
Sound Editor
Anna y Hans, una enfermera y su ayudante en una clínica para ancianos, son dos almas de niños que habitan cuerpos adultos. Atrapados en el tiempo y el espacio, se mueven entre los cuartos y el jardín de lo que solía ser un orfanato.
Donde caen las sombras
Anna y Hans, una enfermera y su ayudante en una clínica para ancianos, son dos almas de niños que habitan cuerpos adultos. Atrapados en el tiempo y el espacio, se mueven entre los cuartos y el jardín de lo que solía ser un orfanato.
Donde caen las sombras
Original Music Composer
Anna y Hans, una enfermera y su ayudante en una clínica para ancianos, son dos almas de niños que habitan cuerpos adultos. Atrapados en el tiempo y el espacio, se mueven entre los cuartos y el jardín de lo que solía ser un orfanato.
Sun, Heart, Love
Sound Effects Editor
While her best friend Vale can afford to be a full-time performer, aspiring dancer Eli has an unemployed husband and four children to take care of, and works all day long in a cafe on the opposite side of the city, meaning she has to wake up before dawn and comes home late at night. Her kind and effervescent nature still manages to overcome this hardships.
It Was Yesterday
Sound Editor
Giò, a 13-year-old girl living in the south of Italy, is the head of a boys' gang. She's secretly in love with young Paola, and she's ready to compete with male opponents to win her heart. In the last day of summer, innocence ends.
Fuego en el mar
Sound Designer
La isla de Lampedusa es el punto más meridional de Italia, que desde 1990 se ha convertido en un lugar masivo de desembarco de inmigrantes ilegales procedentes de tierras africanas. En poco más de 20 años, más de 20.000 personas se han ahogado durante la travesía para alcanzar lo que para muchos supone vía de entrada a Europa, y que les debería permitir escapar de la guerra y el hambre. Samuel vive en la isla, tiene 12 años, va a la escuela, le gusta tirar con la honda e ir de caza. Le gustan los juegos de tierra, pese a que todo a su alrededor habla del mar y de los hombres, mujeres y niños que intentan cruzarlo para llegar allí. (FILMAFFINITY)
Sound Mixer
Sound Editor
Sound Designer
From the Depths
Sound Designer
Sacro GRA
Sound Designer
Documental dedicado al transitado y enorme anillo de autopistas -Grande Raccordo Anulare, o GRA- que rodea la ciudad de Roma. (FILMAFFINITY)
Ana Arabia
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Filmed in one sequence-shot of 1 hour and 25 minutes, Ana Arabia is a moment in the life of a small community of outcasts, Jews and Arabs, who live together in a forgotten enclave at the “border” between Jaffa and Bat Yam, in Israel. One day, Yael, a young journalist, visits them. In these dilapidated shacks, in the orchard filled with lemon trees and surrounded by mass public houses, she discovers a range of characters far removed from the usual clichés offered by the region. Yael has the feeling of having discovered a human goldmine. She no longer thinks of her job. Faces and words of Youssef and Miriam, Sarah and Walid, of their neighbors, their friends tell her about life, its dreams and its hopes, its love affairs, desires and disillusions. Their relation to time is different than that of the city around them. In this tinkered and fragile place, there is a possibility of coexistence. A universal metaphor.
Diaz, no limpiéis esta sangre
Sound Effects Editor
Basada en hechos reales, la película narra la noche en que se organizó la Contracumbre del G8 en la ciudad de Génova, en forma de rebatimiento a la Cumbre del G8 por parte del movimiento antiglobalización. Esa noche se produjeron varios incidentes, entre ellos, el trágico asalto a la escuela Diaz, un lugar de acogida para periodistas acreditados y para manifestantes. Varias personas se hallaban delante de esta escuela manifestándose. Tras un aviso por parte de los vecinos de la zona, se denunció un ataque hacia el cuerpo policial, por lo que las fuerzas del Estado italiano decidieron asaltar la escuela. Diaz, no limpiéis esta sangre narra desde la posición de policías, manifestantes y periodistas, los sucesos trágicos de noche del asalto a la escuela, que terminaron con personas heridas y numerosos detenidos.
The Dark Side of the Sun
Sound Editor
This Is the Story of an Italian Rock Star
Sound Editor
Using unedited archive footage Questa storia qua recounts Vasco Rossi's exceptional career as an artist and a man. Twenty-five million albums sold in his thirty year-long career, unfading success and a unique story: Vasco Rossi talks about himself in this documentary and for the first time presents us with an intimate self portrait. A new, authentic picture is created of this rockstar from Emilia Romagna thanks to super 8 footage, family photographs and amateur videos. Vasco accompanies us along the path which took him from Zocca, in the province of Modena, to success. He describes his personal history without ever taking himself too seriously, while his words conjure up recollections of an era and a generation. He is accompanied by friends, his loved ones and musicians who have always followed him and who help us to discover that special mix of memories, nostalgia, rebellion, freedom and talent which have inspired his songs.
Into Paradiso
Sound Effects Editor
Sound Effects Editor
Italia /// Seis chicos entre los veinte y treinta años, atrapados en la vida de provincia, obligados al vacío sentimental y emocional, privados de apoyo, de valores reconocibles, unidos y animados por la rabia y la inconsciencia de quien no tiene nada que perder.