Jack Oakie

Jack Oakie

Nacimiento : 1903-11-12, Sedalia, Missouri, USA

Muerte : 1978-01-23


Jack Oakie (November 12, 1903 – January 23, 1978) was an American actor, starring mostly in films, but also working on stage, radio and television.


Jack Oakie


Bing Crosby: Rediscovered
Self (archive footage)
Bing Crosby was, without a doubt, the most popular and influential multi-media star of the first half of the twentieth century, pulling audiences in with his intimate, laid-back voice and innate charm. Narrated by Stanley Tucci and directed by Robert Trachtenberg, this film explores the life and legend of this iconic performer, revealing a personality far more complex than the image the public had only thought they'd known.
The Great Dictator: The Clown Turns Prophet
(archive footage)
In this visual essay, Charles Chaplin biographer Jeffrey Vance, author of "Chaplin: Genius of the Cinema", draws upon a wealth of photography as well as a wide range of interviews (Paulette Goddard, Sydney Chaplin, Chuck Jones, Leni Riefenstahl, Mel Brooks, Joan Collins et al.) to examine the production history of "The Great Dictator", the film's importance as a satire, and legacy.
Hollywood My Home Town
Ken Murray narrates his 16mm home movies shot over 35 years in Hollywood.
Pijama para dos
J. Paxton Miller
Jerry Webster y Carol Templeton se dedican a la publicidad, aunque trabajan para diferentes agencias. Molesta por los métodos empleados por Jerry (alcohol y mujeres) para conseguir los contratos, Carol intenta echarlo de la profesión. Para evitarlo, Jerry camela a la chica que iba a testificar contra él, convirtiéndola en la estrella de un anuncio para televisión, de una importante marca, que acaba de conseguir.
Perdidos en la gran ciudad
Pete es un saxofonista que llega a Nueva York para ganarse la vida. Allí conoce a una bailarina que necesita un sitio donde dormir. Él propone compartir un piso que dividen con una cortina.
Más allá de Río Grande
Travis Hyle
Después de matar al hombre que había asesinado a su padre, Martin Brady huye de Estados Unidos y se establece en México, donde trabaja como pistolero al servicio del político Cipriano Castro. Su patrón le encomienda la misión de cruzar el Río Grande hasta Puerto (Tejas) para comprar armas, pero se fractura una pierna, al caerse del caballo, lo que le impide regresar con la mercancía. Durante su convalecencia se le presenta la oportunidad de empezar una nueva vida en su país natal. (FILMAFFINITY)
La vuelta al mundo en 80 días
SS Henrietta Captain
Adaptación de la novela homónima de Julio Verne. Un ladrón ha robado 55.000 libras del banco de Inglaterra. Todos creen que ha sido Philleas Fogg, un auténtico caballero inglés, que ha hecho una apuesta con sus compañeros de club, asegurando que es capaz de dar la vuelta al mundo en 80 días.
El piel roja
Sol Beckworth
Para construir un fuerte en territorio sioux, el ejército pide ayuda al explorador Jim Bridger, pero éste alega que es una violación del tratado firmado con los pieles rojas. A Bridger se le plantea entonces un dilema: permanecer con los de su raza o ser fiel a sus sentimientos y luchar junto a los indios de Nube Roja.
Last of the Buccaneers
Sgt. Dominick
Swashbuckler about the adventures of pirate Jean Lafitte after he helped save New Orleans from a British invasion during the War of 1812.
Mercado de ladrones
Nick Garcos, un camionero que se gana la vida transportando fruta en durísimas condiciones, decide no someterse a las presiones de los dirigentes de sindicatos mafiosos que en su día estafaron y mutilaron a su padre.
When My Baby Smiles at Me
Bozo Evans
Bonny Kane and 'Skid' Johnson are vaudeville performers in the 1920s. The two of them suffer marital difficulties when Skid gets an offer to appear on Broadway while Bonny gets left behind on the road. Things get worse with Skid's increasing drinking problem and the fact that the press has reported him to be spending a lot of time with his pretty co-star.
la estampida del noroeste
Mike Kirby
La vida de Dan Bennett siempre había discurrido entre placeres, rodeos y ninguna preocupación, pero todo cambia radicalmente cuando recibe una carta del capataz del rancho de su padre en la que le informa del fallecimiento del Sr. Bennett, y le insta a hacerse cargo de la propiedad que ha heredado. (FILMAFFINITY)
She Wrote the Book
Jerry Marlowe
A plain-Jane math professor (Joan Davis) at a small midwestern college is talked into journeying to New York on behalf of a colleague who has written a steamy bestseller under an assumed name. When she arrives she gets a bump on the head which brings on a form of amnesia and she begins to believe she is the author of the book. Hijinks and adventures follow.
On Stage Everybody
Michael Sullivan
Radio's miracle show is on the screen.
That's the Spirit
Steve 'Slim' Gogarty
A vaudeville performer returns from the dead to help his wife and daughter, who are being dominated by a greedy banker.
Bowery to Broadway
Michael O'Rourke
Dos actores de vodevil encuentran el éxito produciendo espectáculos en Broadway, pero cuando uno de ellos se pone a trabajar para una hermosa mujer, se enemistan ferozmente.
Sweet and Low-Down
After their annual free concert at Chicago's Dearborn Settlement, Benny Goodman and his band are packing up to go to their next engagement when a kid steals Goodman's clarinet. Goodman and Popsie pursue him to a tenement flat where he has led them to hear his brother play the trombone. Shenanigans ensue following Goodman's offering the brother a job with the band.
The Merry Monahans
Pete Monahan
Historia de una compañía de vodevil compuesta por la famila Monahan durante las dos primeras décadas del siglo XX.
Take It or Leave It
A young husband becomes a game-show participant in the hopes of winning the cash to pay his pregnant wife's doctor.
Sucedió mañana
Uncle Oscar Smith
Larry Stevens trabaja como reportero del Evening News de Nueva York y está a punto de celebrar sus bodas de oro con su esposa Sylvia y toda su familia. Durante la fiesta, cuenta un extraño hecho que le sucedió a fines del siglo XIX, cuando el viejo Benson, el encargado de la hemeroteca del periódico, al que apenas conocía, le entregó un ejemplar del Evening News que vaticinaba con un día de antelación las noticias que iban a producirse
Skip Hutton
Nora and her uncle get railroaded into spending the night at a broken-down hotel in Canada. After Nora falls for the handsome owner, she convinces her uncle to invest in the inn and modernize it. After the hotel opens, Nora's uncle faces financial ruin and her romance hit a snag in the form of pretty reporter.
Hello, Frisco, Hello
Dan Daley
In turn-of-the-century San Francisco, an ambitious vaudevillian takes his quartet from a honky tonk to the big time, while spurning the love of his troupe's star singer for a selfish heiress.
Something to Shout About
Larry Martin
A press agent, a composer and a landlord of a theatrical boardinghouse revive vaudeville on Broadway.
Slip Riggs
Marine James Murfin, is unaware of Icelandic customs. When he flirts with Katina her Icelandic family take his actions as a proposal of marriage to Katina. Desperately wanting out, James gets his buddy to help him.
Song of the Islands
Rusty Smith
With his sidekick Rusty, Jeff Harper sails to paradisiacal tropical isle Ahmi-Oni to bargain on behalf of his cattle baron father for land owned by transplanted Irishman Dennis O'Brien. But Jeff falls in love with O'Brien's daughter, Eileen, and even his father can't break them up after he arrives and himself falls under the spell of island splendor.
Breakdowns of 1942
This is a collection of bloopers and film manipulation by The Warner Studio Club for an annual dinner for the staff at Warner Brothers.
Rise and Shine
Boley Bolenciecwcz
The college president, the head cheerleader and a gambling gangster try to keep a flunking football star in the game
Polo with the Stars
Self - Watching Polo Match
A short in the WB Hollywood Novelty series (production number 7301) about the training of polo ponies. Buddy Rogers buys one of the ponies in training, and later uses him in a match where Jack Holt and Joe E. Brown are among the players. Edward G. Robinson and Jack Oakie are among the spectators who see Joe. E. Brown knock in the winning score.
Navy Blues
'Cake' O'Hara
On a layover in Hawaii two conniving Navy seamen borrow money to lay down bets that their ship will win the upcoming gunnery practice trophy, having found out that the current gunnery champ has just transferred aboard their ship. What they haven't learned, however, is that the marksman's enlistment is up before the contest is supposed to take place.
The Great American Broadcast
Chuck Hadley
After WWI two men go into radio. Failure leads the wife of one to borrow money from another; she goes on, after separation, to stardom. A coast-to-coast radio program is set up to bring everyone back together.
Tin Pan Alley
Harry Calhoun
Songwriters Calhoun and Harrigan get Katie and Lily Blane to introduce a new one. Lily goes to England, and Katy joins her after the boys give a new song to Nora Bayes. All are reunited when the boys, now in the army, show up in England.
Little Men
William "Willie" Deming
Jo March and her husband Professor Bhaer operate the Plumfield School for poor boys. When Dan, a tough street kid, comes to the school, he wins Jo's heart despite his hard edge, and she defends him when he is falsely accused. Dan's foster father, Major Burdle, is a swindler in cahoots with another crook called Willie the Fox. When the Plumfield School becomes in danger of foreclosure, the two con men cook up a scheme to save the home.
El gran dictador
Benzino Napaloni, Dictator of Bacteria
Un humilde barbero judío tiene un parecido asombroso con el dictador de la nación Tomania, que promete sacar adelante y que culpa a los judíos de la situación del país. El dictador ataca al país fronterizo, pero es confundido con el barbero por sus propios guardias, siendo ingresado en un campo de concentración. Simultáneamente, el pobre barbero es confundido con el dictador...
Young People
Joe Ballantine
Los padres de Wendy Ballantine deciden retirarse del negocio del espectáculo para que pueda tener una vida normal. No son bienvenidos en la pequeña ciudad hasta que una tormenta le permite a la familia mostrar sus cosas.
Thanks for Everything
Una pareja de enamorados escuchan un programa de radio, en el cual premiarán al hombre típico estadounidense, donde todos los participantes contestan cien preguntas sobre sus preferencias. Henry Smith (Jack Haley) logra el puntaje más alto, coincidiendo en el 100% de las preferencias del yanqui promedio. Ante este hecho inusual, al dueño de la empresa patrocinante del concurso se le ocurre la idea de utilizar el talento de Smith, al tener el gusto de lo que prefiere el consumidor promedio, por lo que decide contratarlo, pero buscando la forma de que no cobre el premio. Smith sufre una gran decepción, ya que pensaba que con ingreso del premio podría casarse con su novia Madge Raines (Arleen Whelan). Para la empresa el plan sale a la perfección, ya que un asistente sigue por todas partes a Smith anotando sus gustos y logrando el éxito para la compañía. Todo se complica ...
Anabel y el vizconde
Lanny Morgan
Anabel está a punto de hacer una gira para promocionar su última película, pero le cuesta conseguir la publicidad que desea. Para ello contrata a Morgan, un agente excesivamente entusiasta, al que sólo se le ocurren planes rocambolescos para hacer que Ananbel ocupe las portadas de los periódicos. (FILMAFFINITY)
The Affairs of Annabel
Lanny Morgan
Wonder Pictures has been striking out at the box office lately, causing the seedy PR man to involve main star Annabel in ever outrageous stunts for publicity.
Radio City Revels
A down-on-his-luck songwriter attempts to peddle musical compositions of a naive Arkansas hillbilly under his own name. Comedy.
La diosa de la selva
Corny Davis
Una cantante de cabaret intenta dar un salto cualitativo y convertirse en una diva de la ópera.
Fight for Your Lady
Honest "Ham" Hamilton
Wrestling trainer puts himself in charge of a singer's love life when the singer is jilted by a rich girl.
El ídolo de Nueva York
Al estallar la Guerra de Secesión americana (1861-1865), Jim Fisk (Edward Arnold) es un popular vendedor ambulante. Su sagacidad y la de sus dos ganchos es legendaria. Cuando empieza la contienda, se dedican al contrabando del algodón: lo compran en el Sur y lo venden en el Norte. Una vez terminada la guerra, se han hecho ricos y, no conformes con dominar la vida económica de Boston, se preparan para emprender la conquista de Nueva York. Para ello, Jim y su socio Nick (Cary Grant) deciden invertir en Bolsa.
Bill Martin
A movie actor playing a detective gets carried away with his role and starts trying to solve real-life crimes.
Champagne Waltz
Happy Gallagher
n Vienna, a new jazz club featuring American trumpeter Buzzy Bellew threatens the existence of its neighbor, the Waltz Palace, run by Franz Strauss and featuring his granddaughter, singer Elsa. Smitten by Elsa, Buzzy hides his identity and association with the club -- whose owner intends to buy out the Palace property. When Elsa accidentally learns who Buzzy really is, it appears he may have to return to America alone.
That Girl From Paris
Whammo Lonsdale
Nikki Martin (Lily Pons), a beautiful French opera star, stows away on an ocean liner in hopes of escaping her jealous fiancee. Once aboard, she joins an American swing band and falls in love with its leader, who, after hearing her sing, eventually comes to reciprocate her feelings.
Milicias de paz
Henry B. 'Wahoo' Jones
Película sobre la consolidación de la colonización a través del establecimiento de un cuerpo para mantener la ley, los Rangers. Jim Hawkins y Wahoo Jones son dos asaltadores de diligencias que se dirigen a Texas para buscar a Sam McGee, su compañero. Una vez allí, sin fondos en los bolsillos, se unen a los Rangers de Texas.
Florida Special
Bangs Carter
A Florida-bound train is filled with romance and intrigue in this comedy. Among the passengers is a millionaire bon vivant carrying $1 million in diamonds.
Joe Cork
Musical about dingaling millionaire businessman Cedric Ames and his various employees
Jerry Craig
A Broadway playboy inherits an almost bankrupt girls' school and tries to save it by a big show.
King of Burlesque
Joe Cooney
Warner Baxter plays the ambitious producer of a burlesque show who rises to the big time on Broadway. Alice Faye is the loyal burleycue singer who helps make Baxter a success. His head turned by sudden fame, Baxter falls under the spell of a society woman (Mona Barrie) who has theatrical aspirations of her own. She marries Baxter, then convinces him to produce a string of "artistic" plays rather than his extravagant musical revues. The plays are flops, and the woman haughtily divorces Baxter. Faithful Alice Faye, who'd gone to London when her ex-beau was married, returns to the penniless Baxter. She and her burlesque buddies team up to pull Baxter out of his rut and put him on top again.
Cazadores de estrellas
Spud Miller
El propietario de una emisora de radio es secuestrado por una admiradora, una condesa insaciable.
La llamada de la selva
'Shorty' Hoolihan
Jack Thornton, un buscador de oro, compra un magnífico San Bernardo al que llama Buck. Los problemas surgen cuando Buck muerde a Smith, otro buscador de oro, que quiere matarlo para vengarse. Jack y Smith llegan a un acuerdo que consiste en hacer una carrera de trineos, cuyo vencedor se quedará con Buck.
Star Night at the Cocoanut Grove
Varios miembros de la Metro asisten a un evento musical.
College Rhythm
Francis J. Finnegan
The story deals with the college rivalry of a piccolo player and an All-American halfback on the football team who both love the same co-ed. After graduation they carry their their feud and collegiate ideas over into the department store business.
Hollywood Rhythm
This short plugs the new tunes written by Mack Gordon and Harry Revel for the movie "College Rhythm" and shows the audience how they were written and rehearsed. Naturally it also advertises the movie.
Shoot the Works
Nicky Nelson
Jack Oakie stars as seedy sideshow barker Nicky, who uses everyone he meets to get ahead. Nicky isn't even above exploiting his singing sweetheart Lily (Dorothy Dell) to suit his purposes, but this time it is he who ends up the loser -- at least until he gets wise to himself.
El crimen del Vanities
Jack Ellery
Un detective (Victor McLaglen) investiga una serie de asesinatos en el marco de un espectáculo musical que acaba de estrenarse.
Una avería en la línea
Joe y Casey, dos amigos que se dedican a arreglar averías para una compañía telefónica, tratarán de demostrar que el jefe de la novia de Joe es, en realidad, un gánster.
Alicia en el país de las Maravillas
Historia de magia y fantasía en la que Alicia se adentra en el sorprendente País de las Maravillas y conoce a extraordinarios personajes como Tweedledee y Tweedledum, el Sombrerero Loco, La Reina de Corazones y el frenético Conejo Blanco. Adaptación de las novelas de Lewis Carroll.
Hollywood on Parade No. B-5
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
Comedian Lloyd Hamilton escorts a group of beauty contest winners to various Hollywood night spots.
Sitting Pretty
Chick Parker
Jack Oakie and Jack Haley are songwriters are enroute from New York to Hollywood to make their fame and fortune; Ginger Rogers, a lunchwagon proprieter, joins them.
Cocktail musical
Benny Day
Un cantante duda entre dos mujeres, una "buena" y otra "mala".
College Humor
Barney Shirrel
Un profesor y la estrella del equipo de fútbol americano se enamoran de la misma chica.
El águila y el halcón
Mike 'Slug' Richards
Primera Guerra Mundial (1914-1918). Tres americanos (March, Grant y Oakie) se ofrecen para ir como voluntarios a combatir junto a los ingleses en la Royal Air Force.
Sailor Be Good
Kelsey Jones
A Navy boxer (Jack Oakie) meets a dance-hall hostess (Vivienne Osborne) who tries to sober him up for a fight.
From Hell to Heaven
Charlie Bayne
The various residents and occupants of a resort hotel await the outcome of a horse race at a nearby track, as it will affect each of their lives in different ways.
Uptown New York
Eddie Doyle
Jack Oakie plays Eddie Doyle, a gumball machine salesman who marries Pat Smith (Shirley Grey) knowing full well that the girl is on the rebound from a failed romance with aspiring Jewish doctor Max Silver (Leon Ames). But when Pat is nearly killed in an effort to protect her husband's gumball machines from hoodlums and is in need of a lifesaving operation, Eddie calls on Dr. Max
Si yo tuviera un millón
Private Mulligan
Un millonario que está a punto de morir decide repartir su fortuna entre desconocidos cuyos nombres saca de la guía telefónica. Los afortunados emplean el dinero de diferentes formas: el oficinista plantará cara a su jefe, la prostituta intentará cambiar su vida, etc. Un filme compuesto por episodios en el que la Paramount empleó a sus mejores directores, James Cruze, H. Bruce Humberstone, Ernst Lubitsch, Norman Z. McLeod, Lothar Mendes, Stephen Roberts, William A. Seiter y Norman Taurog y a sus estrellas más relevantes como Charles Laugthon, Gary Cooper, George Raft, Jack Oakie o W. C. Fields. El mejor episodio es precisamente el dirigido por Lubitsch sobre la reacción de un oficinista al saberse repentinamente millonario, que interpreta Charles Laughton.
Madison Square Garden
Eddie Burke
Eddie Burke ( Jack Oakie) is a wise-guy pugilist whose talent is unevenly matched by his ego. Despite his character flaws, Eddie knows the meaning of loyalty. When his manager Doc Williams (William Collier Sr.) is offered the opportunity to stage a match at Madison Square Garden, but only if he gets rid of his stable of fighters, Eddie fabricates an alibi and stages a walkout on Doc.
Una vez en la vida
George Lewis
La historia de un estudio de Hollywood durante la transición del silente al sonoro.
Hollywood on Parade No. A-1
In the first entry of this series, the show open with a troupe of dancing chorus girls getting a salute from crossed-eyed Ben Turpin. Then the master of ceremonies, Fredric March, brings on the various acts, starting with a pre-teen Mitzi Green), dressed as an adult and singing "Was That the Human Thing to Do?" , followed by Ginger Rogers and Jack Oakie singing-and-dancing to "The Girl Who Used to be You." Then the Three Brox Sisters do a triple imitation of Marlene Dietrich singing 'Falling in Love Again." 'Jack Duffy' does a drunken hillbilly bit involving a lamp post, the the finale has Eddie Peabody, playing a banjo for some chorus girls on a pedestal.
Million Dollar Legs
Migg Tweeny
A small country on the verge of bankruptcy is persuaded to enter the 1932 Los Angeles Olympics as a means of raising money.
Make Me a Star
Himself (uncredited)
A grocery clerk, longing to become a cowboy actor, goes to Hollywood in search of fame and fortune. Unfortunately, his acting ability is non-existent.
Sky Bride
Alec Dugan
Barnstorming pilots Speed Condon, Bill Adams, and Eddie Smith travel the country with their manager, Alec Dugan, performing at fairs and air shows and hawking rides for the locals. But when Speed's rambunctious flying results in tragedy, he gives up flying in despair and guilt. Alec tracks him down and hopes to get him back on his feet and back in the air.
Bailando a Ciegas
Duke Taylor
Un líder de una banda trata de enamorarse de una bailarina enviando a su novio, un músico, fuera de la ciudad. Sin embargo, las cosas se complican cuando descubre que un gángster también tiene intenciones con ella.
Babe Barton
Football coach Dan Curtis is eager for his small college team to win at all costs.
Dude Ranch
Jennifer / Vance Kilroy
Chester Carr, owner of a dude ranch in the Rockies, caters to guests seeking the thrill of the Wild West. Among his guests are the wealthy Spruce Meadows and his daughter Susan. But the West isn't wild anymore and most of Carr's guests are bored and about to leave. He is in despair when a caravan carrying a broke-down-and-out troupe of actors---Jennifer, Judd, Mrs. Merridew and her daughter, Alice---crashes down the hill and wrecks the hotel sign.
The Stolen Jools
Jack Oakie
Cortometraje promocional lleno de estrellas de la época destinado a recaudar fondos para el sanatorio de tuberculosis National Variety Artists, producido en asociación con una compañía de cigarrillos. La trama sigue la investigación del robo de la joyería de Norma Shearer. Laurel & Hardy aparecen brevemente (como lo hace el resto del elenco) como dos detectives.
Luna de junio
Frederick Martin Stevens
El aspirante a escritor de letras de canciones Fred Stevens se marcha del pueblo a Nueva York, con la esperanza de triunfar en el negocio del espectáculo.
The Gang Buster
Charlie Case
Un agente de seguros se enamora de una joven cuyo padre tiene una disputa con un gangster. Cuando la muchacha es secuestrada por la banda, el hombre decide salvarla y se mete de lleno entre una guerra de bandas sin darse cuenta.
Paramount on parade
Dutch-language version of Paramount on Parade (1930) produced and released by Paramount Pictures.
Sea Legs
Searchlight Doyle
Searchlight Doyle, lightweight boxing champion of the United States Navy, is shanghaied into the fleet of Sainte Cassette, an island republic, as a replacement for a wealthy slacker who must serve his country to receive a $2 million inheritance, a scheme concocted by attorney Gabriel Grabowski. All his shipmates, except Hyacinth Nitouche, assume that he is indeed the wastrel he purports to be. Doyle falls in love with Adrienne, the most beautiful of the captain's daughters, and wins her affections by treating his comrades in her teashop. Admiral O'Brien, grandfather of the man Doyle is impersonating, comes to visit, and mistaking him for a civilian, Doyle throws him overboard and to everybody's surprise is complimented on his vigilance. But his real identity is exposed by some American sailors, and he is suspected of killing young O'Brien; he is cleared of suspicion, however, and is reinstated by the admiral, thereby gaining Adrienne's love.
Let's Go Native
Voltaire McGinnis
The company of a musical comedy gets shipwrecked on a tropical island inhabited by a "king" from Brooklyn and his coterie of wild native girls.
Galas de la Paramount
(from original version)
Spanish-language version of PARAMOUNT ON PARADE (q.v.), with new sequences of interest to Spanish-speaking audiences mixed with original- version sequences.
Tonto de remate
Littleton Looney
Una rica heredera viaja a Europa en un transatlántico, perseguida por un obrero al que toman por un importante ingeniero de minas. Durante la travesía, se encargará de dos maleantes que intentan deshacerse de ella.
The Social Lion
Marco Perkins
Marco Perkins is a garage mechanic and a would-be-prizefighter who gets a place on the ritzy country club's polo team because he is the town's most proficient mallet-wielder, having learned to play polo while serving in the U.S. army. His hobnobbing with the town-elite and social upper-crust at the polo-matches gives him an inflated idea of his social position, and he decides he is is moving on up. He breaks off with his girl-friend, true-blue Cynthia Brown, and hits on débutante Gloria Staunton, who appears to have an interest in being hit upon. Gloria's interest lies mostly in showing Marco that hired-hands who can play polo still aren't to the manor born.
Paramount on Parade
Himself / Master of Ceremonies / Fu Manchu's Victim (Murder Will Out) / Girls Gym Instructor (In a Girls' Gym)
Una serie de números musicales interpretados por estrellas bajo contrato de la Paramount, haciendo cosas que nunca habían hecho en sus películas habituales.
Hit the Deck
A sailor finds himself the object of a cafe owner's affections.
Tap-Tap Thompson
Chorus girl Barbara Pell (Nancy Carroll) inherits a school for boys, and uses her position to sabotage the football career of the boy who jilted her.
Fast Company
Egomaniacal baseball slugger Elmer Kane is not only good, he enjoys telling everybody how good he is. A professional scout, Bert Wade, takes an interest in Elmer, who in turn takes an interest in Evelyn Corey, an attractive actress.
Street Girl
Joe Spring
A homeless and destitute violinist joins a combo to bring it success, but has problems with her love life.
The Man I Love
Lew Layton
Wellman’s first all-talkie, scripted by Herman Mankiewicz, with arrogant boxer Richard Arlen romancing Mary Brian, then falling for temptress Olga Baclanova (Freaks) on the eve of the big fight.
Close Harmony
Ben Barney
Marjorie, a song-and-dance girl in the stage show of a palatial movie theater, becomes interested in Al West, a warehouse clerk who has put together an unusual jazz band, and uses her influence to get him a place on one of the programs. Max Mindel, the house manager, has a yen for Marjorie and, discovering that she is in love with Al, gives the band notice and hires harmony singers Barney & Bey as a replacement. Marjorie makes up to both men and soon breaks up the team. Al learns of her scheme, however, and makes her confess to the singers. Barney and Bey make up, and Max gives Al and his band one more chance. Al is a sensation, and Max offers him a contract for $1,000 a week.
The Wild Party
Wild girls at a college pay more attention to parties than their classes. But when one party girl, Stella Ames, goes too far at a local bar and gets in trouble, her professor has to rescue her. Gossip linking the two escalates until Stella proves she is decent by shielding an innocent girl and winning the professor's respect.
Chinatown Nights
The Reporter
Joan Fry, a society woman, falls in love with Chuck Riley, the white-leader of a powerful gang in Chinatown, and he quickly drags her down into the depths with him. But seeing her so much in love with him causes him to realize he isl in love with her, and he determines to lift her up again. "Boston" Charley, the rival gang-leader, has other plans.
The Dummy
Dopey Hart
The title character is office-boy Barney. Pretending to be a deaf-mute, Barney tries to trump his detective boss Walter Babbing by tracking down the person who kidnapped Peggy Meredith, the daughter of wealthy Agnes and Trumbull Meredith.
The Fleet's In
Searchlight Doyle
A girl who works in a dance hall falls in love with a sailor, but he has the wrong idea of what it is she does and doesn't want anything to do with her.
Road House
Larry Grayson, jazz age son of permissive parents, drifts from wild parties with his classmates to more heady, roadhouse entertainment. There he becomes involved with an underworld gang and falls in love with Spanish Marla, one of their vamps. Larry leaves home after an argument with his father, throws in with the gang (who are using him for their own purposes), and is blamed for a murder. Tried and convicted, Larry is given a light sentence when the judge places most of the blame on his overindulgent parents.
Finders Keepers
B. B. Brown
Silent military comedy whose only print exists in the Library of Congress.
Big Brother
When gangster Jimmy Donovan is made guardian of Midge, the 7-year-old brother of his friend Big Ben Murray, he decides to reform and rear Midge properly. The court takes custody of Midge, but Donovan proves himself by recovering a payroll stolen by some of his ex-colleagues, thereby winning Midge and Kitty, his girl.
His Children's Children
Minor Role (uncredited)
Follows three generations of the Mayne family through the year 1921-22. The 81-year-old patriarch reminisces about his rough beginnings in post-Civil War railroading, son Rufus rides rough waters as a wealthy financier, and his wife and three daughters muddle through their New York high society life.