Special Effects
¡El divertidísimo superventas cobra vida con esta comedia familiar de éxito! Greg Heffley hará grandes cosas, pero primero tendrá que sobrevivir a la experiencia más humillante y que más miedo da en la vida de un niño: ¡la secundaria! No será fácil considerando que está rodeado de idiotas peludos con pecas, abusones que tiran de los calzoncillos y una loncha de queso con piojos nucleares.
A finales de los años cincuenta, una joven cantante que compone sus propias canciones, Edna Buxton, llega a Nueva York dispuesta a triunfar en una industria que parece sólo patrimonio de solistas o grupos musicales masculinos. La película nos narra sus inicios en 1958, a través de la serie de rechazos que sufre por parte de la industria discográfica, de su salida como compositora de canciones de éxito para otros artistas y de un fracasado matrimonio, que no le impiden continuar la búsqueda por conseguir al fin su ansiado sueño. (FILMAFFINITY)
All the seemingly innocent symbolism of Halloween – blackcats, snakes, broomsticks, bonfires, “trick or treat,” jack-o’-lanterns, apple dunking and costumes – has its roots in Sorcery, Witchcraft and Satanism. Parents’ responsibilities are challenged to decide whether to allow their children to participate in celebrations which glorify Pagan Occultism. This highly informative video traces the pagan origins and history of Halloween. The Pagan Occult calendar of Druids, Witches, Pagans and Satanists marks Halloween as one of their highest “holy days.” This video uncovers the mystic Druidic rites and ceremonies with which “Samhain” (Halloween) was originally observed 4,000 years ago. The occult rituals seen in this video are real and not re-enactments. The DVD features Chuck Smith, Caryl Matrisciana and Hal Lindsey, as well as a number of Witches, Satanists and Law Enforcement Officials.
Beaumont Police Dept.
An epidemic of ritual abuse of children from infants to teenagers is sweeping through the country. According to recent TV and radio broadcasts 2 million children a year are reported missing, many too young to be runaways and 5 thousand unidentifiable bodies of children are found each year in the US alone. "Devil Worship: The Rise of Satanism" takes you behind the scenes into actual black witchcraft and satanic rituals. Former Satanists, practicing witches and law enforcement experts explain the vastness and diversity of the movement. Experts tell why people join and how Satanists recruit their members as well as their victims. Parents are given clues to determine if their children are involved. Most importantly, dangerous doorways into the occult are exposed.