Un asteroide gigante se encamina hacia la tierra, por lo que varios astronuatas desembarcan de una estación espacial cercana para volarlo. La misión resulta un éxito, pero de regreso a la estación llevarán consigo, sin saberlo, un alienígena verde y viscoso que se muta en múltiples monstruos con tentáculos de un sólo ojo.
A group of military personnel transporting a hydrogen bomb are left to figure out how and why swarms of killer bugs took down their plane; the answer is more deliriously nihilistic, and convoluted, than you could imagine. Also known as War of the Insects, GENOCIDE enacts a cracked doomsday scenario like no other.
Mrs. Neal
The survivors of a plane crash in a remote area are attacked by blob-like alien creatures that turn their victims into blood-thirsty vampires.
A su regreso del planeta Marte, una astronave es portadora de un virus que al contacto con nuestro planeta engendra al monstruo Gilala, un ser gigante que pesa 15.000 toneladas y pretende destrozar todas las ciudades que se le pongan en su camino.
Stewardess #1
College student Yuuichi Tanuma is fired up for Nationals where his university Kyonan will face off against their rivals, Seihoku. Yuuichi has his sights set on winning football gold, but his father, who wants him to take over his sukiyaki restaurant, isn't too keen on this. Set in Kyoto, Hong Kong, and Macau, we follow Yuuichi as he falls in love and chases after his dreams.