Kathy Horan

Kathy Horan


Kathy Horan


ガンマー第3号 宇宙大作戦
東映が製作した日米合作のSF特撮映画。日本側からは深作欣二・田口勝彦らのスタッフのみで、キャスティングはすべて外国人で製作された。地球への衝突コースをたどる質量600万トンの二等遊星が発見され、フローラと名づけられた。フローラを爆破するためにUNSC(国連宇宙センター)の宇宙ステーション・ガンマー3号から爆破隊が発進した。 フローラの爆破には成功したものの、基地に戻る宇宙船には謎の宇宙生命体が侵入していた。電気エネルギーを吸収して成長し、緑色の体液から増殖する怪物の群れに、密室と化したガンマー3号の乗組員たちはパニックに陥る。そんな中、フローラ爆破任務の指揮を執ったランキン中佐は、かつてコンビを組んでいたガンマー3号指揮官・エリオット少佐と共に、怪物の増殖を抑えるため決死の作戦を遂行する。
A group of military personnel transporting a hydrogen bomb are left to figure out how and why swarms of killer bugs took down their plane; the answer is more deliriously nihilistic, and convoluted, than you could imagine. Also known as War of the Insects, GENOCIDE enacts a cracked doomsday scenario like no other.
Mrs. Neal
The survivors of a plane crash in a remote area are attacked by blob-like alien creatures that turn their victims into blood-thirsty vampires.
The spaceship AAB-Gamma is dispatched from FAFC headquarters in Japan to make a landing on the planet Mars and investigate reports of UFOs in the area. As they near the red planet, they encounter a mysterious UFO that coats the ship's hull with unusual spores. Taking one of the specimens back to earth, it soon develops and grows into a giant chicken-lizard-alien monster that tramples Japan.
Stewardess #1
College student Yuuichi Tanuma is fired up for Nationals where his university Kyonan will face off against their rivals, Seihoku. Yuuichi has his sights set on winning football gold, but his father, who wants him to take over his sukiyaki restaurant, isn't too keen on this. Set in Kyoto, Hong Kong, and Macau, we follow Yuuichi as he falls in love and chases after his dreams.