Ann Rye

Nacimiento : 1935-02-15, Staple, Kent, England, UK

Muerte : 2019-08-27


Éxito por los pelos
Margaret, Farmer's Wife
El concurso anual de peluquería llega un año más a la pequeña población de Keighley. Phil, el propietario del salón más famoso del pueblo, no participa en el concurso desde que lo dejó su mujer hace diez años. Sin embargo, en esta ocasión ella se empeña en que participen juntos en la competición. Por su parte, el vigente campeón del concurso, dispuesto a todo con tal de ganar; sólo teme a un rival y ése es Phil.
Wide-Eyed and Legless
Diana and Deric have an ideal marriage: they thrive in each other's company, they're funny, and they enjoy their two grown children and Deric's dotty mother; the trouble is, Diana can no longer walk and her malady defies medical diagnosis. To care for Diana, Deric is letting his business slide, but at a civic luncheon, he is seated next to Aileen Armitage, a novelist who is blind. They have a nice time, and on the sly, Diana contacts Aileen to made an odd request. Diana's declining health and her resolve bring this triangle of unlikely friends to a surprising place.
In This House of Brede
Sister Jane
Philippa Talbot is a talented London businesswoman who has decided to give up her position and power to become a nun. The man who loves her is in shock over her departure from his life. When Philippa arrives at Brede, a cloistered Benedictine monastery, the abbess who was responsible for convincing her to enter this vocation suddenly dies. Her successor is Catherine, a sensitive leader who's the first to tell the newcomer to the community that all nuns are to love without a preference for one over another. This becomes very difficult when Joanna, a young nun, singles Sister Philippa out and grows very attached to her.
Amenaza en la sombra
Mandy Babbage
Para intentar superar la reciente y trágica pérdida de su hija, el arquitecto John Baxter y su mujer Laura se trasladan a Venecia con el encargo de restaurar una vieja iglesia. Durante su estancia conocerán a un par de ancianas que dicen haber entrado en comunicación con su difunta hija y que les advierten de un peligro inminente.