Philippe Welsh


Little Man Tom
Production Sound Mixer
Tom, 11 years old, lives in a trailer home on the edge of the woods with Joss, his young mother. The two of them support each other and show unwavering optimism. While Joss is away working small jobs, Tom keeps himself occu- pied. One day, a young man fresh out of prison breaks into their home and their lives, and disrupts the equilibrium.
Un escándalo de estado
Sound Mixer
Octubre de 2015. Los agentes de aduanas franceses se incautan de siete toneladas de cannabis en el corazón de la capital. El mismo día, Hubert Antonie, un antiguo topo con un pasado nebuloso, contacta con Stéphane Vilner, periodista de Libération. Asegura que puede demostrar la existencia de un narcotráfico de Estado liderado por Jacques Billard, figura mediática y policía francés de alto rango. Aunque al principio se muestra suspicaz, el joven periodista finalmente se sumerge en la investigación, que le lleva a los rincones más oscuros de la República.
El acontecimiento
Production Sound Mixer
Francia, 1963. Anne, una joven y brillante estudiante con un futuro prometedor, descubre que está embarazada. De la noche a la mañana ve truncada la oportunidad de terminar sus estudios y huir de las asfixiantes restricciones de su entorno. Con los exámenes finales acercándose y un vientre que no para de crecer, Anne decide actuar, incluso si supone confrontar la vergüenza, el dolor y hasta ir a la cárcel por ello.
A Dramatic Film
Sound Mixer
Artist and filmmaker Eric Baudelaire spent four years interacting with the pupils of a film class, at a secondary school in the Parisian suburb of Saint-Denis. Keeping himself on the sidelines, he gives way to the children to express their thoughts and dreams. Their remarks are intuitive, inquisitive, yet passionate and surprisingly mature, concerning rocky and complicated issues, ranging from racism, immigration, and identity, all the way to the possibilities of film as a medium. As time flows almost unnoticed, it is evident that these children have not only become the co-directors of this film but also the heroes of their own lives.
Un hombre decente
Cuando es atacado violentamente en la calle, Eddie denuncia erróneamente Ahmed, al que considera el culpable ideal y que había conocido unos días antes del ataque. Mientras que la máquina judicial se pone en marcha, Eddie intenta reafirmarse de cara a su esposa e hijo gracias a su nuevo trabajo. Pero pronto, consciente de la gravedad de sus acciones, hará todo lo posible para restablecer la verdad, incluso con el riesgo de perderlo todo.
Bardot, The Misunderstanding
Documentary About French Actress Brigitte Bardot
Heimat – La otra tierra
Production Sound Mixer
Precuela de la trilogía Heimat que Edgar Reitz realizo para televisión en 1984, 1993 y 2004 en donde sigue la historia de Alemania en el siglo XX a través de un ficticio pueblo alemán. Esta película está ambientada en mediados del siglo 19 y sigue a la familia Hunsrück que busca escapar de la pobreza y el hambre empezando una nueva vida en Brasil. Dividida en dos partes: Home From Home (107 minutos) y Chronicle of a Vision (128 minutos) (FILMAFFINTY)
The Anabasis of May and Fusako Shigenobu, Masao Adachi, and 27 Years Without Images
Sound Recordist
A film on exile, revolution, landscapes and memory, Anabasis brings forth the remarkable parallel stories of Adachi and May, one a filmmaker who gave up images, the other a young woman whose identity-less existence forbade keeping images of her own life. Fittingly returning the image to their lives, director Eric Baudelaire places Adachi and May’s revelatory voiceover reminiscences against warm, fragile Super-8mm footage of their split milieus, Tokyo and Beirut. Grounding their wide-ranging reflections in a solid yet complex reality, Anabasis provides a richly rewarding look at a fascinating, now nearly forgotten era (in politics and cinema), reminding us of film’s own ability to portray—and influence—its landscape.
Women Are Heroes
In his film "Women Are Heroes", photographer JR takes his audience into some exceptional women’s lives. Because there are, most of the time, the first victims in war-time and left to their own during peace-time, JR pays tribute to those women who, in spite of the hurdles, keep smiling, keep fighting and keep hoping a better life. From Rio’s shantytowns to Kenyan slums, passing by Indian and Cambodian streets, he offers a fresh look at their struggles and expectations. Displaying their portraits via huge montages on their neighborhood’s walls, JR sublimates those extraordinary destinies and sheds the lights on those strong and moving personalities, too rarely recognized enough.