Samuel Churin

Samuel Churin

Nacimiento : 1965-01-01,


Samuel Churin est un acteur français né en 1965. Il est également connu pour son action au sein de la Coordination des Intermittents et des Précaires d'Île-de-France. Après avoir été informaticien, il abandonne les ordinateurs pour le théâtre en 1991. En 1993, il commence à travailler sous la direction de Pierre Guillois, puis il croise Olivier Py avec qui il joue de nombreux spectacles.


Samuel Churin


L'histoire d'Annette Zelman
Inspecteur Jalby
Paris in 1942. Annette is 20 years old, Jean is barely older, they love each other and the future is bright for them. But the deportation of the Jews of France will change their destiny. Upset at the idea of their only son marrying a Jewish woman, Jean Jausion's parents decide to keep young Annette Zelman away from them... and denounce her to the Gestapo. The machine was launched, but it was too late. Annette was deported to Auschwitz on June 22, 1942.
The Takeover
Cédric trabaja en una empresa especializada en mecánica de precisión. Su gestión, a cargo de un fondo de inversión, es nefasta. Como otro fondo está a punto de volver a comprarla, Cédric decide hacerse cargo de la empresa y dársela a los empleados.
Junto con su prometido, Constanza quiere hacerse cargo del negocio de su padre, granjero, y salvarlo de la bancarrota. Para ello necesitan crecer, invertir e imponerse a los grandes agricultores que tienen tierra y poder. Constanza recibe el apoyo de uno de ellos, influyente y carismático, dejando su futuro en sus manos. Cuando este impone su deseo en medio de las negociaciones, Constanza tiene que hacer frente a una nueva violencia.
Amin has come from Senegal to work in France, leaving behind his wife Aïcha, and their three children. He leads a solitary life in France, where the only space he occupies is his home and the building sites on which he works. Most of his earnings are sent to Senegal. One day, he meets a woman, Gabrielle, and a relationship is born.
Normandía al desnudo
Los ganaderos de Mêle-sur-Sarthe, un pequeño pueblo de Normandía, se han visto afectados por la crisis agrícola. Su alcalde, Georges Balbuzard (François Cluzet), busca la manera de que su pueblo se haga oír para salvarle. Por casualidad, Blake Newman, un famoso fotógrafo especializado en desnudos en masa, pasa por la zona y Balbuzard ve la oportunidad de llamar la atención. Por delante le queda la difícil tarea de convencer a todo el pueblo para que se desnude… por una buena causa.
120 pulsaciones por minuto
Gilberti (directeur de Melton Pharm)
París, principios de los años 90. Un grupo de jóvenes activistas intenta generar conciencia sobre el SIDA. Un nuevo miembro del grupo, Nathan, se quedará sorprendido ante la radicalidad y energía de Sean, que gasta su último aliento en la lucha.
The Receptionist
Lucy, una joven obligada a ejercer de mula de una nueva y potente droga, adquiere de repente enormes poderes sobrenaturales cuando la bolsa de la droga se rompe y los narcóticos entran en contacto con su cuerpo. Entonces, su cerebro comienza a aumentar la capacidad de uso hasta poder ser utilizado al 100%, convirtiéndose en una máquina letal con habilidades extraordinarias.
La carotte et le bâton
Faced with the increasing commodification of human activity, citizens are getting involved. Artists, teachers, researchers and intellectuals are opposing the social rethinking imagined by the MEDEF and applied by the liberal power. Through a year of debates and actions, they are trying to raise collective and citizen awareness, by recalling the very foundations of our society that once gave birth to Human Rights. The ambition of this film is to give an understanding of this turning point in society, based on the voices raised in the struggle and to question the alternatives made possible by the social movement.
Closed Eyes
Vincent and Olivier have an intense, rocky relationship: Vincent evades tenderness, just as he does desire, forcing the couple to hunt for a third partner to participate in their sexual games. Olivier has a background in the theater. He believes in, but is preoccupied by their relationship; he wants to free Vincent from the ghosts haunting him. But Vincent is locked into the past. His father, a pilot, was killed in a plane accident. Vincent’s job is a strange, uncommon one that plunges him deep into contemplation from which no one can make him budge: he deciphers plane disaster recordings. Vincent’s unconscious repression is so powerful that he hasn’t even recognized the link between his father’s death and his work. It will take the stormy encounter with Olivier for Vincent to obtain his ‘black box.’ Indeed, the two young men come to life through their connection with each other, a connection which shatters the framework of typical love stories.