Leif Westerlund


Crimes of Passion: Muerte de un ser querido
Dialogue Editor
Puck ha sido invitada por su tutor de la universidad para celebrar el solsticio de verano en su casa, aislada en una isla junto a un grupo de amigos, entre ellos Einar. Con quien tiene una relación secreta, y es la razón por la que dice que sí a la invitación. Las noches de verano son seductoramente hermosas y las tensiones eróticas entre los invitados están a la orden del día. Después de haber estado fuera en una juerga romántica con Einar, Puck encuentra a una de las invitadas asesinada. Llamando rápidamente a su amigo Christer Wijk, pero al llegar este, el cadáver ha desaparecido. Tras desaparecer el barco con el que han llegado a la isla, ahora se encuentran atrapados en la isla y alguien entre ellos es un asesino. (FILMAFFINITY)
När jag blir stor
A film about children growing up in the new Sweden. But it's also a film about the children's parents and their life choices, sorrows and dreams.
Astons Stone
Sound Mixer
The little puppy Aston finds a lonely a cold stone in the forrest a decides to bring it home a care for it. Based on the childrens bokk with the same name.
Astons Stone
Sound Designer
The little puppy Aston finds a lonely a cold stone in the forrest a decides to bring it home a care for it. Based on the childrens bokk with the same name.
Willy and Wild Rabbit
A wild story about a time rabbit! Rabbit Willy lives on a farm. ‘My cage’ and ‘my carrot’ are central in Willy’s world. Through the bars of his cage he can exchange a few words with the cat, the dog and the hens. But secretly he dreams of the Wild Woods. When he by chance ends up in the Wild Woods his world is changed dramatically. He meets the wild rabbit Wilda that does not care about ‘mine’ and ‘yours’. What sort of rabbit is she really? Why is she always helping all the animals of the woods? After a dramatic encounter with an eagle Wilda needs to rest, and Willy has to help Wilda and all the other animals that come to Wildas burrow for help. It is hard work!
Bästa knattefilmerna 4
A compilation of animated short films for children, produced by Kanal Films and Stiftelsen Svenska Filminstitutet during the 1980's.
Örjan – Den höjdrädde örnen
Regal is an eagle who is afraid to fly. A little bird offers to help him, but Regal does not believe he can. Will the eagle finally learn to fly?
Hur gick det sen?
Sound Director
Moomintroll is heading home to Moominmamma with milk. On the way there, he meets Mymble looking for his little Sister . Together they set out to find her. Based on Tove Jansson's first Moomin book.
Stockholm Marathon
A gardener decides to exact revenge on the men he believes to be responsible for the death of his mentally disturbed wife.
Mixing Engineer
Sound Recordist
The Police Murderer
A woman is found murdered in a closed amusement park. A young couple who happen to be there at the same time become, without their knowledge, suspects for the murder. They are chased by a large number of police but only Martin Beck believes them to be innocent.
Murder at the Savoy
A famous industrialist is murdered at a restaurant in Malmoe. Police inspector Martin Beck in Stockholm gets the case. The suspects lead to people involved in illegal arms deals. But who was the biggest criminal, the murderer or the industrialist?
A young American girl is found dead in Gota Kanal, Swedens largest channel. Since there are hardly any clues or evidence at all it seems as if the murder cant be solved. Martin Beck and his men are assigned to the case. Soon they find a likely suspect and together with a police woman they begin a cat and mouse game to catch him. Plot by Mattias Pettersson.
The Fire Engine That Disappeared
A routine mission ends up in a flaming inferno when a house suddenly explodes. It looks like a spectacular suicide attempt but the technical investigation reveals unexpected evidence. Beck and his men are soon on the tracks of a narcotic syndicate...
Sagan om pannkakan
Sound Mixer
A story by Anna höglund after a folk tale.
Charlie Strap and Froggy Ball Flying High
Sound Designer
Something strange has been spotted over the tree tops in the forest where Charlie Strap and Froggy Ball live, and Plåt-Niklas quickly builds a monocular to examine it. It turns out to be an emergency signal and the two friends together with Plåt-Niklas and The Parrot set out on an expedition to resque whoever is sending the signal.
A teenage rat's siblings peek through his keyhole when he entertains his girlfriend.
Broken Sky
Erika is 13 years and lives with her parents and her grandmother in the far north of Sweden in the 1940's. The family is depressed and disappointed in life. Erika dreams of a separate being in another world.
El vuelo del águila
El ingeniero sueco del siglo XIX S. A. Andrée se propone convertirse en el primer hombre del polo norte. Su idea es lanzar una expedición polar utilizando un globo de hidrógeno, junto con dos amigos. El globo, "El Águila", despega de Svalbard en 1897, pero no se vuelve a saber nada de los tres hombres.
The Big Kids Party
A mom leaves her son at a birthday party and suddenly thinks about her party when she was seven years old.
The Big Kids Party
A mom leaves her son at a birthday party and suddenly thinks about her party when she was seven years old.
Un hombre en el tejado
Un policía se encuentra ingresado en un hospital de Estocolmo cuando es brutalmente asesinado. Martin Beck y Einar Rönn iniciarán la investigación del caso. El hombre asesinado era una persona infame, conocido entre sus colegas por abusar de sus privilegios de policía.
An engineer and an actor, two extremely similar men, change their identity with each other.