Pierre-Henri Toubas

Nacimiento : 1984-07-25,


Pierre-Henri Toubas is an actor and a stunt performer.


The Soul Eater
Stunt Coordinator
When the disappearance of children and bloody murders multiply in a small mountain village, an old legend shrouded in sulphur reappears… Commander Guardiano and Captain of the Gendarmerie De Rolan are forced to join forces to uncover the truth.
Apaches: Gang of Paris
1900. From Montmartre to Belleville, Paris is in the hands of ultra-violent gangs that reign terror on the capital: the Apaches. Ready to do anything to avenge the death of her brother, a young woman joins a gang. But the closer she gets to the man she wants to eliminate, the more fascinated she becomes by him.
In His Shadow
Stunt Coordinator
After the death of their father, two half-brothers find themselves on opposite sides of an escalating conflict with tragic consequences.
La bala perdida 2
Stunt Coordinator
Tras la muerte de Charras, Lino y Julia toman el relevo y forman la nueva unidad de estupefacientes. Decidido a encontrar a los asesinos de su hermano y de su mentor, Lino continúa su cacería y no deja que nadie se interponga en su camino.
Médico de Noche
Le copain de Badri
Mikael es médico de guardia. Es una vocación. Entre dos visitas de pacientes en barrios marginales, se preocupa por aquellos a quienes nadie más quiere ver: los drogadictos, los sin techo… Se codea con la indigencia. Su vida es un desastre. Especialmente cuando se trata de su primo farmacéutico que le obliga a escribir recetas falsas para Subutex. De la noche a la mañana, decide salir del narcotráfico y reconstruir su vida. Pero habrá que pagar un alto precio.
La bala perdida
Un mecánico brillante con un pasado criminal es acusado de asesinato. Ahora, deberá dar con el coche que contiene la única prueba de su inocencia: una bala.
Victor Young Perez
Victor Perez was a Jewish boxer who became world flyweight champion in 1931 and 1932, but was transported to Auschwitz concentration camp when Paris fell to the Nazi s in 1943. While there he was forced into slave labour and made to participate in violent boxing matches for the amusement of the Nazi guards. Surviving Auschwitz tells Victors astonishing, harrowing, brutal and incredibly moving true story.