Kazuko Yamamoto


Stake Out
Akie, hotel's maid
Basándose en una novela del ex periodista de sucesos Seicho Matsumoto, el film describe la operación de vigilancia de un sospechoso por parte de dos policías.
Crepúsculo en Tokio
Dos hermanas viven con su padre: la más joven ha tenido una aventura y se ha quedado embarazada, la mayor ha abandonado a su marido y se ha refugiado con su hijo en la casa paterna. Cuando, de repente, reaparece su madre, a la que creían muerta, su estupor no tendrá límites. (FILMAFFINITY)
A young woman marries someone else, but cannot forget her first lover.
Twice on a Certain Night
Poor social conditions badly affect the relationship between a married couple, when the husband, who is desperately searching for work, fails to notice the terrible sacrifices made by his wife when she accepts a job at a local inn.
The Tachibanas' maid
A botanist woos the secretary of an industrialist whose company threatens the local water supply.
Primavera precoz
Un hombre casado de mediana edad, aburrido de la rutina cotidiana tanto en el trabajo como en su matrimonio, tiene una aventura amorosa con la hija de un colega suyo. Cuando su mujer descubre su infidelidad, tanto su vida como la de su familia quedarán completamente trastornadas.
Bodyguard from Hell
Kitagawa, a drug control officer in the Kanto Shinetsu area, was ordered to investigate the situation of drug trafficking around Yokohama.
Women's House
After Shuichiro moved to Tokyo, the Tanno family became completely female, including Mrs. Tanno, Shuichiro's daughter-in-law Manzuko, painter Takashiro Egi, Shizu Kazemaki, Mitsue Nanbu, an intellectual who works in a university laboratory, and an old woman.
Tower of Lilies
A group of Okinawan high school girls are drafted as nurses during the American invasion of the island. As the enemy army advances further, the situation for the girls becomes increasingly desperate as food and shelter run out and the number of injured climbs, leading to the film's tragic finale.
The Blue Mountains: Part I
Asako Matsuyama
Teacher Yukiko finds herself in opposition to conservative faculty and villagers after defending a student for being in a relationship with a young man from Tokyo.
Thirty-three footprints
Fourth film of the Bannai Tarao series starring Chiezo Kataoka