Steffen Münster
Nacimiento : 1964-01-01, Berlin, Germany
Dirk Kruse
A family drama about a German teenager who leaves home totally unexpectedly to join the ranks of the so-called Islamic State (IS) in its armed struggle. When the boy's father and older brother set off on an adventurous journey to the Syrian border, they manage to find him and bring him back to Germany. However, back home, questions start being asked: did he return of his own free will, has he disassociated himself from the IS ideology, or is he in fact a 'sleeper' agent awaiting orders?
Life is not a pony farm - even if it started there. The experience of three unequal sisters in the young comedy : They learn shortly before the silver wedding of their parents that there is a dark chapter in their picture book marriage. On their trip to the family celebration, this provides additional explosives in the already exciting girl's triangle. Gro Swantje Kohlhof, winner of the Günter-Strack-Fernsehpreis, and Claudia Eisinger and Karin Hanczewski play the leading roles in the tragicomic road movie.
Uwe Albert
Lynn Zapatek es una camarera que está obsesionada con la limpieza del hotel Eden. Por aburrimiento, mantiene una relación sexual con el Gerente de ese lugar, pero lo que realmente le interesa es conocer cada uno de los secretos de los clientes, por lo que husmea entre sus ropas y objetos, y se esconde debajo de las camas.
Uwe Albert
Pfarrer Hans Liebenwein
Gero Kocken
Ludwig Nussbaum
Chef Burger-Imbiss
El film se centra en Michael, que llega a Berlín a visitar a su ex-novia Gabi cuando un terrible virus se empieza a propagar por la ciudad de manera vertiginosa, convirtiendo a las personas en maniacos homicidas sin control.
Hans Krüger
A young couple in love: Rebecca (32) and her boyfriend Julian (34) are expecting their first child and are full of pleasant expectation. As Rebecca gives birth to a healthy boy their luck seems to be perfect. But instead of the unconditional motherly love she was expecting she is thrown into an emotional turmoil. Helplessness and desperation reign and her own baby is a stranger to her. With every day that passes her inability to meet the demands of motherhood become more and more apparent. Unable to admit this to anyone, not even Julian, she falls into a deep darkness - to the point that she realises she is becoming a threat to her child. Now only unconditional love can bring her back on track…
Karsten Schümann
Gregor Fröhlich
Tom Kostner is a macho man. He cheats on his two girlfriends, drives a flashy Cobra and works as an editor for a car magazine. He lives in a chic penthouse with his roommate, the bartender Ecki . But it is more appearances than reality: he is soon fired from the magazine. His girlfriend Manu catches him with his other girlfriend and leaves him too. He applies to some other magazines, but has no success there. When his Cobra is towed because he is behind on the installments, he grasps at his last straw: he applies to a women's magazine. However, since they prefer to hire women and homosexual men, he plays the gay man. At first he makes a few mistakes, but ultimately manages to convince the other employees.
Alex Vater
A man struggles with memories of his violent childhood.
Viktor Vogel sueña con triunfar en una agencia de publicidad. Un día, sin previo aviso, se presenta en la reunión de una campaña de Opel. Viktor causa buena impresión pero está claro que no funciona para ese empleo ya que es demasiado honesto y directo. Sin embargo, precisamente eso es lo que atrae a la directora de marketing, quien le ayudará a conseguir un trabajo en la empresa, ni más ni menos que dirigir una millonaria campaña.
Taxi Passenger
Anna Siebert, Sekretärin der Unternehmensberatung "Christian Hoffmann Consulting", ist in ihren Chef verknallt. Aber Christian möchte sich weder an Anna noch an eine andere Dame binden. Alle wissen das, nur Anna will es nicht wahrhaben. Während einer Betriebsfeier kommen sich die beiden im angetrunkenen Zustand doch näher und verbringen eine Nacht zusammen. Annas Glück währt nicht lange, denn ihr Angebeteter kann sich an nichts erinnern ...
Berlin. A lonely construction worker falls in love with an East European prostitute. She asks him to marry her - but they have different ideas about the reason for this marriage.
Horst Burscheid
After his training as a policeman, the young, shy Köppe is transferred to a northern German town. Unfortunately, in an area where fox and rabbit say goodnight, there is little for a lawman to do. So Köppe kills time with the search for mysterious cow murderers, flirting with two attractive women and befriending a likeable petty crook.