Steffen Münster

Nascimento : 1964-01-01, Berlin, Germany


Wolfsland - Heimsuchung
Don't Worry, I'm Fine
Dirk Kruse
A family drama about a German teenager who leaves home totally unexpectedly to join the ranks of the so-called Islamic State (IS) in its armed struggle. When the boy's father and older brother set off on an adventurous journey to the Syrian border, they manage to find him and bring him back to Germany. However, back home, questions start being asked: did he return of his own free will, has he disassociated himself from the IS ideology, or is he in fact a 'sleeper' agent awaiting orders?
Familie ist kein Wunschkonzert
Life is not a pony farm - even if it started there. The experience of three unequal sisters in the young comedy : They learn shortly before the silver wedding of their parents that there is a dark chapter in their picture book marriage. On their trip to the family celebration, this provides additional explosives in the already exciting girl's triangle. Gro Swantje Kohlhof, winner of the Günter-Strack-Fernsehpreis, and Claudia Eisinger and Karin Hanczewski play the leading roles in the tragicomic road movie.
Dresden Mord - Nachtgestalten
Uwe Albert
A Camareira
Lynn Zapatek, a chambermaid in a large hotel, has a deathly fear of human interaction yet she craves intimacy. A chance encounter prompts her to emerge from her cocoon.
Dengler - Die letzte Flucht
Die Wallensteins - Dresdner Dämonen
Uwe Albert
Alter Egon
Herzdamen an der Elbe
Pfarrer Hans Liebenwein
Fischer fischt Frau
Gero Kocken
Beutolomäus und die Wunderflöte
Ludwig Nussbaum
Bella Vita
Chef Burger-Imbiss
Cerco dos Mortos
Thriller de terror realizado na Alemanha que explora o mundo dos zumbis. No filme, quando Michael chega a Berlim para visitar a sua ex-namorada Gabi, um terrível vírus começa a espalhar-se por toda a cidade a um ritmo acelerado, transformando as pessoas em maníacos homicidas.Para preocupação de Michael, Gabi não está em casa, em vez disso, ele conhece Harper, um aprendiz de canalizador adolescente que trabalha no prédio.Juntos, eles conseguem se entrincheirar quando hordas furiosas de pessoas infectadas invadem o edifício.Rodeado por esses zumbis sedentos, Michael e Harper estão muito ocupados em sobreviver — e vão ter de usa toda a sua criatividade para trilhar o caminho para tentar encontrar Gabi.
Engel sucht Liebe
Hans Krüger
Für meine Kinder tu' ich alles
O Estranho em Mim
Rebecca e Julian esperam seu primeiro filho cheios de alegria. Quando Rebecca dá a luz a um menino saudável, tudo parece perfeito. Mas, ao invés do amor incondicional que esperava, só desamparo e desespero. Seu próprio bebê é um estranho para ela. Rebecca não sente crescer a maternidade. Mas, além de si mesma, ninguém parece perceber. Ela não pode confiar em ninguém, nem mesmo Julian. O que fazer com um problema tão grave, sobre sentimentos que não se pode ter? A vida de Rebecca deteriora-se até ela temer ser uma ameaça ao seu próprio filho.
Mein Mörder kommt zurück
Karsten Schümann
Finanzbeamte küsst man nicht
Gregor Fröhlich
Macho Undercover
Tom Kostner is a macho man. He cheats on his two girlfriends, drives a flashy Cobra and works as an editor for a car magazine. He lives in a chic penthouse with his roommate, the bartender Ecki . But it is more appearances than reality: he is soon fired from the magazine. His girlfriend Manu catches him with his other girlfriend and leaves him too. He applies to some other magazines, but has no success there. When his Cobra is towed because he is behind on the installments, he grasps at his last straw: he applies to a women's magazine. However, since they prefer to hire women and homosexual men, he plays the gay man. At first he makes a few mistakes, but ultimately manages to convince the other employees.
Ein toter Bruder
Experiment Bootcamp
Alex Vater
Pigs Will Fly
A man struggles with memories of his violent childhood.
Advertising Rules!
Edward Kaminsky, an aging ad man, wants a golden parachute from his agency; he must first land the Opel auto contract. Rosa, a youth with wealthy parents, wants to establish herself as an artist. The clumsy and enthusiastic Viktor, not quite honest, wants work. When he wanders into Kaminsky's meeting with Opel and says something about irony, the Opel director wants him in on the campaign. Then he steals an idea from Rosa that the Opel director loves. Before Rosa discovers he's expropriated her idea, Rosa and Viktor become lovers. Father-son feelings materialize between Kaminsky and Viktor. Can the impulsive Viktor hold it together before Rosa learns the truth and flies away?
Planet Alex
Taxi Passenger
Otto - The Disaster Movie
Girl Friday
Anna Siebert, Sekretärin der Unternehmensberatung "Christian Hoffmann Consulting", ist in ihren Chef verknallt. Aber Christian möchte sich weder an Anna noch an eine andere Dame binden. Alle wissen das, nur Anna will es nicht wahrhaben. Während einer Betriebsfeier kommen sich die beiden im angetrunkenen Zustand doch näher und verbringen eine Nacht zusammen. Annas Glück währt nicht lange, denn ihr Angebeteter kann sich an nichts erinnern ...
Die Singlefalle - Liebesspiele bis in den Tod
Plus-minus null
Berlin. A lonely construction worker falls in love with an East European prostitute. She asks him to marry her - but they have different ideas about the reason for this marriage.
Move On Up
Post Mortem - Der Nuttenmörder
Horst Burscheid
Tut mir leid wegen gestern
Wilder Westerwald
After his training as a policeman, the young, shy Köppe is transferred to a northern German town. Unfortunately, in an area where fox and rabbit say goodnight, there is little for a lawman to do. So Köppe kills time with the search for mysterious cow murderers, flirting with two attractive women and befriending a likeable petty crook.