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25 years of coma lie behind the hard-hitting policeman Mick Brisgau, as he awakens in a world unknown to him.
The middle-aged family man Hans-Christian (HC) left by his wife goes to Ireland for a short break with his old friends Wolfgang and Nic. He should win at Guinness bonfires and fishing trips distance to the chaos at home. HC has to learn to say no and need other women, his friends believe, to get rid of his loser habitus. In the already tense situation, old competition fights, outbursts of anger and self-pity quickly come up. And Nic and Wolfgang seem to have needed the time-out almost as much as HC.
Historia de una ninfómana contada por ella misma. Una fría noche invernal, un viejo solterón encuentra en un callejón a una joven herida y casi inconsciente. Después de recogerla y cuidarla, siente curiosidad por saber cómo pudo haber llegado a semejante situación; escucha atentamente el relato que ella hace de su vida, una vida llena de conflictos y turbias relaciones.