Yorgos Michelis


Director of Photography
A lone writer from Sudan imagines his journey across the landscape of once glorious Greece. He encounters seventeen dogs, an abandoned textile factory, and unexpected hospitality of an old woman. His return home is marked by the incredible; he is no longer a mad wanderer, but a prophet to be.
I Love Greece
Jean and Marina go to Athens for their summer vacation. There they are reunited with Marina's family, while preparing to spend a romantic getaway, Marina's family decides to accompany them. But nothing will go according to the plan.
Tailor (El sastre)
Director of Photography
Un sastre soñador, al borde de la ruina, intenta reinventar su vida y alegrar la vida a las novias de Atenas. Nikos vive en el ático de la sastrería familiar. Cuando el banco amenaza con embargar la sastrería y su padre cae enfermo, Nikos entra en acción: con una maravillosa aunque extraña sastrería sobre ruedas, consigue reinventarse a sí mismo aportando estilo y confianza a las mujeres de Atenas con preciosos vestidos.
Milad - My planet...
​Jelani secretly married a woman from a different tribe. They fled their country in order to avoid being killed. On foot – and every other way they could – they arrived at a river, months later. Some people die crossing it; others swim across it and enter Europe. But, once they set foot in the first European country, Greece, they found themselves and their children homeless and socially excluded, without being able to move on or go back. Their only solution is to enter Germany illegally, the smugglers say. But they have no money to pay for the whole family to travel. Jelani is faced with the dilemma: If one of the children leaves unaccompanied and arrives safe and sound in Germany, he or she can help the family obtain visas to enter that country. His children will learn in a violent way either how one finds their own planet or how one creates it from scratch; and whether Germany is really the solution or just a new nightmare.
La eternidad y un día
Second Assistant Camera
Cuando a Alexander, un escritor griego, le quedan pocos días de vida, necesita resolver un dilema: morir como alguien ajeno a los demás o aprender a amarlos y a comprometerse con ellos. Elegida la segunda vía, lee las cartas de Anna, su esposa fallecida, y cierra su casa en la playa. Un día lluvioso, encuentra a alguien que le ofrece la oportunidad de cumplir su compromiso: un niño albanés al que ayuda a pasar la frontera mientras le cuenta la historia de un poeta griego que vivió en Italia y que, al regresar a Grecia, compraba las palabras olvidadas para escribir poemas en su lengua natal. Entonces el niño juega a buscar palabras para vendérselas.