Ander Iriarte


The Border
Joxean is not aware of the border in her country. He moves every week to sell pigs. For Kamaru, the border means every obstacle and danger. They both have to fight the same enemy.
Karpeta urdinak
Like many others, Ander suspects that what his father really suffered in that police station was torture. Seeking to clarify his suspicions, he will discover the Project of investigation into torture and abuse in the Basque Country between 1960-2014 drafted by the Basque Country as part of the Peace and Coexistence Plan. Appalled by the results published in the investigation, he meets the doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists and lawyers who participated in the project, who will introduce him to concepts such as "psychological torture", the "Istanbul Protocol" and "statistical approximation" and will show him the reality of torture in the global north.
De Echevarría a Etxeberria
Una investigación en profundidad sobre cómo la violencia, cualquier tipo de violencia, ha afectado y está afectando a los habitantes de Oiartzun, en Guipúzcoa, País Vasco, España, donde el nacionalismo vasco, la izquierda abertzale y el atroz terrorismo de la banda criminal ETA han maldecido y destruido vidas durante décadas…
Sumud. Resistere per esistere
Bihar dok 13
At the Basque Culinary Center, 5 young talented students of cutting-edge gastronomy from all over the world will go back to the past to create the menu Bihar dok 13. They will travel to 1966 to discover the decade that would change everything in Basque culture. With five special events, we will discover the movements Gaur, Ez dok amairu and the spiritual father of the BCC, the Basque Nouvelle Cuisine. The “Bihar dok amairu” menu prepared by the young chefs will be served during a special meal and enjoyed by the most relevant personalities in Basque culture today, uniting new artists and musicians. The old generation will symbolically open the door to the new.