Animation Director
Delete Beach is a futuristic tale set in the near future, in which a schoolgirl joins an anti-capitalist resistance group in a society in which carbon-based energy is illegal. Made in collaboration with Studio 4°C, one of Japan’s leading animation studios.
Supervising Animation Director
Budori vive felizmente en el bosque con sus padres y su hermana pequeña, pero la llegada de un invierno interminable terminará arrebatándole a su familia. Solo, el joven se verá obligado a abandonar el hogar y buscar nuevos horizontes en el campo y en la ciudad. En su periplo encontrará distintos personajes que influirán decisivamente en su crecimiento vital. Basada en la novela de Kenji Miyazawa, considerado en Japón como el más grande escritor infantil del siglo XX, The Life of Budori Gusuko esconde, bajo un dibujo dulce y cuidado, un relato de formación embebido de ecologismo que reflexiona sobre el lugar que ocupamos en el mundo.
Character Designer
Budori vive felizmente en el bosque con sus padres y su hermana pequeña, pero la llegada de un invierno interminable terminará arrebatándole a su familia. Solo, el joven se verá obligado a abandonar el hogar y buscar nuevos horizontes en el campo y en la ciudad. En su periplo encontrará distintos personajes que influirán decisivamente en su crecimiento vital. Basada en la novela de Kenji Miyazawa, considerado en Japón como el más grande escritor infantil del siglo XX, The Life of Budori Gusuko esconde, bajo un dibujo dulce y cuidado, un relato de formación embebido de ecologismo que reflexiona sobre el lugar que ocupamos en el mundo.
Animation Director
In the year 2403 AD, a young student named Satoru is visited by a time traveler from the future, a cute girl named Alisa. The two go back in time together to explore the 21st century when a malfunction sends them hurdling through seemingly random episodes of religious and historical importance featuring Buddha, Jesus Christ and other eminent figures.
Animation Director
Lupin se introduce clandestinamente en la República de Zafu como carcelero con el objetivo de liberar a ciertas personas que podrían ayudarle a encontrar el tesoro del antiguo rey. Tras localizarlo, su primer intento por conseguirlo es inútil, y es perseguido (junto a Jigen y Goemon) y le tienden multitud de trampas por todos lados. Cuando se conoce su presencia en el país, se ofrece una recompensa de 1 millón de dólares por su cabeza, ¡vivo o muerto! Pronto, todos los cazarrecompensas del país lo perseguirán. Ahora debe preocuparse por sus perseguidores además del tesoro de Zafu.
Character Designer
Lupin se introduce clandestinamente en la República de Zafu como carcelero con el objetivo de liberar a ciertas personas que podrían ayudarle a encontrar el tesoro del antiguo rey. Tras localizarlo, su primer intento por conseguirlo es inútil, y es perseguido (junto a Jigen y Goemon) y le tienden multitud de trampas por todos lados. Cuando se conoce su presencia en el país, se ofrece una recompensa de 1 millón de dólares por su cabeza, ¡vivo o muerto! Pronto, todos los cazarrecompensas del país lo perseguirán. Ahora debe preocuparse por sus perseguidores además del tesoro de Zafu.
Key Animation
Anpanman dinosaur 'Nessie' adventure. Will Anpanmen really be able to save the land of dinosaurs by defeating Baikinman and Gorongora?
Key Animation
1992 Largometraje de animación tradicional indojaponés dirigido por Yugo Sako y Ram Mohan, producido por Sako y Krishna Shah y basado en la epopeya india Ramayana.
Key Animation
Based on a manga by Chuusonji Yutsuko, it tells the story of OL (office lady) extraordinaire and golf fanatic Oyamada Non. She is 23 and works at Major Products in Tokyo's commercial district, Marunouchi. Between bossing her bosses and managing her managers, she finds time to golf, shop, party, and pursue the important things in life, i.e., marriageable men.
Animation Director
Based on a manga by Chuusonji Yutsuko, it tells the story of OL (office lady) extraordinaire and golf fanatic Oyamada Non. She is 23 and works at Major Products in Tokyo's commercial district, Marunouchi. Between bossing her bosses and managing her managers, she finds time to golf, shop, party, and pursue the important things in life, i.e., marriageable men.
Character Designer
Based on a manga by Chuusonji Yutsuko, it tells the story of OL (office lady) extraordinaire and golf fanatic Oyamada Non. She is 23 and works at Major Products in Tokyo's commercial district, Marunouchi. Between bossing her bosses and managing her managers, she finds time to golf, shop, party, and pursue the important things in life, i.e., marriageable men.
Animation Director
A gray wolf raised on a farm kills the family dog, and to save him from being destroyed, a boy named Lasset makes a trek through the wilderness with the wolf to a wilderness sanctuary 300 miles to the north. The BGM in the film consists entirely of Dvorak's Serenade for Strings, making it perhaps the only anime since Gauche the Cellist to make use of a single piece of classical music as the soundtrack. The plot of the film is simple and the outcome obvious, but the atmosphere of the film is genuine, and it is very moving in parts thanks to Dvorak's music (which is scored entirely for the most emotional of the instrument groups, the strings). This is a straightforward drama about the friendship between a boy and his wolf, and it pushes all the buttons you'd expect, but it's very enjoyable despite all that.
Key Animation
Genji, the son of the emperor, is the talk of the Kyoto nobility for his charm and good looks, yet he cannot stop himself from pursuing an unobtainable object of desire: his father's young and beautiful bride. Following the tragic consequences of his obsession, Genji wanders from one affair to another, always seeking some sort of completion to his life.
Animation Director
Due to sickness, the coach position of the Meisei High School baseball team is handed to Eijiro Kashiwaba. He is a ruthless man who forces the team to enter a Spartan training procedure. Tatsuya and Minami slowly discover stories about his past and wonder what his true intentions are.
Key Animation
Tatsuya Uesugi is the twin brother of Kazuya, pitcher of the Meisei High School baseball team. Irresolute about his feelings towards baseball, his next door neighbor, and his brother; Tatsuya ends up joining his school's boxing club. From the sidelines, he quietly watches the ascension of Kazuya.