Animation Director
Delete Beach is a futuristic tale set in the near future, in which a schoolgirl joins an anti-capitalist resistance group in a society in which carbon-based energy is illegal. Made in collaboration with Studio 4°C, one of Japan’s leading animation studios.
Supervising Animation Director
Character Designer
Animation Director
In the year 2403 AD, a young student named Satoru is visited by a time traveler from the future, a cute girl named Alisa. The two go back in time together to explore the 21st century when a malfunction sends them hurdling through seemingly random episodes of religious and historical importance featuring Buddha, Jesus Christ and other eminent figures.
Animation Director
Character Designer
Key Animation
Anpanman dinosaur 'Nessie' adventure. Will Anpanmen really be able to save the land of dinosaurs by defeating Baikinman and Gorongora?
Key Animation
In Ayodhya, the royal palace of Kosala Kingdom in Ancient India, four princes were born to three queens, each of whom grew to great stature. Banished for 14 years due to court intrigue, Prince Rama retreated to the forest with his beautiful wife Sita. When Rama vanquishes the demons of the forest, he invites the wrath of the demon king Ravana, who kidnaps Sita. Based on the Indian epic the Ramayana.
Key Animation
Based on a manga by Chuusonji Yutsuko, it tells the story of OL (office lady) extraordinaire and golf fanatic Oyamada Non. She is 23 and works at Major Products in Tokyo's commercial district, Marunouchi. Between bossing her bosses and managing her managers, she finds time to golf, shop, party, and pursue the important things in life, i.e., marriageable men.
Animation Director
Based on a manga by Chuusonji Yutsuko, it tells the story of OL (office lady) extraordinaire and golf fanatic Oyamada Non. She is 23 and works at Major Products in Tokyo's commercial district, Marunouchi. Between bossing her bosses and managing her managers, she finds time to golf, shop, party, and pursue the important things in life, i.e., marriageable men.
Character Designer
Based on a manga by Chuusonji Yutsuko, it tells the story of OL (office lady) extraordinaire and golf fanatic Oyamada Non. She is 23 and works at Major Products in Tokyo's commercial district, Marunouchi. Between bossing her bosses and managing her managers, she finds time to golf, shop, party, and pursue the important things in life, i.e., marriageable men.
Animation Director
Key Animation
Genji, the son of the emperor, is the talk of the Kyoto nobility for his charm and good looks, yet he cannot stop himself from pursuing an unobtainable object of desire: his father's young and beautiful bride. Following the tragic consequences of his obsession, Genji wanders from one affair to another, always seeking some sort of completion to his life.
Animation Director
劇場版はテレビアニメ版のスタッフとキャストによるものであるが、概ね原作に忠実だったテレビアニメに対して、オリジナル要素を大幅に織り交ぜて再構成されている。例として、 達也と孝太郎が和也健在の時点で親しい間柄である。(「1」。原作では和也没後、2年時に孝太郎が達也と呼ぶようになるところから。) 新田が1年の時点で須見工レギュラーになっている。(「1」。原作では2年時より。) 野球部マネージャー・西尾佐知子の名前が児島悠子に代わり教師(野球部部長)役として登場。(「1」、「2」。「2」で退職し「3」には登場しない) 新田が達也に対し、逆転サヨナラホームランを放っている。(「2」。原作では2年次に勢南戦で明青は敗退、新田がいる須見工と対決していない。) 新田の妹・新田由加が登場しない。(「3」) 南が新体操を辞めて野球部のマネージャーに復帰した。(「3」。原作では結局新体操を続け、野球部には関われなかった。) 明青-須見工の決勝戦の得点順が、須見工が先制し、終盤になって明青が逆転する展開となっている。(「3」。原作では明青が先制し、その後同点となって延長10回に達也のホームスチールで勝ち越す) 製作は、東宝、フジテレビ、グループ・タック、旭通信社など。東宝系で公開。 第1作である『背番号のないエース』は、2年後に公開された劇場アニメ『きまぐれオレンジ☆ロード あの日にかえりたい』(望月智充監督)において、作中で登場人物が鑑賞する映画作品として、一部が二次使用されている。
Key Animation