Tadao Ikeda

Nacimiento : 1905-02-05, Tokyo Prefecture, Japan

Muerte : 1964-05-12


La hierba errante
Remake de un film mudo dirigido por el propio Ozu en el año 1934. Narra la historia de un grupo de actores ambulantes que van a parar a una pequeña población de provincias. Allí el actor principal se reencuentra con una antigua amante y con un hijo ilegítimo.
Love in the Mountains
A mother and her daughter who run a quiet mountain hotel, and guests who visit the hotel. A girl who does not know what a broken heart is, the attractive joy of first love, and separation is like parting with life. The mother-daughter duet with Isuzu Yamada attracted a lot of attention at that time. Haruko Wanibuchi, demonstrated rare attractiveness and pure charm by playing a heroine living in a beautiful and pure first love.
The Big Ambition
Hana to ryû - Dai-ichi-bu: Dôkai-wan no rantô
Dai-ichi-bu: Dôkai-wan no rantô - Kiyoshi Saeki directed movie.
kikyou - The Return
Kekkon Sanjûshi
Memorias de un inquilino
En el Japón de la postguerra, un hombre encuentra en la calle a un niño perdido y lo lleva a su casa, pero nadie quiere acogerlo, ni siquiera por una noche. Finalmente, lo hace una viuda de agrio carácter. Al día siguiente, la mujer lleva al niño a su barrio y averigua que el padre se ha marchado a Tokyo y lo ha abandonando. (FILMAFFINITY)
The Fellows Who Ate the Elephant
The film is set during the days of the scarcity of food after World War II, during which five men ate an elephant that died in a zoo. The elephant's corpse however, was infested with deadly bacteria and the men have only 30 hours left to live...
Izu no musumetachi
Kiyoshi, un joven oficial de clase acomodada, es enviado a la Península de Izu, cerca de Tokio. No hay lugar dónde vivir y el templo local permanece lleno de gente que ha debido alejarse de sus hogares como consecuencia de la guerra. Unos lugareños le indican a Kiyoshi que el dueño de un restaurante cercano y padre de dos hijas solteras tiene una habitación libre en su casa. Las relaciones entre los miembros de la familia no volverán a ser las mismas luego de la llegada del nuevo inquilino. Estrenada el 30 de agosto de 1945, apenas dos semanas después de la rendición nipona, Las jóvenes de Izu fue el primer estreno cinematográfico japonés luego del fin de la Segunda Guerra. Gosho había realizado apenas cuatro películas durante esos años y ninguna de ellas puede ser considerada artículo de propaganda.
El adiós de un hijo
Tomuhiko es un niño de 10 años que pasa su infancia bajo la sombra de una guerra civil japonesa, en 1896. Su único objetivo será alistarse en el ejército y cumplir la promesa que le hizo a su padre....
Middle-Aged Man
The story of a boy who befriends a lonely middle-aged man.
A Certain Woman
Pretty Oshige is deceived by her first love. After this, she lives a hard lifestyle, working at a number of jobs. Her only pleasure is her nephew, who eventually becomes a merchant marine. When Oshige meets her old love ten years later, she is able to forgive him and even thank him for the path her life has taken.
South Wind
Amusing masterpiece from director Yoshimura Kazusabu divided in two parts taken from the newspaper serial novel of Shishiko Shishi. Like in "Warm Current", Shin Saburi, Mieko Takamine and Mitsuko Mito are appearing, but this is a fresh comedy very unusual for wartime.
Había un padre
En una ciudad provinciana, un profesor viudo lleva una vida modesta en compañía de su único hijo. Cuando en un viaje escolar, un alumno se ahoga en un lago, él asume la responsabilidad del accidente y dimite. Decide entonces abandonar la ciudad y trasladarse a su pueblo natal. Durante el viaje, padre e hijo discuten sobre el futuro y entre ellos se establece una relación al mismo tiempo cercana y distante. Un día el padre le anuncia que tiene la intención de mandarlo a estudiar a un internado. Años más tarde, el padre trabaja en Tokio y el hijo es maestro. En un encuentro el hijo le anuncia al padre que se va a la guerra.
Most of the students studying Ikebana with Kozoe Iemoto are daughters of rich Tokyo families. Kozoe meets and grows close to a doctor who proposes marriage but whose mother harbours ill feeling towards her because of an incident in the mountains where a child got into difficulties. Kozoe rejects the proposal but falls ill and when she recovers, decides to devote herself entirely to the world of flower arranging.
Hermanos y hermanas de la familia Toda
Después de la muerte del patriarca, los Toda, una familia de clase alta, está posando para una foto. Al mismo tiempo que todos lamentan la muerte del padre, se enteran de que éste les ha dejado una deuda considerable.
Okinu and Banto
A story of a store that makes Tabi socks.
Kinuyo's First Love
Kinuyo is a daughter of rice cracker shop in downtown. She fell in love with her sister's boyfriend. It is a story whose theme is warm human relationships in a town of customs and manners.
Warm Current
Adaptation of Kishida Kunio's novel. Set against the backdrop of a power struggle within a hospital, depicts the love lives of the director's daughter, the administrative director, a doctor, and a nurse.
Family Diary
Two childhood friends go their own ways but meet again some years later after they have both married. They get re-acquainted, meet each others’ families, and all is well. Then the disagreements start...
The Lights of Asakusa
Pre-war Asakusa was a riotous district of cabarets, dance-halls and brothels - a striking backdrop for Shimazu's story of innocence and experience. Pretty, young Reiko is the new dancer in an infamous theatre troupe, and her fellow performers try to protect her virtue in a land of vice. Meanwhile, an ageing actor wants to be a hero off stage as well as on, and the troupe matriarch Marie has to keep them all together.
Don't Tell Your Wife About It
A Japanese screwball comedy about the battle between the sexes: two timid men, egged on by their wives, end up in a bitter duel over an expensive lace handkerchief.
Joi Kinuyo sensei
Kinuyo is a daughter of doctor of Chinese medicine, and Yasuo is a son of surgeon. Their families always fight like cat and dog. This relationship is ancestral. Although Kinuyo and Yasuo love each other, they have different thoughts toward treatments.
Vermilion and Green
A businessman’s daughter falls in love with one of her father’s employees.
El hijo único
Una campesina se esfuerza al máximo para que su hijo pueda recibir en Tokio una buena educación. Algunos años después, lo va a visitar, dando por supuesto que será feliz y tendrá una buena posición social. Pero, nada más llegar, se encuentra con la triste realidad: su hijo, que está casado, es profesor de la escuela nocturna y vive sumido en la miseria.
Men vs. Women
A musical film made for the inauguration of Shochiku's Ofuna Studio, with an all-star cast of the era.
Woman in the Mist
Otoku asks her brother Bunkichi to speak with her son Seiichi, a young man for whom sacrificed everything but who now seems to be headed for a wastrel life. Bunkichi admonishes the boy to study harder, but it seems his uncle's advice may already be too late.
Family Meeting
A melodrama about a businessman's relations with the three women in his life.
Un albergue en Tokio
Kihachi, an unemployed worker, wanders around the industrial flatlands of Tokyo's Koto district with his two young sons, Zenko and Masako. He is unable to find a job and has to rely on his sons catching stray dogs to earn reward money for their meals. As days go by, Kihachi and the boys no longer have enough money to stay at an inn for the night. Luckily for him, he encounters an old friend, Otsune, who finds him a job and allows them to stay at her eatery house.
Mother's Love Letter
Domestic comedy involving a strong wife and a "henpecked" husband taking place in a family-run judo school.
An Innocent Maid
In a back alley of the Shitamachi district of Tokyo, Kihachi bears witness to a series of romantic complications involving the inhabitants of the neighborhood. Considered to be a lost film.
Lumberjack and Lady
A Japanese comedy from the end of the silent era (it has music) from a popular series. A feud, a practical joke and romance are the set up for some great comedy and drama from a team of distinctive appearance who are exploiting their silent cinema styles to the full.
Lumberjack and Lady
A Japanese comedy from the end of the silent era (it has music) from a popular series. A feud, a practical joke and romance are the set up for some great comedy and drama from a team of distinctive appearance who are exploiting their silent cinema styles to the full.
Historia de una hierba errante
Un anciano y veterano actor que dirige un grupo de teatro Kabuki regresa a un pueblo remoto, donde vive su antigua novia y el hijo de ambos, que ya tiene 19 años. El chico, que desconoce su verdadera identidad, le llama "tío". En 1959, Ozu hizo un remake de este film: "Las hierbas flotantes". (FILMAFFINITY)
A Mother Should Be Loved
The film tells of the strained relationship between a mother and her two sons after the death of the family patriarch.
Passing Fancy
Two Tokyo co-workers come across a destitute young lady in search of a place to live.
Sueños cotidianos
La joven Omitsu se ha quedado sola con su hijo Ayabou tras verse abandonada por su esposo, Mizuhara. Cumplido su turno de camarera, regresa a casa para descubrir que su marido ha regresado. Mizuhara promete hacer borrón y cuenta nueva, así como encontrar un empleo que permita a Omitsu dejar de trabajar.
Una mujer fuera de la ley (Mujeres y golfos)
Ambientada en Yokohama, ciudad portuaria donde el crimen y la prostitución dominan las calles. narra la turbulenta relación entre un gángster y su novia Tokiko, que de día trabaja como mecanógrafa en una empresa. Su rival, trabaja en una tienda de discos y está muy preocupada porque su hermano pequeño empieza a deslizarse por la pendiente del crimen.
Woman of Tokyo
Ryoichi and Chikako, brother and sister, live together. Chikako toils during the day and, at night, prostitutes herself to fund his college tuition.
Happy Times
A young couple is harrased by an uncle.
Happy Times
A young couple is harrased by an uncle.
Spring Comes from the Ladies
A student comes up with various schemes to avoid paying a tailor the money he owes him. Considered to be a lost film.
The Sorrow of the Beautiful Woman
Two people are fascinated by a sculptor's statue. The film is lost.
Nikutai no bōfū
The love of an older sister who worked as a geisha but decided to open a bar under the auspices of a millionaire
Young Lady
Two reporters find that they are repeatedly beaten to the scoop by a new female journaist, 'young miss'. They decide to team up with her to investigate a secret club for wealthy voyeurs. Considered to be a lost film.
A Buddhist Mass for Goemon Ishikawa
The adventures of a modern day descendant of a famed Edo era thief are the basis for this short supernatural comedy romp.
Walk Cheerfully
Kenji is a small-time thief who likes drinking and fighting. When he falls in love with sweet and simple Yazue, and she finds out what kind of guy he really is, she leaves him "until he becomes an honest person." Kenji soon finds it's not easy to get rid of one's past.
Un muchacho sencillo
Cortometraje de Yasujirō Ozu.
Modan kaidan: 100,000,000 yen
A young couple flee their disapproving parents, get lost of Mt. Akagi and find a cache of gold protected by the ghost of a gangster.