Jessica Pinfield


Object Lessons, or: What Happened Whitsunday
An American art collector’s estate plans to build a glass house that will permanently memorialize the collector’s many prints and paintings. The spot selected—several acres of undeveloped parkland in upstate New York—was the site of a young woman’s murder, the circumstances of which have been exploited for political purposes by the founder of a far-right populist party called National Advance.
Notes on an Appearance
A young man disappears amid talk of violence and demagoguery, leaving behind an obscure cache of letters, postcards, and notebooks.
Spiral Jetty
An applauded New York intellectual hires a young archivist to whitewash her late psychologist father's reputation by eliminating a forbidding, potentially incriminating paper trail.
The Unspeakable Act
Jackie Kimball es una adolescente como cualquier otra, salvo en un aspecto: se ha pasado toda su vida enamorada de su hermano Matthew, un año mayor que ella.