Jessica Pinfield

참여 작품

Object Lessons, or: What Happened Whitsunday
An American art collector’s estate plans to build a glass house that will permanently memorialize the collector’s many prints and paintings. The spot selected—several acres of undeveloped parkland in upstate New York—was the site of a young woman’s murder, the circumstances of which have been exploited for political purposes by the founder of a far-right populist party called National Advance.
남겨진 노트
한 청년이 폭력과 대중 선동에 대한 토론 도중 편지와 엽서 그리고 노트를 숨겨둔 채 사라져버린다. 청년의 지인들은 남겨진 단서들을 바탕으로 미스터리를 해결하려 한다. 주목할 만한 인디 감독 리키 담브로스가 보여주는 콜라주의 미학.
Spiral Jetty
An applauded New York intellectual hires a young archivist to whitewash her late psychologist father's reputation by eliminating a forbidding, potentially incriminating paper trail.
The Unspeakable Act
17-year-old Jackie is in distress as her older brother Matthew gets his first girlfriend and prepares for college. Though Matthew does not share her incestuous desire, Jackie fights the intrusion of reality on her idyllic childhood world.