Jack King

Jack King

Nacimiento : 1895-11-04, Birmingham, Alabama, USA

Muerte : 1958-10-04


“I was born in Birmingham, Ala., where Al Jolson first heard the name of ‘Mammy.’ I became restless at the age of four and decided to become a millionaire. In 1914 I worked with Barre, who was starting work in the animating field. Along came 1917 and the U.S. joined the Allies. Years after the Armstice I was driving a truck which ran into a Ford. The man driving the latter turned out to be one of the world’s greatest humorists. His name was Walt Disney. Of course Walt’s ambition was to get even with me for running into him. so when he formed his Mickey Mouse organization he sent for me. I’m putting one over on Walt though and am enjoying it.” -published in the June 20, 1931 edition of The Motion Picture Daily


Jack King


Apollo 11: Archivos olvidados
Self (archive footage)
En 1969, millones vieron a Neil Armstrong pisar por primera vez la luna. Detrás de estas famosas imágenes hay una historia no contada y una búsqueda exhaustiva de imágenes ocultas.
Classic Cartoon Favorites, Vol. 5 - Extreme Sports Fun
Get ready to cheer, sports fans, as Mickey and his friends team up to bring you the funniest and most entertaining sports moments in animated film! The laughs fly out of the park when Goofy attempts to demonstrate "How To Play Baseball" in the hit classic short that feature everyone's favorite dog in every passion. Then Mickey heads out for a leisurely day on the links, but hilarity is par for the course when his faithful "Canine Caddy" Pluto battles a pesky gopher and does his best to clear the way for a hole in one. The fun never stops in this collection of eight wild and wacky sports stories the whole family will love. Canine Caddy (1941) How to Play Baseball (1942) The Hockey Champ (1939) Double Dribble (1946) How to Play Football (1944) Mickey's Polo Team (1936) Tennis Racquet (1949) Goofy Gymnastics (1949)
Todos queremos a Donald
No te pierdas al adorable e irritable pato Donald en esta colección de sus mejores cortos. Cada aventura de Donald está llena del divertido malhumor que lo ha convertido en el pato más famoso del mundo.
Fábulas Disney - Vol.3
Tres historias clásicas del equipo Disney. 'Donald en el País de las Matemáticas' es un cortometraje con el pato favorito de todos. 'Franklin y Yo' tells es las história de cómo un pequeño ratón ayudó a Benjamin Franklin y cambió el curso de la historia. Finalmente, 'Modern Inventions' encuentra el Pato Donald en un museo dónde obtiene más de lo que esperaba.
Mickey Mouse: El club de los villanos
El encuentro más esperado de la historia se produce cuando Mickey invita a los más malvados villanos de Disney a una fiesta en su club "House of Mouse" en la noche de Halloween, para mostrarles divertidísimas historias de miedo. Pero Jafar prepara un malvado plan: con la ayuda de Cruella, Hades, Úrsula, El Capitán Garfio, Maléfica y el resto de los villanos de Dsiney, intentará convertir el club de Mickey en el "Club de los Villanos". ¿Podrán Jafar y el resto de los villanos quedarse con el "House of Mouse"? ¿Se lo impedirán Mickey, Minnie, Pluto y Goofy?. (FILMAFFINITY)
The Cartoon Collection
Compilation of cartoons raising money for the National Children's Home charity. Featuring Mickey Mouse ("The Simple Things"), Bugs Bunny ("Duck Rabbit Duck"), Tom and Jerry ("The Bowling Alley Cat"), Pluto ("Canine Casanova"), Sylvester and Tweety ("Hyde and Go Tweet"), The Pink Panther ("Sky Blue Pink"), Donald Duck ("Drip Dippy Donald"), Wile E. Coyote and the Road Runner ("Hot Rod and Reel") and Daffy Duck ("Ain't That Ducky").
Contains: "Donald's Cousin Gus" (1939), "The Riveter" (1940), "The Autograph Hound" (1939), "A Good Time for a Dime" (1941), "Donald's Tire Trouble" (1943), "Drip Dippy Donald" (1948), "The New Neighbor" (1953)
Contains: "Mr. Duck Steps Out" (1940), "Cured Duck" (1945), "Dumb Bell of the Yukon" (1946), "Sleepy Time Donald" (1947), "Donald's Dilemma" (1947), "Donald's Dream Voice" (1948), "Crazy Over Daisy" (1950).
Donald Duck's First 50 Years
Includes: "The Wise Little Hen," "Donald and Pluto," "Don Donald," "Donald's Nephews," "Donald's Double Trouble," "Rugged Bear"
Mickey Mouse Disco
A clip-show music video for the album of the same name and vintage. Includes 5 songs from the album ("Mousetrap", "Disco Mickey Mouse", "Watch Out For Goofy", "Macho Duck", "Welcome To Rio").
Donald Duck and his Companions
The Trial of Donald Duck
Donald is caught in the rain while eating his lunch. He ducks into a restaurant for a cup of coffee, but Chez Pierre is a very ritzy place, and by the time all is said and done, he's facing a bill for $35.99, and he only got a drop of coffee, and he only has a nickel. Pierre takes him to court, where this story is told, and is ordered to pay $10 or wash dishes for ten days.
La voz de ensueño de Donald
Donald is trying to sell brushes door-to-door, but since nobody can understand him, nobody will buy anything. He happens across a street vendor selling voice pills. They work great, but he's only got a limited number so of course, the last pill ends up in various inconvenient places.
La gota de agua
Donald gets off the bus and heads home hoping to get a good night's sleep. At first, his plans for rest are disturbed by an open window shade which lets light from a flashing sign in. After that problem is dealt with, Donald is kept awake by a persistently dripping faucet. Donald tries to ignore it but after a while, it becomes aggravating to put it mildly. Donald makes several attempts to stop the dripping and finally at least is able to keep it under control via a Rube Goldberg contraption. At this point, Donald receives a call from his water company telling him he hasn't paid his water bill so they're cutting off his water!
Espacios abiertos
‎Donald está viajando por el campo y decide descansar por la noche. Se niega a quedarse en el motel debido a su precio, por lo que establece un campamento en un área boscosa. Primero tiene problemas para inflar el colchón de aire, luego por una roca problemática, y finalmente después de que el colchón de aire explote, se desinfla enviando a Donald por el el aire.
El dilema de Donald
‎Donald y Daisy están caminando cuando Donald es golpeado por una maceta. Por este golpe, se cree convencido de que es un cantante famoso, y canta divinamente, pero no reconoce a Daisy.
Donald se va a dormir
‎El Pato Donald sufre de sonambulismo. En este estado inocente hace una llamada nocturna a Daisy's, como si fuera el momento de su cita romántica; sabiendo que uno no debe despertar o contradecir a un sonámbulo, ella sigue el juego, pero le resulta cada vez más difícil seguir a Donald y evitar que se haga daño.
La campaña tonta de Yukón
‎Una escena nevada; A Daisy le gustaría un abrigo de piel, por lo que Donald le arranca un oso bebé a su madre dormida. Pero la madre despierta y rastrea a Donald (y a su bebé). Donald usa su propio abrigo de piel para disfrazarse de cachorro de oso. El cachorro real regresa, y Donald parece que podría estar en problemas, pero un frasco de miel lo convierte en el mejor amigo del oso.‎
Recién pintado
‎Donald vuelve a pintar su auto y un pájaro cae sobre él. En el caos que sigue, el automóvil termina cubierto con huellas de manos, manchado de una docena de colores diferentes, despojado de pintura y cubierto con el relleno de los asientos para que se parezca a un perro pastor.‎
El problema doble de Donald
Daisy tells Donald he has to improve his English and manners before she'll see him again. Fortunately, an exact double with an English accent, clear speech, and impeccable manners happens by. Donald talks him into posing as Donald, but grows increasingly jealous as Daisy hugs and kisses the stranger.
Old Sequoia
‎Donald es un guarda forestal asignado a proteger el árbol gigante "Old Sequoia" de un par de castores que tienen un parecido sorprendente en sus tácticas y discurso a Chip & Chop.‎
Cured Duck
‎Donald visita a Daisy. Cuando no puede abrir una ventana, se pone furioso y prácticamente destruye su casa. Ella no lo volverá a verle hasta que modere ese temperamento.
El crimen de Donald
On the night he promised to take his girl-friend Daisy out, Donald Duck discovers he's skinned. Desperate for spending money, he gets it in the last place he knows: his three nephews' piggy bank. After the wild clubbing night, she thanks the 'rich' big spender, which only makes Donald remember how penniless and guilty he is. Images of merciless pursuit by the police and rotting jail finish him off, so he takes a dish washing job, all night, but will that make everything all-right?
El reloj
Donald takes a job as a gift wrapper in a department store.
El inventor del plástico
Donald is listening to a radio program that tells how to build an airplane from plastic, in a process much like baking a cake, cookies, and making toast. He takes it out for a test flight, still guided by the radio, and it works wonderfully. Until the radio interviewer asks if there's any problems: yes, it melts when it gets wet. Of course, Donald instantly flies into a rain cloud, and has to battle his plane as it disintegrates.
Commando Duck
Donald Duck is ordered to wipe out a Japanese airfield. After parachuting out of an airplane, he lands in a Japanese forest. He uses an inflated canoe to cross the river, but as soon as it fills up with water, Donald is running for his life. He makes sure the canoe hits nothing that would pop it. When he gets to the edge of a cliff, he sees the airfield. The canoe has already exploded, causing water to flow. This large amount of water splashes onto the airfield, wiping the whole thing clean, but leaving disfigured airplanes
Cóndor contradictorio
‎Donald está tratando de recoger el huevo de un cóndor cuando el cóndor regresa. Se esconde dentro de un huevo vacío y se arrepiente de esto cuando la madre grande y cálida regresa. Se arrepiente aún más cuando "eclosiona" y mamá lo anima a volar. Y mamá cóndor demuestra ser aún más protectora de lo que a Donald le gustaría.‎
El Pato Donald: Donald y el gorila
Un gorila muy peligroso se ha escapado del zoologico. Al escuchar que los sobrinos de Donald escuchan la noticia en la radio, Donald aprovecha para darles un susto, pero pronto el susto se lo llevará él mismo...
El Pato Donald: Donald y el gorila
Un gorila muy peligroso se ha escapado del zoologico. Al escuchar que los sobrinos de Donald escuchan la noticia en la radio, Donald aprovecha para darles un susto, pero pronto el susto se lo llevará él mismo...
Problemas con trombones
Pete está practicando su trombón, pero tan mal que está molestando a los dioses Júpiter y Vulcano y al vecino Donald. Solo Donald tiene la temeridad de enfrentarse y Pete lo patea de vuelta a casa. Los dioses ven esto, y deciden darle a Donald un poco de poder.‎
Defensa nacional
‎Donald está manejando un puesto de escucha y se queda dormido; toca las trompetas mientras duerme y despierta a sus sobrinos. Para vengarse, estos envían un modelo de avión lleno de hombres de pan de jengibre con paracaídas; Donald lo derriba, y se acobarda de miedo cuando ve los paracaídas (y escucha una batalla simulada), hasta que uno aterriza en su pico. Donald echa a sus sobrinos hasta que confunde una abeja con un avión, y los llama de vuelta para luchar contra esta amenaza.‎
El viejo juego del ejercito
‎El viejo juego de conchas tiene una nueva cara cuando Donald se queda fuera de la base más allá de "Taps" y tiene que tratar de volver a colarse sin alertar a Pete.‎
Defense Against Invasion
A doctor persuades a group of boys to be vaccinated by explaining how it will protect them against disease. Animated sequences depict the body metaphorically as a city, defended by the blood cells, which are stimulated by vaccination to amass arms and ammunition, in order to defend the city when it is invaded by germs.
Donald en el ejercito
‎El soldado Donald está cada vez más agotado durante una larga marcha de entrenamiento. Finalmente llegan a su campamento y a pesar del deseo de Donald de cenar, él sigue las órdenes de armar su tienda de campaña primero. Finalmente se da por vencido en la tienda cuando cae la noche. Pero mientras trata de conciliar el sueño, el fuerte apuntalamiento de los otros soldados lo obliga a enterrar la cabeza.
El espíritu del 43
Donald Duck deals with income taxes and their benefit to the American war effort in this inspirational documentary short animated film.
El Pato Donald: Donald el botones
En este corto la paciencia del botones Donald será puesta seriamente a prueba por Pete.
Fuerzas aéreas
Donald is stuck on KP at an air training base. Sergeant Pete gives him a huge pile of potatoes to peel first, then gives him some tests: close your eyes and touch fingers, pin the tail on the airplane. He finally gets sent aloft, only to discover it's a parachute jump. Eventually, both Donald and Pete end up falling with no chutes and a bomb.
Fuerzas aéreas
Donald is stuck on KP at an air training base. Sergeant Pete gives him a huge pile of potatoes to peel first, then gives him some tests: close your eyes and touch fingers, pin the tail on the airplane. He finally gets sent aloft, only to discover it's a parachute jump. Eventually, both Donald and Pete end up falling with no chutes and a bomb.
El soldado invisible
Private Duck es un pintor de camuflaje. Pinta un cañón gigante con colores muy chillones, hasta que el sargento Pete explica que el objetivo es hacerlo de modo que no se pueda ver el cañón. Donald encuentra un cubo de pintura invisible experimental y hace desaparecer el cañón. Pete no está contento con esto, y golpea a Donald con la pintura, luego lo persigue, hasta que se encuentra con el general. Mientras Pete trata de explicarle, Donald lo pincha con un cactus y luego se va a robar algunos pasteles. Finalmente, Pete se vuelve loco y comienza a lanzar granadas de cualquier manera y se mete en más problemas con el general.
Donald se alista al ejercito
Donald Fauntleroy Duck gets his draft notice and goes in, past all the amazingly enticing recruiting posters, to sign up. First he has to pass the physical. Despite his flat feet, he makes it. Donald wants to fly, but first he has to make it through Sergeant Pete's boot camp. He has a terrible time with close-order drills, and standing at attention without moving when he's over an ant-hill proves a real challenge. Eventually, Donald ends up on endless KP.
Todos juntos
The entire Disney menagerie appears in a parade urging the purchase of war bonds.
El pato Donald: Chef Donald
Un programa de radio le da una idea a Donald: hacer gofres, pero sin querer añade pegamento a la mezcla y el resultado es tan catastrófico que decide ir a la emisora de radio a echarles la bronca.
El viejo MacDonald
El pato Donald tiene una granja, y siempre canta "El viejo MacDonald" cuando da de comer a los animales.
Donald, agente antinovillos
Cuando el pato Donald pilla sus tres sobrinos haciendo novillos un día de escuela, decide atraparlos y darles una lección. Pero no será tan fácil...
Problemas de sueño
Donald intenta descansar porque tiene que madrugar, pero serán numerosos los problemas que le quitarán el sueño.
Árbol va
Pese a sus intentos por robarle algo de comida al malvado Pete y salir huyendo, Donald no tendrá más remedio que trabajar como leñador hasta que Pete pierde la paciencia.
Jefe de bomberos
Donald es el jefe de bomberos de una estación donde trabajan sus sobrinos. Cansados de sus ronquidos, hacen sonar la alarma de incendios.
Limpiadores de ventanas
Donald is washing windows on a high-rise; Pluto is his assistant, hauling the rope for the platform and refilling buckets but mostly sleeping. And when things are finally going well, Donald makes the mistake of tormenting a bee.
Donald se va de vacaciones
Donald takes a kayak trip. When he gets to his campsite, he unloads the kayak, fights with his folding chair, and goes to sleep. Meanwhile, the chipmunks of the forest (precursors of Chip 'n Dale), attracted by his squawking, make off with the huge pile of food he carelessly unloaded. They get the attention of a bear, who Donald is soon battling.
Pato Donald: El amor es cosa de dos
La frustración de Donald es llevada al límite cuando intenta cortejar a Daisy sin que sus sobrinos lo interrumpan.
El remolcador de Mickey
Mickey está realizando el mantenimiento rutinario de su remolcador (con la intervención de un pelícano) cuando recibe una llamada por radio de que hay un barco que se está hundiendo y necesita ayuda. Lamentablemente, la tripulación de Mickey está formada por Donald y Goofy, así que ponerse en marcha para ayudar no es fácil. Goofy tiene que luchar contra la puerta de una caldera para conseguir llenarla de carbón (y cuando lo consigue, la llena en exceso) y Donald se enreda en la maquinaria. Por no hablar de que nadie echa las campanas al vuelo, por lo que arrastran a medio muelle con ellos. La caldera sobrecargada no tarda en explotar.
La lavandería de perros de Donald
El pato Donald inventa una máquina automática para lavar perros, mientras el pobre Pluto duerme una siesta ajeno a lo que se le avecina...
Buscador de autógrafo
Donald conoce a varias estrellas de Hollywood mientras recorre un estudio a la caza de autógrafos.
El Pato Donald: El pingüino de Donald
"Admiral Byrd" envía a Donald un pingüino desde el Polo Sur. Donal está encantado con él, hasta que piensa que quizás se haya comido su pez de colores.
El Pato Donald: Gus, el primo de Donald
El primo Gus aparece sin previo aviso en casa de Donald.
El Pato Donald: Campeón de hockey
Donald enseña a sus sobrinos los golpes que le hicieron ganar un trofeo jugando al hockey, pero los sobrinos tienen sus propios golpes...
El Pato Donald: El día de suerte de Donald
El Pato Donald, repartidor, es contratado para entregar un paquete misterioso en viernes 13. Le molesta un gato negro latoso, y el hecho de que el paquete parece contener una bomba... tic tac tic tac.
El Pato Donald: El partido de Golf de Donald
Donald se va a jugar al golf con sus sobrinos a un campo cerca de la playa. Para lograr concentrarse, insiste en tener silencio absoluto, incluso le molestan los cantos de los pájaros.
El Pato Donald: Buenos exploradores
Donald es monitor Scout en una escursión por el bosque.
El Pato Donald: Los sobrinos de Donald
Della Pato, la hermana de Donald, manda a sus tres hijos Juanito, Jaimito y Jorgito a visitar a su tío..
El Pato Donald: Lo mejor de Donald
Donald está dividido entre hacerle caso a sus lados de ángel o demonio, aunque en el caso de Donald, el lado del diablo no es difícil de resistir.
Este es un cortometraje de animación de la serie Donald Duck, producido en Technicolor por Walt Disney Productions y estrenado en cines el 11 de febrero de 1938 por RKO Radio Pictures. La película sigue a Donald tratando de aprender a controlar su temperamento siguiendo los consejos de un programa de radio.
El Pato Donald: La avestruz de Donald
Donald es el encargado de equipajes en una estación de tren. El equipaje del último tren incluye un simpático animal, el avestruz Hortensia, que cogerá cariño a Donald y se comerá todo lo que se le ponga a la vista.
El Pato Donald: Inventos modernos
El Pato Donald va de visita a un museo de inventos modernos, donde le ocurrirán todo tipo de situaciones disparatadas con las máquinas que allí se exponen.
Porky's Moving Day
A woman's house, on the side of the cliff, is about to fall into the sea, due to waves washing away the cliff. In a panic, she call's Porky's moving company. Porky's assistant, a former boxer, starts swinging when he hears a bell until hit on the head, when he stops and says, "Okay, boss." They get to the house and have various adventures while moving the furniture, mostly because the entire house keeps tilting back and forth on the shaky ground.
Porky's Pet
Porky and his pet ostrich, Lulu, get invited to perform on Broadway for $75/week. But first they have to get there, and the train conductor won't let the ostrich board. Porky sneaks her on. She gets loose and eats a sleeping woman's wig, a boy's toy airplane, and a concertina. Porky hides her in a guitar case, but she gets out as the conductor comes by, and they are both thrown off. They enlist a hand cart and a cow to outrun the train.
Shanghaied Shipmates
Porky and some of his fellow sailors are on shore leave in a bar. A pirate captain discovers that his own crew has jumped ship and forces everyone in the bar to become his crew. The captain treats the crew badly, particularly denying them food (eating the meat off bones, then passing them only the bones). The crew mutinies after a week; the captain tries to fend them off with a cannon, but ends up sending himself into the explosives stores.
Fish Tales
Porky's going fishing, but his boat careens out of control. He finally settles in and quickly catches several fish...
Westward Whoa
Porky Pig and his friends Beans, Little Kitty and Ham and Ex, travel as pioneers toward the western frontier. As their wagon travels across the prairie, Ham and Ex cause trouble by pretending to be Indians. Then the real Indians show up!
Boom Boom
World War I, apparently. There is a series of quick blackout gags, including a soldier that throws the pin...
The Phantom Ship
Uncle Beans and the kids are off to visit a haunted ship ('The Phantom') trapped in the ice, hoping to find pirate treasure. They encounter all manner of ghosts and goblins, but eventually find what they've been looking for. When Beans tries to warm up by throwing some chairs in a stove and lighting it, he thaws out a pair of pirates that chase the trio around. They treasure-seekers are eventually forced back into their plane and they decide to fly away.
Alpine Antics
Prologue: various animals enjoy winter sports. Beans sees a notice of a ski race, and decides to enter. But so does a bad guy (who looks more than a little like Disney's Pete). The bad guy sabotages the other contestants in various ways, takes short cuts, etc. But Beans manages to tie up the bad guy in his own trip line. A duck riding a dachshund knocks the bad guy out for a while; he and Beans trade places a few more times before Beans wins the race, just barely.
The Fire Alarm
2 puppets are left to their uncle's attention who works at the Fire house.
Hollywood Capers
W.C.Fields enters the Warmer Bros. Studio. Beans tries to drive in, but the guard throws him and his car against a tree. Charlie Chaplin drives in, followed by Oliver Hardy on foot - but we see that it's really Beans in disguise. Oliver Owl is directing a picture; Beans sneaks onto the stage. He's watching from a catwalk when someone knocks him off, into the middle of the scene. Beans is thrown off the set, right into the set of a Frankenstein movie. He accidentally brings the robotic monster to life, and it crashes into the original studio, eating the camera. Beans tries to stop the monster, but is sent flying. He lands against a wind machine. which chops up the monster.
A Cartoonist's Nightmare
A cartoonist falls asleep at the drawing board and into the clutches of his own villains, until Beans the Cat comes to the rescue.
Buddy the Gee Man
"Federal Agent Buddy" receives a telegram stating, "Conduct secret investigation as to the treatment accorded prisoners by ward at Sing Song Prison. signed, Fuller Pepp, chief."
Buddy Steps Out
When Cookie heads out with the real Buddy, the photo of Buddy comes to life as the figure steps out. Various other objects in the house begin to come to life when she is away, including women on soup cans and a man with a globe. This cartoon is basically a musical number.
Buddy's Bug Hunt
An early reference to an 'Acme' product occurs here as in the dream sequence is printed on 'Acme Fly Paper'.
Buddy's Lost World
In this Leon Schlesinger/Looney Tunes cartoon short, Buddy and his dog Bozo are sailing to the Lost World, you know, that world inhabited by cavemen and dinosaurs as first depicted by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle in his novel of the same name.
Viva Buddy
Buddy goes to Mexico.
Buddy's Circus
Buddy runs a circus with a variety of zany acts, and ends up having to rescue a baby who gets lost during the performance.
Buddy the Woodsman
A musical number with Buddy in the role of a woodsman. Goes through a lumberjack's days chopping down trees. A bear raids the lumberjacks while having pasta as Buddy and Cookie have to dispose of him.
Buddy the Detective
[W]e're introduced to a Mad Doctor-type who's bored with just playing the piano by himself on the same dirge. So he kidnaps Buddy's girlfriend, Cookie, by hypnotizing her over the phone before making her play the same thing!
Buddy's Bearcats
Buddy's baseball team, the Bearcats, takes on the Battling Bruisers in the big stadium. The crowd buys tickets and hot dogs before settling down to watch the game....
Beauty and the Beast
A little girl is eating too many snacks when she doesn't realize that it is her bedtime. Then the Sandman comes out of nowhere and, sure enough, the girl falls asleep in the blink of an eye. Just then, she has a dream that she is in Toyland, where she encounters all kinds of fairy tale characters.
Honeymoon Hotel
After introducing the small town Bugtown, inhabitated by bugs, this short shows what happens to two honeymooning lovebugs at the Honeymoon Hotel in town, due to the fact, that their love is a little bit to hot.
Pettin' in the Park
Another cartoon by Warner Brothers that is plugging a song from its movie "Gold Diggers of 1933".
I've Got to Sing a Torch Song
Blackout gags and music, including the title song originated in the movie musical Gold Diggers of 1933. Hollywood figures caricatured include Tallulah Bankhead, Joan Blondell, James Cagney, Bing Crosby, Guy Kibbee, Zasu Pitts, Mae West, Bert Wheeler and Bob Woolsey, Ed Wynn, George Bernard Shaw, Mussolini, Ben Bernie, The Boswell Sisters and Greta Garbo, who does the "Dat's all, folks!".
Mickey Mouse: El gran estreno de Mickey
Mickey y Minnie preparan el estreno de su nuevo cortometraje. Entre los invitados se encuentra mucha gente famosa del mundo del cine.
Los Tres Cerditos
Los tres cerditos vivían en el bosque con su madre hasta que se hicieron mayores. Uno se hizo una casa de paja trabajando pero un día apareció el lobo y al no abrirle se la tiró. El segundo cerdito la hizo de madera y cuando la hubo terminado apareció su hermano se metieron en la casa pero el lobo también la derrumbó. El tercer cerdito la hizo de ladrillos y ahí se refugiaron todos. Como el lobo no consiguió que salieran de casa se coló por la chimenea cayendo al fuego y no volviendo a saber más de él.
Birds in the Spring
Two birds rejoice over the hatching of their three eggs; as they grow, the hatchlings are taught to sing and fly. One falls from the nest and has adventures with a rattlesnake and a beehive before finding his way home.
Mickey Mouse: El doctor loco
La trama gira en torno a un científico loco llamado Mad, que ha capturado al perro de Mickey, Pluto, con la intención de realizar un terrible experimento: cortar la cabeza del animal y unirla al cuerpo de una gallina para ver si de los huevos nacen gallinas con cabeza de perro.
El Taller de Santa
Los pequeños ayudantes de Santa deben darse prisa para terminar los juguetes antes del día de Navidad.
Niños en el bosque
Revisión del cuento de Hanser y Gretel
King Neptune
After a short introduction, one of Neptune's mermaids is captured by a pirate ship, and their anchor chain entangles King Neptune; the various sea creatures launch a full-on assault on the pirate ship, and eventually the giant King himself gets free and creates major havoc for the ship.
Bugs in Love
Insects have made a playground/carnival out of castoffs, featuring "ice skating" on mirrors. Two love bugs head off to a more private area. But their fun is interrupted when a crow comes by. He bottles up the male bug and chases the female into her home. The male bug escapes in the nick of time, and another bug notices the battle and rallies the rest of the bugs to attack, which they do, using false teeth, an eggbeater, a mousetrap, castor oil, and other things.
Mickey Mouse: La fiesta encantada
Una fiesta casera en la que todos los invitados contribuyen: Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Goofy, etcétera.
Mickey Mouse: La aventura salvaje de Mickey
De viaje por África, Mickey y Pluto son capturados por una tribu de caníbales que tienen como objetivo comérselos.
Flores y árboles
Un viejo tocón celoso amenaza a dos árboles enamorados e intenta destruirlos prendiéndole fuego al bosque.
Mickey Mouse: Mickey en Arabia
Mickey y Minnie están de vacaciones por Arabia cuando el sultán Pete intenta secuestrar a Minnie.
The Bears and Bees
Two bear cubs tussle harmlessly, then start to munch on a berry bush, until a bigger, meaner bear chases them off. They nibble some flowers and find a bee, which they follow to the hive, which they then proceed to raid. The big bear chases them off, but unknown to him, a bee spotted the raid and has summoned the attack squad. The bees run him off, and the cubs dig in.
Just Dogs
Pluto's cage-mate at the dog pound breaks out and lets all the other dogs out as well. In the park, that terrier keeps following Pluto too closely for Pluto's tastes, until he digs up a huge bone and gives it to Pluto (who doesn't particularly want to share). But soon all the other escaped dogs are chasing after the bone.
Mickey Mouse: La cacería de patos
Mickey y Pluto van de cacería de patos, pero no lo tendrán nada fácil.
The Bird Store
A pet shop specializing in birds. The various caged birds chirp along to the score in their various styles (including a set of birds that looks like the Marx Brothers). A cat eyes the proceedings hungrily and makes his way in through an open transom, causing panic and an organized counterattack.
Mickey Mouse: Los huérfanos de Mickey
Un día lluvioso, Mickey, Minnie y Pluto son sorprendidos cuando alguien abandona una canasta llena de gatitos recién nacidos en su puerta, justo para la Navidad. Su caridad es retribuída con caos total, pero Mickey lo toma con muy buen humor, como siempre. Primer cortometraje de Mickey Mouse nominado al Oscar en la categoría de Mejor corto animado, con la voz de Mickey realizada por el propio Walt Disney.
Mickey Mouse: La fiesta de la playa
Mickey pasa un día en la playa con sus amigos, pero tendrá que rescatar a Pluto de los tentáculos de un pulpo.
The Fox Hunt
It's morning in the English countryside and time for the gentry to participate in their favorite sport: the fox hunt. The eccentric gentlemen come in all shapes and sizes, the fat ones putting the greatest strain on the horses. The craziest things happen to the monocled hunters. One even gets knocked off his horse when it jumps over a brick wall. He shoots straight up into the air and, thanks to a parachute hidden in his clothes, makes a gentle landing. But instead of the ground, he lands on a cow. Upset by her unwanted passenger, she takes off at top speed, finally dumping him in a mud puddle, where he lands on a pig and continues his wacky ride. Meanwhile, the poor fox finally gets trapped in a hollow log. Dogs to the left of him, dogs to the right! Luckily, the beleaguered creature gets help from a certain powerful, and pungent, friend.
The Clock Store
The various clocks and watches in a clock store dance, ring alarms musically, and otherwise entertain us in an after hours presentation.
Mickey Mouse: Ritmo azul
Mickey toca una melodía de blues en un piano en un escenario.
Los castores trabajadores
A group of beavers cheerily build a dam.
El plato chino
An old plate tells the tale of the Emperor of China, whose palace was disrupted by some children.
Melodías de mamá oca
Un libro de canciones infantiles toca para Old King Cole.
Mickey Mouse: El taxi de Mickey
Mickey trabaja como taxista en una gran ciudad. Después de perder a su primer cliente, Mickey recoge a Minnie de camino a una clase de música. Pero al taxi se pincha una rueda que Mickey no puede reparar. Pete aparece como un vendedor de aceite de serpiente, una fórmula milagrosa para el taxi. Esto hace que el vehículo se salga de control. Mickey, Minnie, y el taxi se estrellan a través de un granero y terminan cubiertos de plumas.
Pájaros de diferente plumaje
Cisnes, pavos reales, patos y más pájaros bailan.
Mickey Mouse: El cumpleaños
Los amigos de Mickey le hacen una fiesta sorpresa de cumpleaños en la casa de Minnie.
Playful Pan
The mythological satyr plays some tunes on his pipes and gets various flora and fauna dancing to them. Two clouds also dance; they bump into each other, causing lightning strikes that start a forest fire. The animals rush to escape the fire. Finally, an animal comes to tell Pan of the fire; he rushes to it, and gets it to dance to his tune, right into the lake.
Mickey Mouse: Mickey y Minnie en el Oeste
Mickey y Minnie están en una diligencia. Tras acampar para hacer noche, son atacados por unos indios...
In the last of the Silly Symphonies season cycle, bears hibernate (or try to), raccoons sneeze, moose swim, and pretty much everyone ice skates. Everyone gathers around the groundhog to see what happens.
Monkey Melodies
The monkeys are swinging; their song and dance routine has other jungle creatures joining in. And two monkeys in love chase and kiss. But the hungry crocodiles lie in wait (and dance the soft shoe).
Mickey Mouse: La banda encadenada
Mickey es un preso controlado por el malvado Pete, pero aprovechará un motín para poder escapar.
Mickey Mouse: Los bomberos
Mickey y su equipo de bomberos deben salvar a Minnie de una casa en llamas. Cortometraje en blanco y negro; no confundir con el posterior y en color "La brigada de bomberos de Mickey", de 1935.
The moon and two owls sing to the Blue Danube Waltz, celebrating the night. Moths dance around a candle flame, fireflies glow, frogs chorus, and so forth.
Midnight in a Toy Shop
A spider seeks shelter inside an old toy store, where he soon discovers that the merchandise comes to life after dark.
Arctic Antics
A collection of arctic animals (seals, walruses, polar bears, penguins) float by on ice floes and on shore, performing various musical numbers.
Frolicking Fish
The title pretty much says it: fish and other marine life dance and frolic to various tunes. An octopus keeps spoiling the fun in various ways.
Cannibal Capers
A group of cannibals gather together for a tribal dance. In the middle of their gala, they are interrupted by a ferocious lion!
El Terrible Toreador
A barmaid, a Mexican officer and a terrible toreador form a love triangle, as they dance, skip, kiss, punch and slap to the tune of Bizet's "Carmen." Later, the barmaid cheers her lover, and the officer razzes him, during the big bullfight. The toreador and the bull are not above clowning, but never doubt they are two fearsome opponents striving toward a gruesome climax.
The New Champ
A Krazy Kat Cartoon.
The New Champ
A Krazy Kat Cartoon.