Massimo Ghini

Massimo Ghini

Nacimiento : 1954-10-12, Rome, Italy


Massimo Ghini (born 12 October 1954) is an Italian actor.


Massimo Ghini
Massimo Ghini


Un matrimonio mostruoso
Vladimiro and Brunilde are grappling with the disappearance of Nando, the head of the family. The sad event brought together the human family of Luna, daughter of Nando, and the monstrous one of her husband Adalberto. Humans, vampires, witches, werewolves and ghosts will find themselves in the throes of a new monstrous marriage...
Amici per la pelle
Giovanni Lamberti
During a vacation in the United States, the protagonist is seized by severe abdominal pain that forces him to return to Italy in a daring way and to be hospitalized urgently.
Sposa in rosso
I cassamortari
Giovanni Pasti
In Rome, the Cassamortari are people who work in the funeral business. The Pasti family's agency was founded by Giuseppe, who is willing to do anything to turn a corpse into money, preferably in black.
A Monstrous Family
Students Adalberto and Luna meet and fall in love. Far from home, they can't get to know each other's family. This has to change once Luna gets pregnant. Adalberto first paints such an unflattering portrait of them that Luna says: "you talk as if they were monsters ". Little does she know.
Crazy for Football - Matti per il calcio
Luca De Metris
Ti vogliamo bene Francesco Nuti
Uno, nessuno, cento Nino
A documentary about beloved italian actor Nino Manfredi.
Io sono... Italia
La mia banda suona il pop
The Russian magnate Ivanov dreams about having The Popcorn, his favorite Italian musical band from the 80s in Saint Petersburg.
La volta buona
In a respectable suburb made up of row houses, Luca Attorre — a freelance journalist who struggles to get his features published in the papers — is unable to maintain Susi, a ballerina reduced to teaching dance to overweight women, and Lucilla, their quiet and imaginative six-year- old daughter who suffers from severe bronchial asthma. They are helped economically by Pierpaolo, Luca’s seventeen-year-old son from a previous relationship. Pierpaolo lives in an Art Nouveau house with his mother and grandfather, an important trial lawyer of cases linked to politics who rakes in several million euros a year. In the setting of a magnificent and incomprehensible Rome, both a good mother and a bad one, Mary Ann, a deeply Catholic student of art history from Ireland, au pair for the little Lucilla, is caught in the middle.
De sable et de feu
L'agenzia dei bugiardi
Fred is the head of an agency that creates alibi for cheating people until Clio, daughter of one his client, falls in love with him.
Navidad 5 estrellas
Franco Rispoli
Durante un viaje oficial a Budapest, el primer ministro italiano encuentra a su amante y rival político. Esta Navidad, no será fácil seguir el protocolo.
My Beloved Enemy
professor saves the life of an injured hit man who, in return, promises to find and kill an enemy of his. Although the professor says not to have any enemy the killer goes for his mission and turns the professor's square life into chaos.
En casa todo está bien
Todos los miembros de una gran familia se reencuentran para celebrar las bodas de oro de los abuelos en la isla donde éstos se han trasladado a vivir. Una tormenta repentina hace imposible la llegada de los transbordadores, obligando a todos a quedar atrapados en la isla. Juntos deberán enfrentarse con un pasado no silenciado por los celos, la ansiedad, la traición, el miedo e incluso los repentinos e inesperados rayos.
Super vacanze di Natale
A montage paying homage to old Cinepanettoni.
Non si ruba a casa dei ladri
Simone Santoro
Vacanze ai Caraibi - Il film di Natale
Ottavio Vianale
Three comedic and intertwined episodes.
Sergio Corbucci: The Smiling Man
A documentary about the Italian director Sergio Corbucci.
Indovina chi viene a Natale?
A very extended family gathers for the Christmas holidays, after the death of the breadwinner Leonardo Sereni, famous singer. The eldest son Julius, with his wife Marina, has a panettone factory.
Niente può fermarci
The training trip of 4 "special" boys, one narcoleptic, one internet-dependent, one suffering from Tourette's Syndrome and one obsessed with hygiene towards self-affirmation and acceptance of one's differences.
Outing - Engaged by Mistake
Roberto Mancini
En su pueblo de Puglia, Federico y Riccardo han sido mejores amigos desde la infancia. Federico es un playboy sin un centavo, mientras que Riccardo es un joven diseñador de moda. Para perseguir su sueño, Riccardo cambia su casa por Milán. Cuando Frederick descubre que la región de Puglia proporciona fondos para apoyar las actividades comerciales, convence a Riccardo de que regrese y abra una casa de moda. Pero hay un problema: la financiación solo está disponible para parejas de hecho, por lo que Federico y Riccardo deben fingir ser una pareja gay y contar con la ayuda del editor del periódico local, un periodista y la novia despótica de Richard.
Vi perdono ma inginocchiatevi
Vincenzo Parisi
Amici miei - Come tutto ebbe inizio
Jacopo, Duccio, Cecco, Manfredo and Filippo are five friends who live in Florence of the fifteenth century, during a plague epidemic.
Natale in Sudafrica
Massimo Rischio
Carlo, on vacation in South Africa with his second wife Susanna meets her younger brother Giorgio.
Natale a Beverly Hills
The story of some Italians at Beverly Hills during the Christmas holiday.
Enrico Mattei
Enrico Mattei
Giorgio Capitani reconstructs in the Rai TV film the parable of the famous entrepreneur, in a product that in technical terms does not escape the logic of television, but still manages to offer an interesting picture of a key figure of postwar Italy.
Sui tuoi passi
Salvatore Mancuso
Dr. Clown
Roberto Laurenti
Natale a Rio
Mario Patani
Fabio is in love with his colleague Linda, but she has never even seen him until he's mistaken for her boyfriend. Paolo and Mario leave for a luxurious vacation in Rio de Janeiro for Christmas, without knowing that their sons have booked a trip for the same low-cost destination and, for a problem of homonymy between fathers and sons, the two holidays are exchanged.
A Whole Life Ahead
Now 25, brilliant Marta seems to have her whole life ahead after majoring in philosophy, but she has to face the ugly truth for young graduates in Italy: a complete lack of work opportunities outside of temp jobs. While babysitting for single mother Sonia, she starts to work at the call center of a company selling junk to housewives, quickly rising through its ranks and experiencing first-hand the fanatical and exploitative competition culture pushed on young employees. Around her revolve other people, like delusional supervisor Daniela, her boss Claudio, fragile coworker Lucio, and well-meaning but inconsistent union official Giorgio.
Roberto Benetti
Guido, Who Challenged the Red Brigades
Guido Rossa
Genoa, Italy, 24th of January 1979. Red Brigades' member Roberto Dura is waiting with two other comrades for trade unionist leader and factory worker Guido Rossa to leave his home to go to work. Three months earlier, Rossa had denounced a work colleague, Francesco Berardi, because he was distributing Red Brigade flyers inside the factory. Berardi was arrested and, after a fast tracked trial, was convicted to four and a half years. ....
Natale a New York
Claudio Ricacci
During the holidays of Christmas, three groups of funny characters depart from Italy to spend the Christmas season in New York City.
Piano 17
Matteo Mancini
A man is hired to place a bomb inside a high-rise building to destroy some compromising documents, but he gets stuck in the elevator with two unaware workers, while the timer on the bomb keeps ticking.
Christmas in Miami
Three heartbroken Italians look for sexual escapades in Christmastime Miami: divorcée Giorgio invites himself to stay with his best friend Mario—unaware the latter's having an affair with his ex-wife—and ends up pursued by Mario's barely-of-age daughter; Paolo and his friends have their plans to get laid foiled by his busybody and out of touch father Ranuccio, who'll soon crash also Giorgio's vacation.
La historia de Edda Mussolini, primogénita del dictador Benito Mussolini y mujer de Galeazzo Ciano, hijo de uno de los hombres de confianza del Duce. Cuando Mussolini condene a muerte a su marido, Edda se verá atrapada entre el amor que le venera a su padre y los sentimientos hacia su marido, a quien considera el amor de su vida
Il pranzo della domenica
Massimo Papi
The life of Franca Malorni, exponent of the good bourgeoisie of the capital, suddenly changes when her husband dies suddenly. The woman begins to pour her attention on the three daughters, obliging them to have a Sunday lunch with their families.
Nos Miran
Un inspector de policía de reconocido prestigio se enfrenta al caso más inquietante de su carrera. La desaparición de un importante empresario esconde tras de sí un misterio mucho mayor del que está dispuesto a aceptar. Pronto descubre que todas aquellas personas que un día se marcharon sin dejar rastro, esconden un terrible secreto relacionado con los terrores e inquietudes de su propio pasado. El policía vuelve así a encontrarse con un mundo ya olvidado, un mundo lleno de sombras, de seres que nos manipulan... y nos miran.
Papa Giovanni Joannes XXIII
Angelo Roncalli Jeune
The inspirational story of the jolly cardinal Angelo Roncalli, who looks back at his memories as a poor country priest and is eventually elected pope of the Roman Catholic Church.
Juan XXIII: El Papa de la paz
Angelo Roncalli giovane
En 1958, tras la muerte de Pío XII, el anciano Cardenal Angelo Roncalli, Patriarca de Venecia, viaja a Roma para participar en el cónclave que debe elegir al nuevo Papa, cónclave dominado por toda clase de maniobras políticas. En efecto, una vez en el Vaticano, Roncalli asiste atónito al enconado enfrentamiento entre las distintas facciones eclesiásticas. Durante el cónclave se van desvelando aspectos extraordinarios del pasado del viejo cardenal: su apoyo espiritual y económico a un grupo de trabajadores en huelga, cuando todavía era un joven sacerdote; su ayuda a los cristianos ortodoxos de Bulgaria, cuando estuvo destinado en ese país; sus hábiles negociaciones con el embajador nazi de Estambul para salvar un tren de prisioneros judíos, cuando era diplomático del Vaticano en Turquía; sus finas dotes diplomáticas para evitar que De Gaulle repudiase a treinta obispos que habían apoyado el régimen de Vichy.
París, 1969. El rodaje de una película de ciencia-ficción ambientada en el año 2000 está en peligro. La obsesión del director por la actriz que interpreta a la sensual agente Dragonfly (Lindvall) le ha nublado el juicio.
Dr. Lucille
Dr. Piero Corti
TV Drama starring Marina Orsini, Massimo Ghini, Louis Gossett Jr.
Amigos de Jesús - María Magdalena
Expulsada e ignorada por su marido, tratada con brutalidad por los soldados romanos y buscando el amor y la redención, María Magdalena constituye uno de los mayores enigmas cristianos. Esta emocionante película destaca muchas caras de una de las figuras más polémicas entre el séquito de Cristo, la seductora, prostituta, curandera y política que ha sido una fijación como personaje desde la llegada del cine.
El misterio de la villa
Beppino Leopardi
En 1938, una viuda inglesa sin apenas recursos que se encuentra de vacaciones cerca de Florencia, considera la propuesta de matrimonio de un aristócrata entrado en años que acaba de ser nombrado gobernador de Bengala. Inesperadamente, un asesinato la coloca ante el dilema de elegir entre su reputación y sus sentimientos.
A Woman of the North
Aldo Ardo
Young Dutch widow Emilie travels to a seaside resort in Italy, where she falls in love with Italian officer Aldo. Meanwhile, her deceased husband's assistant Hugo plans to propose to her as soon as the period of mourning is over.
Té con Mussolini
Luca, un niño huérfano de madre y del que su padre reniega, es acogido en la Florencia de los años 30 por Mary, una dama inglesa. Ella forma parte de un grupo de mujeres anglosajonas con mucha clase que quedan de forma habitual para tomar el té y que aman la cultura. La llegada de Benito Mussolini al poder las desconcierta hasta el punto de que deciden reunirse personalmente con él para asegurarse de que el fascismo no perjudicará sus intereses.
The Garden of Eden
Alessandro D'Alatri directed this Italian drama about Jesus Christ, covering his childhood, adolescence, and early adulthood, an 18-year span not chronicled in the Bible. The film uses names of the period instead of names given in the Bible. The adult Jeoshua (Kim Rossi Stuart) reflects on past events -- his journey into the desert, baptism, acceptance into the Essenes' community, Jewish life in Galilee, his yeshiva studies, education from his father Josef (Omar Chenbod), and his spiritual growth. After seeing slavery, crucifixions, the stoning of an adulteress, and brutal Roman soldiers, Jeoshua turns to God for answers, leaves the village, and is betrayed by his friend Aziz (Said Taghmaoui), who leaves him to die in the desert. Issues such as carnality bring Jeoshua in conflict with the Essenes, yet he speaks out on behalf of the Essene David (popular Italian singer Lorenzo Cherubini).
La missione
The Game Bag
In late summer 1991, three Italians reach a hunting reserve in Croatia with a station wagon. They go to deer, but, unaware of what's in store for months, they do not decipher the enigmatic signs that surround them. One of the three is suddendly wounded in the knee by a bullet of unknown provenance, and they end up in a hotel targeted by snipers night and day.
The Truce
La repatriación de un grupo de supervivientes italianos, procedentes del campo de exterminio de Auschwitz, se convierte, por razones nunca aclaradas, en una angustiosa odisea.
Grazie di tutto
Pier Paolo Pacifico
Follow Your Heart
The complicated travails of several generations of Italian women provide the basis for this drama that is based on a novel by Susanna Tamaro. It begins with the peaceful death of Olga, the elderly family matriarch. Marta, her granddaughter returns from the US to attend the funeral and once in Olga's villa in Trieste, begins reading her grandmother's diary. Olga's story unfolds via flashback. As a young woman, Oldga had to marry Antonio a man she didn't love. Later she became passionately involved with a handsome doctor at the local spa. He impregnates her and shortly thereafter dies in a terrible car wreck. The result of their love is Illaria, who grows up to be terribly neurotic. She bears Marta and then she too dies in an automobile accident, leaving Marta to be raised by Olga.
Roberto Rossellini
Narra el sufrido rodaje de "Roma, città aperta", la obra maestra de Roberto Rossellini filmada en 1946. (FILMAFFINITY)
Cuore cattivo
Hombres, hombres, hombres
Un retrato amargo, melancólico, y al mismo tiempo cariñoso, de un grupo de amigos homosexuales que tratan de afrontar su diferencia en medio del caos de una metrópoli.
La bella vita
Gerry Fumo
Bruno y Mirella se casan en 1989 y viven en el pequeño pueblo de Piombino parece ser un lecho de rosas. Después de un tiempo, Bruno se lleva el saco, mientras que Brunella habla con un ídolo de la televisión local, Gerry Fumo. Cuando se da cuenta de que Bruno no puede soportar estar en el paro, se arrepiente y quiere dejar a Gerry. Es demasiado tarde: Bruno se ha enterado de todo y le pide que se vaya. Después de un tiempo, toman otro tiempo, pero pronto se dan cuenta de que su historia de amor ha terminado. Mirella regresa a la casa de sus padres y comienza a trabajar en un jardín de infantes, mientras Bruno encuentra trabajo en la playa local. Los dos comienzan a intercambiar una tierna correspondencia.
Anime fiammeggianti
coppia Mercedes, lui
La vera vita di Antonio H.
Senza pelle
The lives of a young mother and her boyfriend are turned upside down when she unknowingly becomes the focus of the attentions of a depressed and mentally unstable young man.
Cominciò tutto per caso
A middle class couple crisis. A love story between a young blue collar guy an a Philippine girl. The lives of four people get closer in nowadays Rome.
Es Lebe die Liebe, der Papst und das Puff
Persone perbene
Volevamo essere gli U2
La rifa
La bella y joven Francesca se ha quedado viuda con una hija pequeña. Para pagar las deudas de su marido, ha de vender todos los objetos de valor que posee. Tanto esfuerzo es para poder pagar el piso en el que vive y el colegio de la niña. Sin embargo, dado que sus problemas económicos no acaban ahí, decide rifarse como amante entre los hombres más ricos que la desean.
Zitti e mosca
In a small Tuscan village that's waiting for the local festival to commence, amidst confusion about the fall of Communism, the lives of some dazed characters intertwine.
A Simple Story
l rappresentante di medicinali
After many years, a retired diplomat returns to his native Sicily to visit an abandoned property and delve into family correspondence. But is it worth bringing up the past? A difficult Sicilian history against the backdrop of the mafia and drugs.
El americano rojo
questore Santesso
Italia, 1935. Vittorio, un empleado de una agencia matrimonial, aunque la agencia está cerrada por vacaciones, trata de encontrarle una esposa italiana a un americano.
Both Sides of the Street
Marie has always been somewhat independent and is considered by some to be a bit of a tomboy. Though she is not quite a teenager, her photographer father has no qualms about leaving her alone for a while when he has to go off on an assignment. One day, while she is walking along, she gets run down by an automobile. The contrite woman driving that car sees to it that she is all right, and before long the two of them have become fast friends. Lilas, the driver, is a prostitute, and she discovers that she has a thing or two to teach the kid about femininity and men. Before long, the precocious youth is trying out her newfound powers of seduction on a family friend.
In nome del popolo sovrano
Don Ugo Bassi (voice)
1849 - Ciceruacchio declares the Independent Republic of Rome, but the French and the Austrians try to bring back the Pope to Rome.
La batalla de los tres reyes
La cruzada que llevó a cabo en el Norte de África el rey Don Sebastián de Portugal, contó con la oposición de su tío Felipe II (1559-1598) e incluso del papa. La aventura acabó con la trágica muerte del joven en la batalla de Alcazarquivir (1578), gracias a lo cual Felipe II ocupó el trono portugués y se hizo realidad el sueño de la Unión Ibérica.
Nel giardino delle rose
A successful businessman is haunted by the memories of his mother.
Italia Germania 4-3
Compagni di scuola
Mauro Valenzani
Los antiguos compañeros de una clase de instituto se reúnen en una fiesta quince años después.
Lethal Obsession
Toni Blach
Así como habían sido
The Way They Were is a Spanish Drama starring Antonio Banderas
La esposa era bellísima
La acción transcurre en Sicilia, donde una mujer y su hijo son abandonados por el padre. Ambos encontrarán amores: ella, uno nuevo en la persona de un joven médico recién llegado; él, el primer amor en una amiga de su madre. Pero también llegará la tragedia.
Secretos secretos
Capitano Felici
En Venecia, un grupo terrorista liderado por una mujer, Laura, mata a un juez. Uno de los tres tiene una crisis y la chica lo elimina. En Irpinia, una niña participa en el funeral de su hermano, muerto por los terroristas. La jefa de la banda terrorista llega a una villa veneciana, donde es recibido por su vieja ama de llaves. La reunión entre las dos mujeres es tierna y conmovedora, pero la institutriz se da cuenta de que algo anda mal. Pronto se da cuenta de que los terroristas la buscan. Mientras tanto, la madre de Laura ayuda a su amiga Renée, quien ha intentado suicidarse...
La neve nel bicchiere
The lives of three generations of peasant farmers in the Emilia-Romagna region of northern Italy are the focus of this unexciting, flat-footed saga by Florestano Vancini. When the grandfather (Marne Maitland) first decides to leave his job of canal-building and move to northern Italy, he takes up work as a peasant on the land of a local priest, while his oldest son Venancio (Massimo Ghini) starts driving a carriage. More of a visionary than a chauffeur, Venancio first gets involved in organizing the peasants into a kind of farmer's union, and when that movement goes under, he devotes himself to educating the farmers instead. Along the way, his mother dies, he marries Mariena (Anna Teresa Rossini), and they have children. Much to Venancio's sorrow, his own sons do not want to stay in farming, and as they grow older, only one remains at home to till the soil. In the meantime, the specter of fascism is growing stronger by the day and the clouds of war being to darken the horizon.
Roller Cross
Dos corredores de motos se disputan el amor de una chica que trabaja en una gasolinera. Cuando van a la ciudad para participar en unas carreras, descubrirán la corrupción de la organización.