Peter Donat

Peter Donat

Nacimiento : 1928-01-20, Kentville, Nova Scotia, Canada

Muerte : 2018-09-10


Peter Donat (born 20 January 1928) is a Canadian-American actor known for his roles in American television. Description above from the Wikipedia article Peter Donat, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.


Peter Donat


The China Syndrome: Creating a Controversy
Behind-the-scenes documentary about the making of The China Syndrome.
The China Syndrome: A Fusion of Talent
Behind-the-scenes documentary about the making of The China Syndrome.
En lo más profundo
Jack Hall
Una mujer encubre un asesinato para proteger a su hijo adolescente de verse implicado. Pero alguien lo sabe, la información vale dinero y el precio del silencio será aún mayor. Un thriller que obtuvo el aplauso de la crítica.
El laberinto rojo
David McAndrews
Jack Moore es un abogado norteamericano que visita Pekín para cerrar un importante negocio. Tras pasar la noche con una joven china, al día siguiente es acusado de su asesinato. Como el sistema judicial chino es muy distinto al occidental, necesitará la ayuda de la abogada de oficio que le asignan para hacer frente a una acusación que puede costarle la vida.
The game
Samuel Sutherland
Nicholas Van Orton es un perspicaz e influyente hombre de negocios acostumbrado a controlar absolutamente todas las facetas de su existencia. Sin embargo, su perfecta vida sufre un dramático cambio cuando su hermano Conrad le hace un original regalo de cumpleaños que pronto tendrá consecuencias devastadoras. Se trata del acceso a una misteriosa y nueva forma de entretenimiento en la que todo puede perderse, y con una sola regla: no hay reglas.
Seduced and Betrayed
Judge Van Owen
A beautiful but equally dangerous widow won't take "no" for an answer as she draws a dedicated family man into a world of passion, deceit and betrayal, threatening to destroy him in the process.
A dramatization of the failed World War II raid which became the most serious defeat of Canadian forces in the war.
Private school
Headmaster Dr. Bartram
En 1950, David Green, un adolescente judío de clase media, recibe una beca en una elitista escuela preuniversitaria de Nueva Inglaterra, donde los gerentes le consideran imprescindible para que el equipo de fútbol gane la liga escolar. Pero a cambio de poder disfrutar de la beca, le piden que mantenga en secreto su religión. El joven no tarda en hacer muchos y buenos amigos y en alcanzar el liderato del equipo, pero también despierta los celos de otros compañeros que poco después descubren que es judío, algo inadmisible dentro del sistema de valores que rige sus vidas.
El ídolo
Biopic del legendario jugador de béisbol "Babe" Ruth. El pequeño Ruth es abandonado por su padre en una escuela de formación profesional en Baltimore. Es rebelde, descarado e incorregible. Sus compañeros se mofan de él porque es gordo y muy torpe en trabajos manuales; sin embargo, es extraordinariamente hábil con la pelota.
La guerra de los Rose
Jason Larrabee
La desintegración de un matrimonio perfecto, tan modélico que resultan insultantes sus vidas tan cómodas como vacías, se produce cuando la esposa, madre y ama de casa perfecta, con una eficaz y oronda sirvienta alemana que completa el cuadro familiar, cae en la cuenta de que desea algo más: recobrar su propia identidad.
Una cana al aire
Aventuras y desventuras de un escritor divorciado y mujeriego que, tras ser abandonado por su esposa, mantiene relaciones con varias mujeres que sólo le causarán problemas.
Tucker, un hombre y su sueño
Ypsilanti, Michigan, 1945. El ingeniero Preston Tucker sueña con diseñar el coche del futuro, pero su innovadora visión se verá continuamente saboteada por sus propias expectativas, poco realistas, y por los poderosos magnates de la industria automovilística de Detroit.
El viajero de las estrellas
Admiral Beasley
En el año 2087 las condiciones de vida en la Tierra se deterioran rápidamente. Por este motivo, un grupo de jóvenes tiene la misión de realizar un viaje con el fin de colonizar un nuevo mundo, lo que les lleva a enfrentarse con los más diversos peligros que se esconden en el espacio.
Unfinished Business
Helena, a stage actress is confronted by Ferenc, a Hungarian who left her 15 years before to return to Europe, where he now runs a state-subsidized theater. Though he has brought along his current mistress, he wants to come back to Helena.
A Frenchwoman in Manhattan, in danger of being deported because of her relationship with a recently arrested drug offender, enters into a marriage of convenience with a stranger that is arranged through an agency. But even though the two are not supposed to even meet, her new husband starts taking his faux wedding vows entirely too seriously.
El chico de la bahía
Will Campbell
Donald Campbell (Kiefer Sutherland) vive en un remoto pueblecito pesquero canadiense. Está en un momento vital decisivo, en plena adolescencia, y deberá enfrentarse a la dura realidad: la muerte de su hermano, un primer y traumático encuentro con el sexo, la hipocresía y la violencia de los adultos...
Massive Retaliation
Lee Briscoe
Three families that are best friends head to their secret retreat when WW3 seems to be nearing. The adults arrive at the retreat and must endure the stress to come while the children are separated from the adults and have their own troubles along the way.
El umbral del juego
Cuando en 1980 un estudiante de la Universidad de Pensylvania desaparece misteriosamente, se descubre que pertenecía a un grupo de estudiantes obsesionados por un juego fantástico: "Mazes and Monsters". Juntos habían creado un mundo de terrores ficticios y tesoros deslumbrantes capaz de llenarlos de satisfacción, pero dieron un paso más allá de lo permitido y convirtieron el juego en realidad.
Ladies and Gentlemen, the Fabulous Stains
Harley Dennis
Tres adolescentes (dos hermanas y una prima) forman su propia banda de punk rock, bajo el marco del movimiento “riot grrrl” de la década de los años 80 en Estados Unidos.
James Hatcher embezzles ten million dollars from a joint mafia/CIA operation, leaving them squabbling with each other. Unemployed Lewis Kinney gets caught up in the intrigue, and must try to recover the money, while saving the beautiful Lise Hatcher (hopefully for himself).
The Princess and the Cabbie
Edward James
A young woman works to overcome her dyslexia with the help of a good-hearted cab driver.
Golden Gate
Richard Bryne
A venerable San Francisco publishing family becomes embroiled in a bitter power struggle between the iron-fisted, but ailing, patriarch's son and a ruthless businessman who tries for a takeover.
A Matter of Life and Death
Dr. Whedon
The true story of a nurse who spent her life caring for terminally ill patients.
Fun and Games
A divorcee decides to fight back after her hopes of gaining a promotion are dashed by her rejection of the advances of her boss, and it is only after he actually attacks her that her company and her union take notice.
Opening Sequence Narrator (voice)
En plena Guerra Fría, Estados Unidos y la Unión Soviética deben olvidar sus diferencias y colaborar en la prevención de una inminente catástrofe planetaria: la caída de un enorme meteorito sobre la Tierra. Mientras intentan encontrar una solución, un científico americano (Connery) y una traductora soviética (Natalie Wood) vivirán un apasionado romance.
Hanging by a Thread
Mr. Durant
A group of old friends on an outing re-live various traumas and tragedies via flashback whilst trapped high above a ravine in a disabled cable-car.
El síndrome de China
Don Jacovich
Al hacer un reportaje rutinario sobre el funcionamiento de una central nuclear, una reportera de televisión y su fotógrafo descubren un posible accidente que puede poner en peligro la seguridad de la planta y de la ciudad de Los Angeles.
Return Engagement
George Riley
A live-theater production which Elizabeth Taylor stars as Emily Loomis, a professor of ancient history at a small California college, who reluctantly agrees to rent a room in her house to one of the new students named Stewart Anderson. Both happen to be loners (she with a secret past) and although they initially get on each others nerves, they eventually realize the rapport to help one another emerge from their emotional shells.
A Different Story
A gay man and a lesbian enter into a marriage of convenience in order to prevent his deportation, and then gradually fall in love with one another.
F.I.S.T. - Símbolo de fuerza
Arthur St. Clair
Johny Kovak (Stallone) es un honrado y diligente empleado que se esfuerza al máximo con tal de alcanzar el sueño americano. Después de sufrir durante años injusticias y condiciones inhumanas de trabajo, asume la responsabilidad de dirigir una campaña para sindicar a los empleados de la fábrica. Cuando la compañía responde con amenazas, intimidación y asesinatos, Johnny se ve obligado a renunciar a sus principios y aliarse con gentes del crimen organizado. Pero a medida que va sacrificando sus ideales, Johnny comprenderá que el triunfo de la causa le exigirá algo más.
Dr. Philip Godard
A newlywed couple checks into an old hotel in New Orleans where the wife begins having dreams in which she encounters a sinister group of people who seem to want her for some nefarious purpose. When people around her start dying, she realizes she is not dreaming.
The Suicide's Wife
Wayne Harrington
An unsuccessful middle-aged college professor commits suicide, leaving his wife to cope with guilt, shame, and an angry teenage son who blames her for his father's death.
Delta County, USA
John McCain, Jr.
Delta County is a staid Southern community caught between the old traditions and a rapidly changing way of life. For teenagers Terry Nicholas, his sister McCain, and Joe Ed, the boy from the wrong side of the tracks that she's attracted to, the old traditions have little meaning in their lives. Their elders, struggling to preserve values of an older day, have personal problems that are sometimes overwhelming, such as the one facing John McCain Jr., an alcoholic whose wife Kate is having a hidden and torrid romance that sets her husband off on a vengeance-seeking spree.
Billy Jack Goes to Washington
Ralph Butler
After a senator suddenly dies after completing (and sealing) an investigation into the nuclear power industry, the remaining senator and the state governor must decide on a person who will play along with their shady deals and not cause any problems. They decide on Billy Jack, currently sitting in prison after being sent to jail at the end of his previous film, as they don't expect him to be capable of much, and they think he will attract young voters to the party.
The Flying Misfits
Col. Mathis
The dramatized World War II adventures of US Major Gregory "Pappy" Boyington and his Marine Attack Squadron 214, AKA The Black Sheep Squadron. The film also acted as the pilot for the television series Baa Baa Black Sheep. Former U.S. Marine pilot Greg "Pappy" Boyington is flying with the American Volunteer Group (the Flying Tigers) in China. After Pearl Harbor brings America into World War II, Greg leaves the AVG to rejoin the Marine Corps. He refuses to be relegated to a desk job and, against all military protocol, forms his own fighter squadron from a group of misfits and disciplinary cases.
The Lindbergh Kidnapping Case
Col. H. Norman Schwarzkopf
Fact-based story of the kidnapping of Charles Lindbergh Jr., son and namesake of the famed pilot, and ensuing trial of accused and convicted killer, Bruno Hauptmann.
Reed Channing
Cuando en 1937 el dirigible alemán Hindenburg se dispone a hacer la travesía del Atlántico, una mujer estadounidense tiene la premonición de que la nave va a ser saboteada, y así se lo hace saber a las autoridades de la embajada germana, para que, a su vez, se lo comuniquen a Goebbels. Éste designa a Frank Rittes (George C. Scott), coronel de la Luftwaffe y antiguo héroe como piloto de la aviación alemana que ahora trabaja para la inteligencia militar, para que se haga cargo de la seguridad del dirigible.
Russian Roulette
Inspector McDermott
An RCMP officer is ordered to discreetly take a Russian immigrant into custody in advance of a state visit by the Soviet premier. When the prisoner is kidnapped, the officer is drawn into a complicated assassination scheme.
The First 36 Hours of Dr. Durant
Dr. Bryce
A young doctor fresh out of medical school takes a job at a big-city hospital, and on his first day finds himself making life-and-death decisions.
El padrino. Parte II
Continuación de la saga de los Corleone con dos historias paralelas: la elección de Michael Corleone como jefe de los negocios familiares y los orígenes del patriarca, el ya fallecido Don Vito, primero en Sicilia y luego en Estados Unidos, donde, empezando desde abajo, llegó a ser un poderosísimo jefe de la mafia de Nueva York.
The Missiles of October
David Ormsby-Gore, British Ambassador to U.S.
Based in part on Robert F. Kennedy's book, "Thirteen Days," this film profiles the Kennedy Administration's actions during the Cuban Missile Crisis.
This powerful drama about the social ferment that culminated in the 1917 Russian Revolution is set on an estate in provincial Russia in 1905. In a sun-dappled garden, some factory owners and their wives discuss the unrest among the workers. Rather than submit to a strike, they decide to close down the factory. When an owner is slain in a scuffle with a workman, the ensuing investigation uncovers the socialist fervor that is sweeping the countryside. The play goes beyond depicting class struggle by keenly examining the gulfs between youth and old age, vision and shortsightedness, and conservatism versus change.
The Return of Charlie Chan
Noel Adamson
Charlie Chan comes out of retirement to investigate a murder case aboard the yacht of a wealthy Greek shipping tycoon.
My Old Man's Place
Car Salesman
Two soldiers return from Vietnam with serious PTSD. They decide to go for a couple of days to a peaceful farm owned by the father of one of the men. A psychotic sergeant who also did tours in Nam, joins them. Personalities clash hard.
Lost Lagoon
David Burnham
Saddled with a loveless marriage and three ungrateful children, Charlie Walker (Jeffrey Lynn) dreams of escape. When he falls overboard on a boating trip and is presumed dead, his fantasy comes true. He washes up on a Caribbean island and meets a lovely local (Leila Barry). He gets a fresh start at life, opening a resort on his island home. But guilt and a few insurance agents may cut Charlie's dream short.
Last Hours Before Morning
Peter Helms
An ex-cop, now a private detective, investigating a gambler's murder finds that there may be a connection between that crime and the jewel robbery at a beautiful movie star's home.