Peter Donat

Peter Donat

Nascimento : 1928-01-20, Kentville, Nova Scotia, Canada

Morte : 2018-09-10


Peter Donat (born 20 January 1928) is a Canadian-American actor known for his roles in American television. Description above from the Wikipedia article Peter Donat, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.


Peter Donat


The China Syndrome: Creating a Controversy
Behind-the-scenes documentary about the making of The China Syndrome.
The China Syndrome: A Fusion of Talent
Behind-the-scenes documentary about the making of The China Syndrome.
The Deep End
Jack Hall
With her husband Jack perpetually away at work, Margaret Hall raises her children virtually alone. Her teenage son is testing the waters of the adult world, and early one morning she wakes to find the dead body of his gay lover on the beach of their rural lakeside home. What would you do? What is rational and what do you do to protect your child? How far do you go and when do you stop?
Justiça Vermelha
David McAndrews
Jack Moore um advogado americano (Richard Gere),viaja para a China representando uma companhia dos EUA que pretende fazer um acordo para TV via satélite. Ele tem um caso de uma noite com uma jovem chinesa e acorda de manhã ao lado de um cadáver cercado por evidências de que ele assassinou a mulher. Ele consegue convencer seu advogado, Shen Yuelin (Bai Ling), de que ele não é culpado, e juntos eles descobrem evidências de uma trama na qual o alvo é Moore.
Vidas em Jogo
Samuel Sutherland
Nicholas Van Orton é um banqueiro bem-sucedido que se mantém discreto. Quando seu irmão distante Conrad retorna para seu aniversário, traz para Nicholas um presente estranho: uma participação em um jogo da vida real. Inicialmente inofensivo, o jogo fica cada vez mais pessoal e Nicholas começa a temer por sua vida quando ele escapa de agentes organizadores do jogo misterioso. Sem ninguém em quem confiar, o banqueiro tem que encontrar respostas por si mesmo.
Seduced and Betrayed
Judge Van Owen
A beautiful but equally dangerous widow won't take "no" for an answer as she draws a dedicated family man into a world of passion, deceit and betrayal, threatening to destroy him in the process.
A dramatization of the failed World War II raid which became the most serious defeat of Canadian forces in the war.
Código de Honra
Headmaster Dr. Bartram
Vindo de uma família humilde, o jovem David Greene (Bredan Fraser) conseguiu uma bolsa em uma grande e tradicional escola. Lá, ele se torna a estrela do time de futebol americano do colégio, gerando a admiração e a inveja de muitos de seus colegas. Mas tudo muda quando uma verdade vem a tona: David é judeu. A partir daí, os preconceitos ficam cada vez mais visíveis.
Ânsia de Viver
"The Babe" narra a fenomenal história de Ruth - desde o começo de suas duras batidas em um orfanato de Baltimore, até sua ascensão meteórica ao estrelato de beisebol e sua aposentadoria comovente do jogo. Sua incrível carreira incluiu sete flâmulas da Liga Americana, quatro campeonatos da World Series, dois casamentos tempestuosos e um estilo de vida selvagem que lhe renderam numerosas suspensões.
A Guerra dos Roses
Jason Larrabee
Ainda jovens, quando se conheceram a paixão foi fulminante e avassaladora. Oliver e Barbara se casaram no momento seguinte. O passar do tempo deixou a relação fria, até que eles iniciaram uma verdadeira guerra pelo divórcio.
As Confusões de um Sedutor
Hard-drinking novelist Zach Hutton spirals out of control after his wife and mistress both leave him. Alone and crippled by a bad case of writer's block, Zach slips in and out of casual relationships and one-night stands, while his drinking becomes more and more severe. With the help of a bartender and his therapist, Zach confronts his demons — women and alcohol.
Tucker, um Homem e seu Sonho
Na década de 1940, um norte-americano visionário constrói um carro muito avançado para os padrões da época. O projeto ameaça o monopólio estabelecido e, com a ajuda do governo, a Ford, a Chrisley e a GM boicotam Tucker até o levarem à falência. Apenas 50 carros foram produzidos por sua fábrica. Longa-metragem baseada em acontecimentos reais de Francis Ford Coppola com Jeff Bridges no papel principal.
Voyager - Rumo às Estrelas
Admiral Beasley
A Terra ficou inabitável. Cientistas partem em busca de outro planeta para morar. No caminho, conhecem novas formas de vida e travam batalhas espetaculares.
Unfinished Business
Helena, a stage actress is confronted by Ferenc, a Hungarian who left her 15 years before to return to Europe, where he now runs a state-subsidized theater. Though he has brought along his current mistress, he wants to come back to Helena.
A Frenchwoman in Manhattan, in danger of being deported because of her relationship with a recently arrested drug offender, enters into a marriage of convenience with a stranger that is arranged through an agency. But even though the two are not supposed to even meet, her new husband starts taking his faux wedding vows entirely too seriously.
Quando Chega o Amor
Will Campbell
A Roman Catholic teenage boy in Glace Bay, Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia during the 1930s faces various growing-up problems: Should be become a priest? What should he do about the murder he witnessed, committed by a local cop and upstanding parishioner? And how far should he go with his girl friend, who happens to be the murderer's daughter?
Massive Retaliation
Lee Briscoe
Three families that are best friends head to their secret retreat when WW3 seems to be nearing. The adults arrive at the retreat and must endure the stress to come while the children are separated from the adults and have their own troubles along the way.
Labirintos e Monstros
Quatro amigos que estudam na mesma faculdade juntam-se para jogar um RPG chamado Labirintos e Monstros (Mazes and Monsters), onde interpretam o papel de heróis místicos e enfrentam seres imaginários e sobrenaturais. Quando eles decidem jogar o RPG "ao vivo", trocando o tabuleiro por uma caverna sombria a alguns quilômetros do campus, um dos rapazes acaba assumindo a personalidade do seu personagem, e não consegue mais distinguir ficção de realidade.
Ladies and Gentlemen, the Fabulous Stains
Harley Dennis
Corrine Burns retreats far into plans for her band, The Fabulous Stains, after her mother's death.
James Hatcher embezzles ten million dollars from a joint mafia/CIA operation, leaving them squabbling with each other. Unemployed Lewis Kinney gets caught up in the intrigue, and must try to recover the money, while saving the beautiful Lise Hatcher (hopefully for himself).
The Princess and the Cabbie
Edward James
A young woman works to overcome her dyslexia with the help of a good-hearted cab driver.
Golden Gate
Richard Bryne
A venerable San Francisco publishing family becomes embroiled in a bitter power struggle between the iron-fisted, but ailing, patriarch's son and a ruthless businessman who tries for a takeover.
A Matter of Life and Death
Dr. Whedon
The true story of a nurse who spent her life caring for terminally ill patients.
Fun and Games
A divorcee decides to fight back after her hopes of gaining a promotion are dashed by her rejection of the advances of her boss, and it is only after he actually attacks her that her company and her union take notice.
Opening Sequence Narrator (voice)
s EUA devem unir forças com a URSS para destruir um gigantesco asteroide em direção à Terra.
Hanging by a Thread
Mr. Durant
A group of old friends on an outing re-live various traumas and tragedies via flashback whilst trapped high above a ravine in a disabled cable-car.
Síndrome da China
Don Jacovich
Kimberly Wells e Richard Adams são jornalistas que filmam um acontecimento irregular em visita a uma usina nuclear, mas a matéria não vai ao ar. Intrigados, os dois decidem investigar o caso, e a verdade pode ser mais grave do que eles imaginavam.
Voltar a Viver
George Riley
A live-theater production which Elizabeth Taylor stars as Emily Loomis, a professor of ancient history at a small California college, who reluctantly agrees to rent a room in her house to one of the new students named Stewart Anderson. Both happen to be loners (she with a secret past) and although they initially get on each others nerves, they eventually realize the rapport to help one another emerge from their emotional shells.
Uma História Diferente
Ele é simpático, mas não quer nada com as mulheres. Ela é bonita, mas não se interessa por rapazes. Como pode surgir um caso entre os dois? Curiosa história romântica, que confronta dois estilos de vida e sexualidade que pareciam incompatíveis.
Arthur St. Clair
Em Cleveland, nos anos 1930, um empregado de uma fábrica rebela-se contra o trabalho escravo e se filia ao sindicato dos motoristas de caminhão (F.I.S.T.). Ao longo de 30 anos, ele se tornará um poderoso sindicalista, envolvendo-se com o crime organizado. Dramático retrato de uma parte do sindicalismo pioneiro americano, em biografia não muito disfarçada do poderoso pelego Jimmy Hoffa, que desapareceu sem deixar rastros.
Dr. Philip Godard
A newlywed couple checks into an old hotel in New Orleans where the wife begins having dreams in which she encounters a sinister group of people who seem to want her for some nefarious purpose. When people around her start dying, she realizes she is not dreaming.
The Suicide's Wife
Wayne Harrington
An unsuccessful middle-aged college professor commits suicide, leaving his wife to cope with guilt, shame, and an angry teenage son who blames her for his father's death.
Delta County, USA
John McCain, Jr.
Delta County is a staid Southern community caught between the old traditions and a rapidly changing way of life. For teenagers Terry Nicholas, his sister McCain, and Joe Ed, the boy from the wrong side of the tracks that she's attracted to, the old traditions have little meaning in their lives. Their elders, struggling to preserve values of an older day, have personal problems that are sometimes overwhelming, such as the one facing John McCain Jr., an alcoholic whose wife Kate is having a hidden and torrid romance that sets her husband off on a vengeance-seeking spree.
Billy Jack Goes to Washington
Ralph Butler
After a senator suddenly dies after completing (and sealing) an investigation into the nuclear power industry, the remaining senator and the state governor must decide on a person who will play along with their shady deals and not cause any problems. They decide on Billy Jack, currently sitting in prison after being sent to jail at the end of his previous film, as they don't expect him to be capable of much, and they think he will attract young voters to the party.
The Flying Misfits
Col. Mathis
The dramatized World War II adventures of US Major Gregory "Pappy" Boyington and his Marine Attack Squadron 214, AKA The Black Sheep Squadron. The film also acted as the pilot for the television series Baa Baa Black Sheep. Former U.S. Marine pilot Greg "Pappy" Boyington is flying with the American Volunteer Group (the Flying Tigers) in China. After Pearl Harbor brings America into World War II, Greg leaves the AVG to rejoin the Marine Corps. He refuses to be relegated to a desk job and, against all military protocol, forms his own fighter squadron from a group of misfits and disciplinary cases.
The Lindbergh Kidnapping Case
Col. H. Norman Schwarzkopf
Fact-based story of the kidnapping of Charles Lindbergh Jr., son and namesake of the famed pilot, and ensuing trial of accused and convicted killer, Bruno Hauptmann.
O Dirigível Hindenburg
Reed Channing
Uma vidente americana afirma pouco antes do dirigível Hindenburg, um verdadeiro hotel no céu e um dos símbolos do poderio nazista, deixar a Alemanha, que ele será destruído em sua viagem até Nova York e que o desastre acontecerá quando ele estiver chegando nos Estados Unidos. Apesar de nada suspeito ter sido encontrado, na Alemanha e nos Estados Unidos circulam rumores sobre a possível destruição do dirigível. Assim o coronel Franz Ritter (George C. Scott), um herói de guerra que opera para a inteligência militar, é designado para voar no Hindenburg como chefe da segurança. Nesta missão ele é ajudado pelo agente da Gestapo Martin Vogel (Roy Thinnes), que nem de longe tem a educação e a discrição de Ritter, que gradativamente cria sua lista de suspeitos. Vai ficando cada vez mais certo que os rumores de sabotagem têm muito fundamento, mas Ritter não está preocupado em proteger um símbolo do poderio nazista e sim evitar que dezenas de pessoas morram num atentado.
Roleta Russa
Inspector McDermott
An RCMP officer is ordered to discreetly take a Russian immigrant into custody in advance of a state visit by the Soviet premier. When the prisoner is kidnapped, the officer is drawn into a complicated assassination scheme.
The First 36 Hours of Dr. Durant
Dr. Bryce
A young doctor fresh out of medical school takes a job at a big-city hospital, and on his first day finds himself making life-and-death decisions.
O Poderoso Chefão: Parte II
Após a máfia matar sua família, o jovem Vito foge da sua cidade na Sicília e vai para a América. Vito luta para manter sua família. Ele mata Black Hand Fanucci, que exigia dos comerciantes uma parte dos seus ganhos. Com a morte de Fanucci, o poderio de Vito cresce, mas sua família é o que mais importa para ele. Agora baseado no Lago Tahoe, Michael planeja fazer incursões em Las Vegas e Havana instalando negócios ligados ao lazer, mas descobre que aliados como Hyman Roth estão tentando matá-lo.
Mísseis de Outubro
David Ormsby-Gore, British Ambassador to U.S.
Based in part on Robert F. Kennedy's book, "Thirteen Days," this film profiles the Kennedy Administration's actions during the Cuban Missile Crisis.
This powerful drama about the social ferment that culminated in the 1917 Russian Revolution is set on an estate in provincial Russia in 1905. In a sun-dappled garden, some factory owners and their wives discuss the unrest among the workers. Rather than submit to a strike, they decide to close down the factory. When an owner is slain in a scuffle with a workman, the ensuing investigation uncovers the socialist fervor that is sweeping the countryside. The play goes beyond depicting class struggle by keenly examining the gulfs between youth and old age, vision and shortsightedness, and conservatism versus change.
The Return of Charlie Chan
Noel Adamson
Charlie Chan comes out of retirement to investigate a murder case aboard the yacht of a wealthy Greek shipping tycoon.
My Old Man's Place
Car Salesman
Two soldiers return from Vietnam with serious PTSD. They decide to go for a couple of days to a peaceful farm owned by the father of one of the men. A psychotic sergeant who also did tours in Nam, joins them. Personalities clash hard.
Lost Lagoon
David Burnham
Saddled with a loveless marriage and three ungrateful children, Charlie Walker (Jeffrey Lynn) dreams of escape. When he falls overboard on a boating trip and is presumed dead, his fantasy comes true. He washes up on a Caribbean island and meets a lovely local (Leila Barry). He gets a fresh start at life, opening a resort on his island home. But guilt and a few insurance agents may cut Charlie's dream short.
Last Hours Before Morning
Peter Helms
An ex-cop, now a private detective, investigating a gambler's murder finds that there may be a connection between that crime and the jewel robbery at a beautiful movie star's home.