Frank Mitchell

Frank Mitchell

Nacimiento : 1905-05-13, New York City, New York, USA

Muerte : 1991-01-21


Frank Mitchell


Un comando de mercenarios es contratados por la CIA para rescatar a unos pilotos apresados por las guerrillas en la selva Centroamericana. La misión resulta satisfactoria, pero durante su viaje de regreso se dan cuenta de que algo está dándoles caza uno a uno, ese algo resulta ser un cazador alienígena que se queda con las calaveras de sus víctimas como trofeos
Quiero ser libre
Washington Neighbor
Basada en la autobiografía de la estrella de la música country Loretta Lynn, quien logró escapar del sórdido mundo en el que vivía, convirtiéndose en toda una estrella del mundo del espectáculo. Loretta Lynn nació en el seno de una familia humilde, cerca de los montes Apalaches. Se casó a los trece años y llegó a tener cuatro hijos, antes de los veinte.
Blood Voyage
What is meant to be a pleasure cruise becomes a nightmare as murder follows murder on a small ship. With tension mounting, passengers and the crew turn on each other in a desperate attempt to identify the killer.
Como un torrente
Nightclub Waiter (uncredited)
Dave Hirsh, un escritor sin éxito y veterano de la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), después de muchos años regresa a su ciudad natal acompañado de una prostituta. Allí entabla relación con un jugador profesional alcohólico y con una chica de provincias.
Más dura será la caída
Dundee Referee (uncredited)
Eddie Willis (Humphrey Bogart), un veterano periodista, es contratado como agente de prensa por Nick Benko (Rod Steiger), un hombre sin escrúpulos, para que consiga hacer popular a Toro Moreno, un gigantesco pero torpe aspirante a boxeador, a quien hacen creer que es un gran campeón a base de amañar sus combates.
Steve the Bartender
Este excitante poco de sensacionalismo de la pulpa fue el último de una serie de películas "B" que Cleo Moore protagonizó en Columbia. Moore interpreta a Lila Crane, una ambiciosa fotógrafa que se convirtió en fotógrafa con una moral flexible y una inclinación por el dinero rápido.
Goof on the Roof
The Stooges take care of a house while their friend is getting married. Their friend wants them to get a TV and have an antenna installed on the house. The Stooges have a great idea. They decide to install the TV themselves and save the money for a wedding present. Shemp keeps on slipping on soap and having his head dunked in a bucket of water while cleaning the house. Larry totally wrecks the wall by setting it on fire and turning it into swiss cheese with a hammer. Shemp takes apart the TV and while installing the antenna, falls and breaks it. The friend comes back, married, and when his fat wife sees the house, she leaves him.
George B. Bopper
The stooges are private detectives hired to find a missing girl. The boys disguise as pie salesmen and end up wandering around a mad scientist's mansion, trying to find the girl. The boys confront a gorilla and various other bad guys, before rescuing the girl.
Un culto y cínico aristócrata quiere vengar el asesinato de su hermano en la Francia del siglo XVIII. Para ello se disfraza de actor.
My Six Convicts
Convict 3007
A psychologist takes on the daunting task of getting into the mind of prisoners. He must gain the trust and cooperation from a group of men who have no reason to help him and who might enjoy killing him.
La hija de Neptuno
Little Wrangler
Eva Barrett, una joven diseñadora de trajes de baño conoce, de forma fortuita, al masajista de un equipo de polo. Gracias a éste, Eva entabla relaciones con el atractivo capitán del equipo.
Levando anclas
Sailor (uncredited)
Gene Kelly y Frank Sinatra son dos marineros de personalidades opuestas: uno (Sinatra) es tímido y un tanto ingenuo, mientras que el otro (Kelly) es un hombre de mundo. Ambos vivirán mil peripecias en la ciudad de Los Ángeles
Captive Wild Woman
Cuando Beth lleva a su hermana para que sea asistida quirúrgicamente, conoce al misterioso doctor Walters, quien efectúa extraños experimentos con animales. El prometido de Beth es Fred, un domador de fieras. En una visita casual del doctor, éste conoce a Fred… y también a una preciosa gorila, Cheela, a quien secuestrará para perpetrar experimentos con ella: primero le hace una transfusión con la sangre de la hermana de Beth, consiguiendo que adquiera apariencia levemente humana, y después le trasplanta el cerebro de una enfermera entrometida, convirtiéndose en la bellísima Paula Dupree... Primera entrega de la "trilogía de Paula Dupree, la mujer simio", formada por Captive Wild Woman (1943), Jungle Woman (1944) y The Jungle Captive (1945).
The Boogie Man Will Get You
Officer Fred
A young divorcee tries to convert a historic house into a hotel despite its oddball inhabitants and dead bodies in the cellar.
Vengeance of the West
Cannonball Boggs
Anita Morell arrives by stagecoach in a small California town to find her father murdered and his property being stolen by two unscrupulous townsmen. She receives help from a sympathetic lawman and from a masked rider known as "the Black Shadow" whose whip-scarred back is evidence of his own grudge against the townsmen.
Prairie Gunsmoke
"Wild" Bill Elliot is the star of Prairie Gunsmoke. This time Elliot is paired with Tex Ritter, both of whom prove the bane of the bad guys' existence. It's fun to watch Ritter swing into action the moment he finishes singing, though Elliot may not have been overly pleased at sharing the spotlight. The leading lady is Virginia Carroll, one of Hollywood's best horsewomen.
The Devil's Trail
Our heroes head to a wide-open town in search of a gang of desperadoes, headed by swarthy Noah Beery Jr. Along the way, Elliot and Ritter find time to pitch woo to leading lady Eileen O'Hearn. The Devil's Trail was based on a story with the more intriguing title "The Town in Hell's Backyard."
North of the Rockies
Cannonball Rideaux
Morgan and his gang are smuggling furs across the border. Both the Mounties on the Canadian side and Tex Martin on the American side are after them. When Morgan sets up Tex to be found with furs, Mountie Bill arrests him. But he lets him go hoping he will lead him to the gang and eventually the two join forces.
Bullets for Bandits
In a saloon shooting, a cowboy thinks he killed Prince Katey, a man he closely resembles. Cannonball arrives and thinking the cowboy to be Katey, gets him to return to the Katey ranch where the mother is in trouble. She thinks her missing son has returned and even though the Sheriff is chasing him, he decides to take up the mother's fight against the man who is trying to throw her off the ranch.
The Lone Star Vigilantes
Cannonball Q. Boggs
It's Wild Bill Elliot as Wild Bill Hickok in the Columbia B-western Lone Star Vigilantes. This time out, Elliot is teamed with singing cowboy Tex Ritter, while comedy relief is provided by diminutive stuntman Frank Mitchell. Returning from Civil War duty, Hickok, Tex Martin (Ritter) and Cannonball (Mitchell) find that their Texas home town is under the rule of Colonel Monroe (Forrest Taylor), a bush-league dictator with his own police force. In true Hitlerian fashion, Monroe extorts huge sums of money from the populace, terrorizing them into silence. Our three heroes set about to put an end to Monroe's regime, with time out for Tex Ritter's musical interludes.
Roaring Frontiers
U.S. Marshal Wild Bill Hickok arrives in Goldfield to arrest Tex Martin, who has been accused of murdering the sheriff. "Hawk" Hammond, the man behind the sheriff's killing, sends his legions of henchmen to lynch Tex before the trail. Wild Bill and Tex escape to a stagecoach rest station run by Reba Bailey. There is a showdown battle at Hammond's saloon but not before Tex gets to sing two songs followed by a third one after the battle.
Where Did You Get That Girl?
In this musical comedy, a motley band of musicians have only their extreme poverty in common. They end up writing a hit and getting a recording contract. The trouble is, the composer's works are never played without another band member doctoring them up to make them swingier. Fortunately, the composer isn't too averse to the changes as he has just won the heart of the beauty who sings his revamped songs. Songs include: "Where Did You Get That Girl?" (Harry Puck, Bert Kalmar, sung by Helen Parrish), "Sergeant Swing," "Rug-Cuttin' Romeo" (Milton Rosen, Everett Carter).
The Leather Pushers
Grogan's Manager
A shifty boxing promoter places an amateur in fixed fights, then hands his contract over to an suspicious female investigative reporter as a raffle prize. He later regrets his actions, however, when the boxer becomes an honest champion.
Bad Man from Red Butte
A cowboy arrives in a town, and is immediately mistaken for his twin brother who is wanted for murder.
El puente de Waterloo
Father (uncredited)
En vísperas de la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), un oficial británico de buena familia regresa a Londres y evoca sus años de juventud durante la Primera Guerra Mundial (1914-1918). Recuerda que se enamoró de una joven bailarina, justo antes de partir hacia el frente. Primera película de Vivien Leigh tras "Lo que el viento se llevó".
Ma, He's Making Eyes at Me!
In this musical, a sharp witted press agent teams up with an unemployed chorine and dubs her "Miss Manhattan" to promote a cheap line of clothing. To escort her about town, the agent invents a "Mr. Manhattan." He then has them fake a marriage. When he realizes that he is in love with his creation, the agent promptly fires "Mr. M" and takes her to the altar personally. Songs include: "Ma, He's Making Eyes At Me," "Unfair To Love," and "A Lemon In The Garden Of Love."
Rhythm of the Rio Grande
Shorty (Tex's Sidekick)
Filmed at Palmdale, California, this Tex Ritter Western continued a recent trend of limiting Ritter's trademark music numbers in favor of rather ill staged fisticuffs and other action scenes. Ritter, who was never very lucky with his ever changing comic sidekicks, was here saddled with one Frank Mitchell, a New Yorker visibly ill at ease on the celluloid range. Tex and Shorty (Mitchell) ride into Cinco Valley, a gold rich area terrorized by marauders ostensibly lead by one Pablo (Martin Garralaga). Tex, however, recognizes Blackie (Earl Douglas), whose boss is Bannister (Warner Richmond), an American. Suspecting that Bannister and his henchmen are trying to drive the settlers off their potentially valuable land by posing as Mexican banditos, Tex convinces Pablo to help him set a trap for the marauders.
Double Alibi
Lennie Noland
A man's ex-wife is found murdered, and he finds himself to be the prime suspect.
Danger On Wheels
Truck Driver
During a test, a race car using an experimental oil fueled engine blows up, killing the driver. Lucky Taylor, a stunt driver, is initially blamed for the accident, but is later cleared. He thinks the engine design has a real chance to win races, but the racing association has banned it since the accident. He devises a scheme to have a car equipped with the engine entered into a race, without race officials-- or the engine designer's sassy daughter -- finding out about it.
West of Carson City
Henchman Breed
West of Carson City remains one of the best of Johnny Mack Brown's Universal westerns. The story takes place in a gold-rush community where the locals are taken to the cleaners by duplicitious Eastern gamblers. When it becomes obvious that the local constabulary has been "bought off" by the crooks, two-fisted cattleman Jim Bannister (Brown) swings into action. The film's highlight is an outsized fistic brawl between the hero and secondary villain Breed, played by loose-limbed comic stuntman Frank Mitchell.
Tropic Fury
Amando - Peg-legged Peon
An investigator checks into the rumors of harsh working conditions on an Amazon rubber plantation.
Sons o' Guns
Broadway star Jimmy Canfield stars in a patriotic show on the great white way during WWI. He plays the heroic soldier, but he is doesn't want to join the Army. To evade some troubles with fellow actress Berenice, he acts like joining the forces going over there, but that turns out to be real. In France he falls in love with a French barmaid and is arrested as spy. He escapes from prison, only to end in the uniform of a German officer leading "his" soldiers in an Allied trap. But being escaped from prison and wearing the enemy's uniform isn't that healthy in wartime.
The Singing Kid
Neurotic Broadway star Al Jackson faces professional ruin when he loses his voice. While recuperating in the country, he falls in love with farm girl Ruth Haines, the pretty aunt of precocious little Sybil Haines.
La magia de la música
Peanuts Harper
Una actriz de cierta edad reconoce al fin la verdad cuando la sustituyen por una corista.
Spring Tonic
Griffin Nasher
Betty Ingals walks out on her fiancé in search of adventure. She gets more than she bargained for when she stumbles upon a gang of bootleggers.
Trescientas sesenta y cinco noches en Hollywood
Un director de cine fracasado acepta un trabajo en una academia de interpretación. El director le convence de que utilicen los fondos que ha aportado un joven rico para rodar una película protagonizada por una bonita estudiante...
Aprendió de los marinos
Jean, que canta en un club nocturno de Shanghai, se enamora de un marino, pero él parte hacia Estados Unidos y le escribe una carta para comunicarle que no puede mantenerla. Dos chistosos interceptan la carta y la reescriben en sentido opuesto...
La alegría de vivir
Senator Danforth
El presidente Roosevelt nombra nuevo Secretario de Diversiones a un productor teatral, con el fin de levantar los ánimos del pueblo estadounidense. El nuevo secretario pronto se harta de los grupos de presión que intentan destruir su departamento.
Baby Kantor
Young Leon Kanter dreams of being a great violinist. His parents scrape up the money for a violin and for lessons, and Leon rewards them by becoming a great player. But as an adult, Leon finds that people want more from him than just music.