
Scaramouche (1952)

¡La Compañía que hizo "Quo Vadis" trae al mundo otro espectacular triunfo romántico!

Género : Aventura, Comedia, Romance

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 58M

Director : George Sidney
Escritor : Ronald Millar, George Froeschel


Un culto y cínico aristócrata quiere vengar el asesinato de su hermano en la Francia del siglo XVIII. Para ello se disfraza de actor.


Stewart Granger
Stewart Granger
Andre Moreau
Eleanor Parker
Eleanor Parker
Janet Leigh
Janet Leigh
Aline de Gavrillac de Bourbon
Mel Ferrer
Mel Ferrer
Noel, Marquis de Maynes
Henry Wilcoxon
Henry Wilcoxon
Chevalier de Chabrillaine
Nina Foch
Nina Foch
Marie Antoinette
Richard Anderson
Richard Anderson
Philippe de Valmorin (Marcus Brutus)
Robert Coote
Robert Coote
Gaston Binet
Lewis Stone
Lewis Stone
Georges de Valmorin
Elisabeth Risdon
Elisabeth Risdon
Isabelle de Valmorin
Howard Freeman
Howard Freeman
Michael Vanneau
Curtis Cooksey
Curtis Cooksey
John Dehner
John Dehner
John Litel
John Litel
Dr. Dubuque
Jonathan Cott
Jonathan Cott
Dan Foster
Dan Foster
Owen McGiveney
Owen McGiveney
Hope Landin
Hope Landin
Mme. Frying Pan
Frank Mitchell
Frank Mitchell
Carol Hughes
Carol Hughes
Barrie Chase
Barrie Chase
Dancer in Minuet
John George
John George
Show Spectator (uncredited)


George Sidney
George Sidney
Ronald Millar
Ronald Millar
George Froeschel
George Froeschel
Rafael Sabatini
Rafael Sabatini
Carey Wilson
Carey Wilson
Charles Rosher
Charles Rosher
Director of Photography
Hans Peters
Hans Peters
Art Direction
Cedric Gibbons
Cedric Gibbons
Art Direction
Victor Young
Victor Young
Original Music Composer
Douglas Shearer
Douglas Shearer
Recording Supervision

Carteles y fondos


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