Charles Rosher

Charles Rosher

Nacimiento : 1885-11-17, London, England, UK

Muerte : 1974-01-15


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Charles G. Rosher, A.S.C. (November 17, 1885 – January 15, 1974) was a two-time Academy Award-winning cinematographer who worked from the early days of silent films through the 1950s. He was the first cinematographer to receive an Academy Award, along with 1929 co-winner Karl Struss. Charles Rosher was born in London in 1885. He studied photography in his youth but earned a reputation early as a newsreel cameraman, before moving to the United States in 1909. He subsequently found work for David Horsley working in his production company in New Jersey. Because early film was largely restricted to using daylight, Horsley relocated his production company to Hollywood in 1911, taking Rosher with him, and opened the first movie studio there. This made Rosher the first full-time cameraman in Hollywood. In 1913 he went to Mexico to film newsreel footage of Pancho Villa's rebellion. In 1918, he was one of the founders of the American Society of Cinematographers and served as the group's first Vice-President. In the 1920s he was one of the most sought-after cinematographers in Hollywood, and a personal favorite of stars such as Mary Pickford, working with her on films such as Suds (1920), Little Annie Rooney (1925), and even Coquette (1929), Pickford's first sound film. His work with Karl Struss on F.W. Murnau's 1927 film Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans is viewed as a milestone in cinematography. He shot five films for producer David O. Selznick, including Rockabye (1932), Our Betters (1933) and Little Lord Fauntleroy (1936). Rosher worked at several studios, but spent the last twelve years of his career exclusively at Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, photographing such films as Annie Get Your Gun, Show Boat, Kiss Me Kate, and The Yearling. Rosher was the father of actress Joan Marsh and cinematographer Charles Rosher, Jr. Rosher died of an accidental fall in Lisbon, Portugal, on January 15, 1974. He was 88.


Charles Rosher


La amada de Júpiter
Director of Photography
Musical acuático a mayor gloria de Esther Williams. En esta ocasión nos trasladamos a la antigua Roma, donde el conquistador Aníbal se encapricha de la bella Amytis, novia de un noble romano.
Bésame, Kate
Director of Photography
Los esfuerzos de una pequeña compañía de musicales para poner en escena una versión de 'La fierecilla domada' de Shakespeare quedan en suspense hasta el día del estreno, en el que las vidas de los actores se entrecruzarán con las de los personajes de ficción.
La reina virgen
Director of Photography
Inglaterra, siglo XVI. La juventud de la princesa Elizabeth Tudor, hija de la decapitada Ana Bolena, transcurre bajo la atenta mirada de su padre, el rey Enrique VIII. El ambiente cortesano y su dramático romance con Thomas Seymour, forjan el enérgico carácter de la futura reina de Inglaterra.
Tres amores
Director of Photography
La película consta de tres episodios. "El amante celoso" es la historia de una bailarina (Moira Shearer) que se ve forzada a abandonar la danza a causa de una lesión cardíaca. "Mademoiselle", es una fábula fantástica sobre un niño de once años (Ricky Nelson) que se convierte en adulto por unas horas, para seducir a su institutriz (Leslie Caron). "Equilibrio" narra la tragedia de un trapecista (Kirk Douglas) que intenta animar a una mujer al borde del suicidio (Pier Angeli).
Director of Photography
Un culto y cínico aristócrata quiere vengar el asesinato de su hermano en la Francia del siglo XVIII. Para ello se disfraza de actor.
Director of Photography
Tercera versión de Hollywood del "fenómeno Broadway" y de las vidas y amores de unos coloridos personajes a bordo de un barco-teatro en el río Mississippi a principios del siglo XX.
Pagan Love Song
Director of Photography
Un profesor de Ohio conoce a una joven norteamericana pero originaria de Tahití que creció en las lejanas islas.
La reina del oeste
Director of Photography
Basada en una obra de Broadway, cuenta la historia de la risueña Annie Oakley. Ella es una pistolera y acróbata profesional del circo temático de Buffalo Bill, donde su mayor desafío no será dar en el blanco, sino ganar el corazón de un guapo colega. (FILMAFFINITY)
Mundos opuestos
Director of Photography
Brandon Bourne no puede despegarse de su amante, Isabel Lorrisson. Sin embargo, su mujer, Jessie, lo intenta todo para conservar su amor. Las cosas se complicaránn cuando Lorrisson sea asesinada y el detective que lleve el caso se enamore de Jessie.
El Danubio rojo
Director of Photography
Guerra Fría. Después de la Segunda Guera Mundial (1939-1945), Viena queda dividida en cuatro zonas: la americana, la soviética, la inglesa y la francesa. Cuando una bailarina pide refugio político en la zona ocupada por los británicos, se origina un enfrentamiento entre un coronel inglés y otro ruso.
La hija de Neptuno
Director of Photography
Eva Barrett, una joven diseñadora de trajes de baño conoce, de forma fortuita, al masajista de un equipo de polo. Gracias a éste, Eva entabla relaciones con el atractivo capitán del equipo.
Letra y Música
Director of Photography
Retrato de las carreras profesionales de Richard Rodgers y Lorenz Hart, dos conocidos escritores de canciones.
En una isla contigo
Director of Photography
Un equipo de cine llega a Hawai para rodar un musical romántico. Entre los actores hay un teniente de aviación que está enamorado de la actriz principal, Rosalind Reynolds (ESTHER WILLIAMS). Ella ya está prometida, pero hará todo lo posible para conseguir su amor.
La ruleta de la muerte
Director of Photography
A bordo del S.S. Fortune en una velada de apuestas para actos de caridad, las mesas están calientes, la música de Jazz aún más caliente, y antes de que te des cuenta, el director de orquesta está fiambre. ¡Están tocando vuestra canción, Nick y Nora Charles!. William Powell y Myrna Loy regresan como el matrimonio de detectives que son, sacando de la cama a los sospechosos a las 4 de la madrugada para interrogarlos mientras tratan de entender la jerga musical bebop del jazz de los años 40.
Dark Delusion
Director of Photography
Spoiled socialite Cynthia Grace is suffering from a blood clot. Not unexpectedly, Tommy Coalt falls in love with Cynthia, much to her parents' dismay. Soon he's drawing up plans to marry the girl and setting up private practice in a smaller town.
Fiesta brava
Director of Photography
En los años 20, un grupo de jóvenes norteamericanos se exilian a París huyendo de los horrores de la guerra y de sus problemas personales. Allí llevan una vida bohemia de desenfreno. Entre ellos se encuentran Jake y Lady Brett, una pareja que puso fin a su relación después de que él se quedara impotente por las heridas recibidas en combate. A pesar de la indiferencia que él pretende demostrar hacia ella, la mujer sigue enamorada de él.
El despertar
Director of Photography
Los Baxter son un matrimonio de granjeros que tienen un hijo de once años. Mientras que él es un hombre bueno y trabajador que trata cariñosamente a su hijo, ella es una mujer fria y distante que impone a su familia una estricta disciplina y no permite que nada altere las normas. Un día, yendo de caza, el padre mata a una gacela que acababa de parir y le regala a su hijo el cervatillo, que se convertirá en su compañero de juegos.
Yolanda y el ladrón
Director of Photography
A un imaginario país sudamericano llega un estafador en busca de alguna oportunidad. Allí seduce a una ingenua heredera haciéndose pasar por su ángel de la guarda. Lo que no esperaba era que sus sentimientos hacia ella cambiasen tan rápidamente. (FILMAFFINITY)
Ziegfeld Follies
Director of Photography
Comedia musical dirigida, escrita y protagonizada por diversos directores, guionistas y estrellas de la Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer.
El príncipe mendigo
Director of Photography
Un califa decide vivir de incógnito entre los habitantes de su reino para saber lo que piensan realmente. Así conoce a una joven de la que se enamora; pero las diferencias sociales son tan profundas que el califa no sabe si debe desvelar su verdadera identidad.
Swing Fever
Director of Photography
Un ambicioso compositor de musicales, dotado de un mal de ojo hipnótico, se ve mezclado en la promoción de un boxeador.
Assignment in Brittany
Director of Photography
A French Resistance fighter discovers he's a dead ringer for a Nazi official.
Stand by for Action
Director of Photography
U. S. Navy Lieutenant Gregg Masterman, of The Harvard and Boston Back Bay Mastermans, learned about the sea while winning silver cups sailing his yacht. He climbs swiftly in rank, and is now Junior Aide to Rear Admiral Stephen Thomas.
Pierre of the Plains
Director of Photography
A French-Canadian trapper's adventures jeopardize his romance with an innkeeper.
Director of Photography
A newlywed tries to deal with her troubled stepchild.
One Foot in Heaven
Director of Photography
Episodic look at the life of a minister and his family as they move from one parish to another.
Million Dollar Baby
Director of Photography
A sudden windfall has unexpected consequences on a working class girl during the Great Depression.
Four Mothers
Director of Photography
Four married sisters face motherhood, financial, marital and family issues together.
De nuevo el amor
Director of Photography
Comedia donde una estudiante de violín con problemas económicos para seguir su aprendizaje recibe una sorpresa cuando un donante anónimo le consigue un contrato para grabar un disco.
Three Cheers for the Irish
Director of Photography
Peter Casey has been with the New York City police department for 25 years. He's totally surprised when he's asked to retire on his 25th anniversary with the force. He's even more unprepared for the romance that develops between his favorite daughter, Maureen, and the Scottish cop who takes over his beat.
Brother Rat and a Baby
Director of Photography
Three comrades graduate from Viriginia Military Institute. Bing has a chance to return to VMI as a football coach.
A Child Is Born
Director of Photography
A pregnant prison inmate shares her problems with the patients in a maternity ward.
Espionage Agent
Director of Photography
Cuando Barry Corvall descubre que su novia es una posible agente enemiga renuncia a la diplomacia secreta para desbaratar un anillo de espionaje que está planificando la destrucción de la capacidad industrial estadounidense. FY
Hell's Kitchen
Director of Photography
A paroled convict's efforts to improve conditions at a boys' reform school alarm the school's corrupt warden, who has been embezzling funds from the institution. He hatches a plan to derail the reformed convict's efforts and have him sent back to prison, and part of that scheme involves cracking down hard on the reform school's inmates.
Yes, My Darling Daughter
Director of Photography
Ellen is a free spirited young woman in love with Doug. Sadly he must leave America for a two year job in Belgium. Ellen and Doug decide to spend their last weekend together in a tourist cabin at a rural lake. Her family is shocked that a young unmarried woman would engage in such amoral activity. The comic plot develops as Ellen argues her case for women's freedom and independence, trying to win over her mother, grandmother, and other dubious relatives.
Off the Record
Director of Photography
After a socially conscience reporter adopts a slum orphan after she causes his brother's gang to go to prison.
Hard to Get
Director of Photography
Cuando la mimada y rica heredera Maggie Richards intenta poner gasolina en un camping dirigido por Bill Davis, éste la obliga a pagar la deuda haciendo las camas. Con ánimo vengativo, ella finge perdonarle y le envía a su padre para que financie un plan de Bill. Lo que ocurre a continuación no formaba parte de su plan original...
White Banners
Director of Photography
A homeless woman named Hannah drifts into the lives of the kindly Ward family, in a small Indiana town in 1919. Hannah makes herself useful as a cook and housekeeper and stays with the Wards... but her real interest is in meeting their neighbor, teenager Peter Trimble. It turns out that Peter is the son she bore out of wedlock and gave up for adoption, and now Hannah has returned to town to see what sort of young man her son has become.
Hollywood Hotel
Director of Photography
After losing a coveted role in an upcoming film to another actress, screen queen Mona Marshall (Lola Lane) protests by refusing to appear at her current movie's premiere. Her agent discovers struggling actress Virginia Stanton (Rosemary Lane) -- an exact match for Mona -- and sends her to the premiere instead, with young musician Ronnie Bowers (Dick Powell). After various mishaps, including a case of mistaken identity, Ronnie and Virginia struggle to find success in Hollywood.
El perfecto ejemplar
Director of Photography
Gerald Wicks ha sido educado con gran rigidez por una abuela que quiere convertirlo en el perfecto caballero de los años 30, pero, cuando Mona Carter entra en su vida, Gerald decide lanzarse a la aventura y conquistar el corazón de la entusiasta muchacha.
The Woman I Love
Director of Photography
In World War I France, a pilot falls in love with the wife of his friend and superior officer.
Men Are Not Gods
Director of Photography
Actor Edmund Davey becomes a star overnight when his wife and co-star teams up with the secretary of a noted stage critic to produce a glowing review of his 'Othello'.
Una chica de provincias
Director of Photography
Kay, una humilde muchacha provinciana, conoce una noche a Bob Dakin, un joven millonario que ha bebido más de la cuenta y que, en ese estado, le propone matrimonio. A la mañana siguiente, una vez sobrio, se da cuenta del error que ha cometido e intenta salir del atolladero, pero no será tan fácil.
El pequeño Lord
Director of Photography
Ceddie, un niño pobre de Brooklyn, se convierte en el heredero del título y la fortuna de un conde inglés. Pero el testamento contiene una cláusula que lo obliga a vivir a Inglaterra con su abuelo, un viejo cascarrabias de carácter frío y amargado
Melodías de Broadway 1936
Director of Photography
Bob Gordon recibe una buena oferta económica para su representación de Broadway, pero debe contar para su espectáculo con la viuda Lilian. Delicioso musical que optó al Oscar a la mejor película, en la que se habla de los entresijos del Broadway de la época, donde los artistas desean alcanzar la fama y el reconocimiento.
La llamada de la selva
Director of Photography
Jack Thornton, un buscador de oro, compra un magnífico San Bernardo al que llama Buck. Los problemas surgen cuando Buck muerde a Smith, otro buscador de oro, que quiere matarlo para vengarse. Jack y Smith llegan a un acuerdo que consiste en hacer una carrera de trineos, cuyo vencedor se quedará con Buck.
El escándalo del día
Director of Photography
El editor Jim Branch se enamora de una mujer de la alta sociedad, Sharon Norwood. La utilizará para conseguir información de sus allegados ricos y famosos, con el objetivo de resolver un asesinato.
What Every Woman Knows
Director of Photography
Aspiring young Scottish politician John Shand enters into an unusual agreement with the wealthy Wylie family -- if they fund his education, he must marry their daughter, Maggie. Staying true to his word, John weds Maggie and begins a successful career, thanks largely to his savvy wife. The couple's relationship is placed in jeopardy when John faces temptation in the form of the lovely aristocrat Lady Sybil Tenterden.
Outcast Lady
Director of Photography
A woman's dubious past proves to be a stumbling block when she becomes engaged to marry.
The Affairs of Cellini
Director of Photography
The 16th-century sculptor woos the Duchess of Florence despite the duke.
Moulin Rouge
Director of Photography
A singer marries a famous composer, and after a while she gets the itch to go back on the stage. However, her husband won't let her. When she hears that a popular French singer named "Raquel" is coming to New York, she decides to go to Raquel with a plan--unbeknownst to her husband, "Raquel" is actually her sister, and her plan is for them to switch places so she can fulfill her dream of going back on the stage. However, things don't go quite as planned.
After Tonight
Director of Photography
When war is declared in 1914, glamorous Russian Carla Vanirska manages to get to Vienna from Luxembourg, with the help of Captain Rudolph Ritter of the Austrian army. Meanwhile, Ritter is assigned to detect the identity of a spy.
Bed of Roses
Director of Photography
A girl from the wrong side of the tracks is torn between true love and a life of sin.
The Silver Cord
Director of Photography
A domineering matriarch is less than happy when her son brings home his new bride. She immediately sets to work at sabotaging their marriage as well as the engagement of her younger and weaker son.
Nuestros superiores
Director of Photography
Una americana con dinero se casa con un aristócrata inglés. Para su pesar, descubre que no es oro todo lo que reluce y que los motivos que impulsaron a su marido a contraer matrimonio no eran precisamente sentimentales. Tras la brillante superficie de la alta sociedad inglesa, se esconde toda clase de secretos, donde la hipocresía y los intereses económicos motivan la sordidez de sus actos. (FILMAFFINITY)
The Past of Mary Holmes
Mary Holmes (MacKellar), once a famous opera star known as Maria di Nardi, now lives in a run-down shanty and suffers from alcoholism. Known for her eccentric behavior, Mary breeds geese, and is thus known in her neighborhood as 'The Goose Woman'. She blames her grown son Geoffrey (Linden) for the deterioration of her voice, and does everything to destroy his life. When Geoffrey, who works as a commercial artist, announces to her that he will marry Joan Hoyt (Arthur), an actress, she becomes torn with jealousy and threatens to reveal to Joan that he is an illegitimate birth.
Director of Photography
Melodrama dirigido por el especialista George Cukor, sobre una mujer que tras perder a su hijo adoptivo, huye a Europa donde se enamora de un hombre casado.
Flaming Gold
Director of Photography
Two friends working a jungle oil field clash when one marries a lady of the evening.
Two Against the World
Director of Photography
Una mujer de la alta sociedad ha de testificar en un hijo por asesinato cuyo fiscal es su pretendiente.
Hollywood al desnudo
Director of Photography
Mary Evans es una camarera cuya amistad con Max Carey, un director de cine alcohólico, le permite relacionarse con peces gordos. De esta manera llama la atención del millonario Lonny Borden, un productor de Hollywood cansado de la vida de la costa este y de ser un segundón de Max. (FILMAFFINITY)
The Beloved Bachelor
Michael Morda, a young sculptor living in San Francisco, is madly in love with Elinor Hunter, and they plan to be married. When Elinor becomes jealous of Julie Stressman, an old friend of Michael's and one of his models, Michael reluctantly asks Julie not to visit him at his studio. They agree to meet only at the construction site where he is working on a sculpture for which Julie is modeling. When Elinor also shows up at the site, Julie leaves so as to avoid a confrontation, but she is killed by some falling materials. Julie's dying request is that Michael adopt her daughter Mitzi, whose father died years earlier. In order to prevent Mitzi from being taken to an orphanage, Michael lies and says he is her father. Elinor hears this, and without asking questions, leaves him and marries another man the same night.
Director of Photography
A gray-haired convict, within the shadows of the gallows, tells his story to the prison chaplain beginning twenty years earlier when he was sent to prison for a crime he did not commit.
This Modern Age
Director of Photography
A Harvard football star disobeys his upper class parents and runs off with his true love.
Director of Photography
Ivy 'Bunny' Stevens intenta suicidarse cuando Hamilton la abandona. Menos mal que aparece un predicador del Ejército de Salvación que está dispuesto a ocuparse de ella.
Danzad, locos, danzad
Director of Photography
Cuando la desgracia golpea duramente a la familia Jordan, de la clase alta de Chicago, Bonnie Jordan, una chica deslumbrante e ingeniosa, encuentra trabajo como aspirante a reportera; sin embargo, Rodney, su ingenuo hermano menor, toma un otro camino y se relaciona con gente poco recomendable.
Director of Photography
Mary Turner es condenada a tres años por un delito que no cometió. En prisión hace amistad con dos reclusas. Enfurecida por su injusta situación, planea vengarse del fiscal del distrito que la puso entre rejas.
War Nurse
Director of Photography
Untrained, volunteer Nurses from America treat Allied soldiers behind and on the lines in France. They face the horrors of war, fight off the attentions of soldiers and face their own loneliness.
Director of Photography
A heavily fictionalized version of the RMS Titanic story.
Two Worlds
Director of Photography
German language version of Two Worlds.
The two worlds
Director of Photography
Two Worlds
Director of Photography
An old Jew is forced to hide the Austrian lieutenant who killed his son and loves his daughter.
The Price of Things
Director of Photography
Courtenay John Dayre is drugged by a jealous spy on the night before his loveless marriage to Anthea. His twin, John Courtenay Dayre, reluctantly agrees to impersonate his brother at the wedding, only to discover a genuine affection for his accidental wife. Meanwhile, Courtenay begins to understand the price of things when he discovers that his affair has allowed a valuable military secret to be stolen.
Knowing Men
Director of Photography
Facing an arranged marriage to a man of dubious morals, heiress Korah Hurley poses as the impoverished travelling companion of her aunt, the Marquise de Jaurmais, in order to test whether her rakish fiancé's affections are truly for her or for the fortune she will inherit.
The Road Is Fine
Director of Photography
A heavily fictionalized version of the RMS Titanic story.
Director of Photography
German-language version of the film Atlantic (1929).
The Vagabond Queen
Director of Photography
The Vagabond Queen is a 1929 British comedy film directed by Géza von Bolváry and starring Betty Balfour, Glen Byam Shaw and Ernest Thesiger. It was the final film directed in Britain by Bolváry before he returned to Germany. A young woman takes the place of a Princess who is a target for an assassination. This film was released in May 1929 as a silent film and re-released with synchronized music and sound effects in August 1930.
Amor eterno
Director of Photography
Marcus Paltram, cazador de un pueblo suizo, está enamorado de Ciglia, pero es amado a su vez por Pia, una chica de las montañas que odia a Ciglia. Una noche, Pia seduce a Marcus y, obligado por la madre de ella, éste se casa con la muchacha. Ciglia se casa a su vez con Lorenz Gruber, que siempre la ha querido. Furioso porque Ciglia sigue amando a Marcus, Gruber trata de sobornarle para que abandone el pueblo. COMENTARIOS Ya bien asentado en América, el prolífico director que destacó por sus elegantes comedias realizó también, en la etapa anterior de cine mudo, numerosos dramas como este Amor eterno. Amor eterno, es una tragedia en toda regla, montada con un par de panorámicas de una aldea pintoresca como cualquiera habida en los nevados Alpes de aquellos tiempos, unos exteriores repartidos entre los desfiladeros montañosos y la calle principal del pueblo, una ordenada algarabía de vecinos de un lado para otro y un guión muy apañado.
Director of Photography
In the final days of Czarist Russia, a peasant is raised from the ranks to Lieutenant. The other officers, aristocrats all, resent him, and make his life difficult. He falls in love with a princess, who spurns him. When he is caught in her room, he is stripped of his rank and thrown into prison. Then comes the Red Terror, and the tables are turned.
Director of Photography
Un granjero convive felizmente en el campo con su esposa. Pero la aparición de una seductora mujer de la ciudad hace que comience a enamorarse de ésta, y a pensar que su mujer es un estorbo que se interpone en la felicidad entre él y su nueva y sofisticada amante.
La pequeña vendedora
Director of Photography
Joe Merril, hijo del millonario propietario de una popular cadena de tiendas, se hace pasar por Joe Grant para trabajar en el almacén de una de las tiendas de su padre y así demostrar que puede triunfar sin la influencia de éste. En el almacén conoce a Maggie Johnson, y los dos se enamoran. Pero esto supone un problema, porque la señora Merril ha planeado que su hijo se case con Millicent Rogers, una chica de la alta sociedad...
Director of Photography
Oculta en los pantanos del sur, la familia Grimes tiene una granja donde los niños no deseados o perdidos son cruelmente desnutridos y agotados. Mamá Mollie (Pickford), la mayor de los niños, protege a los demás lo mejor que puede y mantiene su valor diciéndoles que Dios cuida de ellos como lo hace del más pequeño gorrión.
La pequeña Anita
Director of Photography
Annie es hija de un policía y vive en los barrios bajos con su padre y su hermano. Sus mejores amigos son una pandilla de chavales del barrio con los que juega y se pelea. Cuando su padre es asesinado y el muchacho del que está enamorada es acusado del hecho, sus amigos harán todo lo posible por ayudarla a encontrar al verdadero culpable. (filmaffinit-y)
Mujer, guarda tu corazón
Director of Photography
Edmund Lamont, que tiene numerosas deudas, le hace la corte a Mabel Wilton, una viuda rica, pero desvía sus atenciones hacia la hija de ella, Jeanne. Una vez casado con ésta, sigue manteniendo una relación con otra chica, Harriet. Jeanne está enamorada del doctor Fred Armstrong y su madre mata a Lamont cuando éste se niega a concederle el divorcio a Jeanne.
Dorothy Vernon of Haddon Hall
Director of Photography
In the year 1550, Sir George Vernon agrees to have his young daughter Dorothy betrothed to John Manners, the son of the Earl of Rutland. Sir George signs a contract, promising that the marriage will take place on Dorothy's 18th birthday, or else he will have to pay a large penalty to Rutland. But when the two children have grown older, rumors of John's wild behavior in France provoke Sir George to call off the engagement, and to pledge his daughter instead to her cousin Malcolm. Rutland now claims the forfeit from Sir George, and meanwhile, John has befriended Mary Stuart, the sworn enemy of Elizabeth, who is now Queen of England.
Director of Photography
The King tosses Rosita in jail and when Don Diego, who Rosita loves, tries to defend her, he too is thrown in jail. While Don Diego is sentenced to be executed, the King lusts after Rosita and decides to put her up in a luxurious villa. To give her a title, he marries her to a masked nobleman, who turns out to be Don Diego.
Tess en el país de las tempestades
Director of Photography
Un grupo de indigentes vive en las faldas de unas colinas en cuya cima habita una familia adinerada liderada por su patriarca Elias Graves. El magnate Graves piensa que las familias de gente pobre deben ser trasladados a otro lugar y constantemente está planeando su expulsión Entre los desafortunados, vive una muchacha llamada Tess. (filmaffinit-y)
Smilin' Through
Director of Photography
The story is essentially the same as the popular Jane Cowl play, with Talmadge in the dual role of Kathleen and Moonyean. Kathleen, a young Irish woman, is in love with Kenneth Wayne but is prevented from marrying him by her guardian John Carteret. John is haunted by memories of his thwarted love for Kathleen's aunt, Moonyean.
El pequeño Lord Fauntleroy
Director of Photography
l joven Cedric Errol vive con su madre viuda en la ciudad de Nueva York. El difunto padre de Cedric era un hijo del conde de Dorincourt, pero el conde se había opuesto firmemente a la boda de su hijo, y por lo tanto se ha distanciado de Cedric y su madre. Pero cuando el hijo único superviviente del conde muere en un accidente de equitación, Cedric repente se convierte en Lord Fauntleroy, heredero del conde. Cedric y su madre viajan a Inglaterra, donde se tienen que superar duros sentimientos del conde sobre el pasado, así como algunos obstáculos inesperados. (filmaffinit)
Through The Back Door
Director of Photography
A young Belgian girl, raised by her longtime nanny, flees Europe at the advent of World War I and travels to America to find her real mother.
The Love Light
Director of Photography
Angela maintains a coastal lighthouse in Italy, where she awaits the return of her brothers from the war. She learns they are casualties and takes solace in the arms of an American sailor washed ashore. However, the sailor turns out to be a German spy, and she is torn between her love for him and her realization that he is part of the enemy force that has destroyed her family.
Director of Photography
Dinty is a newsboy whose fight to care for his ailing mother leads him into conflicts with the other boys on the street and then with drug smugglers in Chinatown.
Director of Photography
Amanda Afflick is a lovesick laundress who daydreams about customer Horace Greensmith and cherishes the shirt he brought in for washing eight months and sixteen days ago. She tells her fellow workers that the garment belongs to her fiancé, a lord. Just wait, Amanda boasts, one day his lordship will return for his wash — and for her.
Director of Photography
Cuando Pollyanna se queda huérfana, es enviada a vivir con su excéntrica tía Polly. Pollyanna descubre que muchas de las personas en la ciudad de Nueva Inglaterra en la casa de su tía están de mal humor como ella. Pero el optimismo incurable de Pollyanna - ejemplificada por su "juego alegre", en la que busca el lado bueno de cada situación - trae un cambio a la antigua comunidad.
The Hoodlum
Director of Photography
A spoiled young rich girl is forced by misfortune to fight for survival in the slums and alleys, where she becomes involved with all manner of unpleasantness.
Director of Photography
Wealthy Jervis Pendleton acts as benefactor for orphan Judy Abbott, anonymously sponsoring her in her boarding school. But as she grows up, he finds himself falling in love with her, and she with him, though she does not know that the man she has fallen for is her benefactor.
Johanna Enlists
Director of Photography
A young girl, stifling on her father's backwoods farm, is reinvigorated by the arrival of an army regiment, come to train in the area.
How Could You, Jean?
Director of Photography
A lost Film. Mary Pickford plays a socialite who, having lost her fortune, takes a job as a Swedish cook. She falls in love with a chauffeur who, lo and behold, is a slumming millionaire.
The Honor of His House
Director of Photography
Marooned on a desert island, Dr. Robert Farlow and wealthy toxicologist Count Ito Onato both fall in love with Lora, a beautiful Japanese-American girl. Lora prefers Robert but decides to reject him because of his excessive fondness for drinking. After their rescue, Lora marries Count Ito, but Robert, still in love and resolving to win her, stops drinking, and soon attains a reputation in medicine matched only by the count's.
The Widow's Might
Director of Photography
Dick Tavish, a young New Yorker, decides that there is money in cows, and he buys a western ranch. When the novelty has worn off he decided there is monotony as well. Then he falls in love with a girl on a calendar, and life takes on a new interest, particularly after he discovers who the girl is. The fact that her uncle swindled him on the ranch does not matter. He figures he can take care of the uncle, and he does, but not until he has been forced to masquerade as a woman, and have half the men at a fashionable resort fall in love with him.
The secret game
Director of Photography
Espías alemanes y japoneses amenazan con destruir la estabilidad de Estados Unidos en el transcurso de la Primera Guerra Mundial. Un japonés, de acuerdo con el servicio de contraespionaje norteamericano, tratará de evitar que dichos espías lleguen más lejos en sus objetivos. Es curioso observar cómo al personaje de Sessue Hayakawa, en casi todas sus películas estadounidenses, le cupiera el dudoso "honor" de hacer gala de su americanismo para dejar bien claro que lo de sus ojos rasgados sólo era "un error de nacimiento". Esto daría para más de un tratado sobre la conveniencia de aparentar lo que la naturaleza no nos ha dotado. Disquisiciones aparte, aquí el buen y bajito Sessue se encarga de desmantelar toda una compleja trama de espionaje que atenta contra su país de adopción. Aunque no se queda con la "chica", faltaría más. Concesiones a los emigrados las que sea menester, pero tampoco sin pasarse.
A Little Princess
Director of Photography
Little Sara Crewe is placed in a boarding school by her father when he goes off to war, but he does not understand that the headmistress is a cruel, spiteful woman who makes life miserable for Sara.
A Mormon Maid
Director of Photography
This silent melodrama is set against the 1840s westward migration of the Mormons. Dora, a young woman, and her family are saved from an Indian attack by a Mormon community traveling to Utah. They join the wagon train. Dora is pursued by two men, one a recent convert, the other a scheming elder with a stable of wives. The Mormon elder wants her in his harem. When the mother kills herself from revulsion toward polygamy, the daughter must consider her own future and the man she loves. One of Mae Murray's few surviving films, this was intended by Robert Leonard to be a thoughtful drama about the goods and evils of Mormonism, but today it is generally considered pure anti-Mormon propaganda.
Common Ground
Director of Photography
Crusading Judge Evans wants to expose the unscrupulous Judge Mordant even though he is engaged to Mordant's daughter, Doris. Hearing of Evan's plan, Mordant devises a scheme of his own and `frames' Evans with five teenage girls and a prostitute.
Camera Operator
Hot-blooded gypsy Carmen attempts to seduce Don Jose, a lawman sent to thwart a gang of illegal smugglers in Spain. Carmen's plan backfires when Don Jose's passion for the gypsy girl escalates into a jealous rage as she spurns him for her bullfighter beau, Escamillo, with tragic results.
Director of Photography
Leonie Sobatsky (Laura Hope Crews) belongs to a ring of international thieves, headed by Bechel (George Gebhardt). She meets English crook Nevil Trask (Thomas Meighan), and they fall in love -- however, neither one knows of the other's criminal ways.