Gorriones (1926)
Here is life's song of love, beating with laughs and sobs, its melody in tune with your own heartstrings.
Género : Drama
Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 34M
Director : William Beaudine, Tom McNamara
Oculta en los pantanos del sur, la familia Grimes tiene una granja donde los niños no deseados o perdidos son cruelmente desnutridos y agotados. Mamá Mollie (Pickford), la mayor de los niños, protege a los demás lo mejor que puede y mantiene su valor diciéndoles que Dios cuida de ellos como lo hace del más pequeño gorrión.
Carmaux is in south-central France, near the Tarn River. As a brick of coke, about four feet high and three feet wide, is gradually pushed out of a smelter into a yard, one worker sprays it with water from a hose while two workers with long metal rakes wait to spread it out. Other workers buzz in and out of the foreground of the stationary camera. Atop the first level of the brick smelter, workers push full carts of coal along a track.
Narra las aventuras de un grupo de exploradores que hacen uso de un agujero de gusano recientemente descubierto para superar las limitaciones de los viajes espaciales tripulados y vencer las inmensas distancias que tiene un viaje interestelar.
Part one of an ambitious screen adaptation of Selma Lagerlöf's book Jerusalem.
Two young orphan siblings travel to Moscow in search of their missing father. Scared of being separated and sent to orphanages, they hope to reunite with the last link of their shattered family.
Our presidential hunter runs across the landscape and falls down in the snow, gets up with his rifle, and gazes upward at a treed animal which isn't in the camera's view. He fires a shot into the tree, then leaps on the ground to grab the fallen prey, a domestic cat, finishing it off with wild blows of his hunting knife while his companions, a photographer and a press agent, record the event that will be reported far and wide as a manly moment. Teddy then rides out of the forest followed by two companions afoot, never mind that they all originally arrived afoot. Perhaps it was funnier in its day than it is now, but apparently shooting cats was regarded as funny in those days. The larger point was to use a minor whimsy as a political criticism, in this case of Teddy Roosevelt's easy manipulations of the press. It was based on two frames of a political cartoon that had appeared in the paper a mere week before the film was made.
“This film is remarkable in several respects. In the first place, it is full life-size. Secondly, it is the only accurate recent portrait of the great inventor. The scene is an actual one, showing Mr. Edison in working dress engaged in an interesting chemical experiment in his great Laboratory. There is sufficient movement to lead the spectator through the several processes of mixing, pouring, testing, etc. as if he were side by side with the principal. The lights and shadows are vivid, and the apparatus and other accessories complete a startling picture that will appeal to every beholder.” (Edison Catalog)
A young girl and her father are kicked out of their house by a cruel noblewoman, and the girl's heart is broken when her sweetheart, the noblewoman's son, won't go to Paris with them. After becoming an opera star in Paris, the girl returns to her homeland and finds her romance with the nobleman rekindled.
In an effort to secure a promised inheritance, Onésime invents a time machine that speeds up activity on earth, hyper-animates men and machines, and telescopes the human life-cycle.
Let the ultimate sexy death games begin! A handful of mysterious Japanese women take part in a deranged web show that makes them strip off their clothes when they lose a round of Mahjong. When there is nothing left to hide, the losers secrets are revealed and the nubile contestants must take their punishment. Can anyone survive, or keep their clothes on, in the dangerous game of STRIP MAHJONG: BATTLE ROYALE? Gleefully adding a risqué, wry twist to an ancient game of strategy, this erotic thriller delivers voyeuristic thrills with the friskiness of Seventies sexploitation flicks, providing strange gameplay at every turn!
While Joel and his older ship's captain brother Mark are at sea, the latter is abandoned in Singapore by devious ship's mate Finch who, upon their return, convinces the townspeople that Joel abandoned his brother. Joel, determined to not only find Mark but to see justice done, returns the ship to Singapore.
A combination of the story of Goldlocks and the Three Bears with the true story of how Teddy Roosevelt spared a bear cub after killing its mother while hunting, an event which led to the popularization of the teddy bear. Goldilocks goes to sleep in the bears' home after watching six teddy bears dance and do acrobatics, viewing them through a knothole in the wall. When she is awoken by the returning bear family, they give chase through the woods, but she runs to the aid of the Old Rough Rider, who saves her.
George Veditz, one-time president of the National Association of the Deaf of the United States, outlines the right of deaf people to sign instead of speak. The film is presented in American Sign Language and has no sub- or intertitles.
The story of the kidnapping of newspaper heiress Patty Hearst by members of a radical guerrilla organization, as seen by the FBI agent in charge of her case.
Devastado por un fallo en una operación, el negociador de rehenes de la Policía de Los Ángeles Jeff Talley (Bruce Willis) se marcha de la ciudad y se va a vivir con su mujer e hija a una pequeña población en el tranquilo condado de Ventura. Un año después, se deberá volver a enfrentar a otro difícil caso de secuestro con rehenes...
Charlot trabaja como camarero en un restaurante y sufre un percance con un cliente testarudo y gordinflón (Mr. Stout). Tras acabar su jornada se dirige hacia un local de patinaje donde casualmente se encuentra con Stout, y ambos competirán por la atención de una guapa joven que también ha ido a patinar.
El ayudante de un prestamista trata con su jefe gruñón, su molesto compañero de trabajo y algunos clientes excéntricos mientras coquetea con la hija del prestamista, hasta que llega a la casa de empeño un pérfido ladrón con malas intenciones.
El detective de Detroit Axel Foley emplea todo su coraje para perseguir a unos despiadados asesinos con la ayuda de sus viejos compañeros Serge y Billy Rosewood. Las investigaciones lo conducen al popular parque temático de Los Ángeles WonderWorld. Allí, repentinamente, Axel se convierte en la nueva atracción del lugar, bien sea quedándose colgado de una araña gigante para rescatar a un niño o disfrazándose de Okey Dokey, un enorme elefante azul.
Las bailarinas gogó son tres chicas a las que, tras una dura noche de trabajo, les gusta montarse en sus coches, pisar a fondo, y buscarse problemas. Así, cuando en medio del desierto encuentran a una joven pareja los retan a una carrera: él acaba matándose y a ella la secuestran. A continuación, en una gasolinera, el encargado les cuenta que en medio del desierto vive con sus dos hijos un viejo que esconde una enorme fortuna. Sin dudarlo, las chicas se dirigen a la casa para averiguar dónde está el dinero. (FILMAFFINITY)
El doctor Alan Grant, ansioso por conseguir fondos que financien su estudio sobre la inteligencia del velociraptor, acepta la oferta de pareja de millonarios, Paul y Amanda Kirby, para sobrevolar la Isla Sorna, en Puerto Rico, poblada por dinosaurios creados genéticamente para un parque recreativo. Tras producirse un aterrizaje forzoso en la isla, Alan descubre que los Kirby estaban buscando a su hijo adolescente, perdido en la isla tras un accidente de parapente.
Película con espíritu documental que intenta retratar la vida cotidiana del Berlín de 1930. Para ello se utiliza una pequeña historia de ficción en la que dos hombres y dos mujeres pasan una jovial jornada de domingo en la ciudad.