Charlotte Mineau

Charlotte Mineau

Nacimiento : 1886-03-24, Escanaba, Michigan, USA

Muerte : 1979-10-12


Charlotte Mineau


Beach Pajamas
Beach Pajamas is a 1931 Comedy short
The First Auto
Mrs. Stebbins
The transition from horses to automobiles at the turn of the century causes problems between a father and son.
Sugar Daddies
Mrs. Brittle
James Finlayson es un rico hombre de negocios que un día se despierta sin recordar que se ha casado la noche anterior. Su abogado (Laurel) y el mayordomo (Hardy) tratarán de ayudarle a salir de esta situación.
Love 'Em and Weep
Mrs. Aggie Tillsbury
Titus Tillsbury is a successful businessman who is visited by a blackmailing old flame. He enlists a friend to keep her away from his home and wife.
45 Minutes from Hollywood
A young man visiting Hollywood on family business gets into trouble when he sees a bank robbery in progress, and thinks it is a movie scene.
Get 'Em Young
the hired bride
A butler is persuaded to pretend to be a man's wife so that he can inherit a million dollars.
Wise Guys Prefer Brunettes
The Matron
The crotchety dean of Pinkham University blames the "bad behavior of the school's female students on a dress shop owned by Helene, and informs her he's shutting her shop down. Meanwhile, her boyfriend Napoleon has invented a plaster that restores youth. The dean accidentally sits on the plaster and reverts back to his younger days when he himself used to chase college girls. Complications ensue.
Mrs. Grimes
Oculta en los pantanos del sur, la familia Grimes tiene una granja donde los niños no deseados o perdidos son cruelmente desnutridos y agotados. Mamá Mollie (Pickford), la mayor de los niños, protege a los demás lo mejor que puede y mantiene su valor diciéndoles que Dios cuida de ellos como lo hace del más pequeño gorrión.
Flaming Flappers
Mother - The hand that rocks the family - and rocks it often! A family comedy.
The Sea Squawk
Pearl Blackstone - Blackie's Accomplice
A Scottish immigrant on board ship becomes a pawn in a jewel heist aboard the S.S. Cognac, a three-star liner. Blackie Dawson, the uncrowned king of jewel thieves, and his accomplice Pearl Blackstone, have stolen a huge ruby. A detective is searching every cabin, so Blackie forces our young Scot to swallow the gem and, under threat of being shot, to stay mum. The detective is assisted by Flora Danube, a blue-eyed Bulgarian daisy who keeps those eyes open. To escape death, the young Scot disguises himself as a woman, but that draws a lot of attention; when his disguise is discovered, he must climb for his life. Is a European union in the offing?
The Hansom Cabman
Mrs. Brief - Betty's Mother
Harry Doolittle wakes up on the day he's to marry Betty Bright. He has a terrible hangover. A strange woman appears in his room saying that he married her the night before, and just then, his fiancée and her mother arrive. There's anger all around, leading to Harry's arrest. He's jailed while awaiting trial in front of Betty's father, a judge. She visits him in the clink. He escapes and disguises himself as a cabman. The police are looking for him, as are his fiancée and her mother. Will it get straightened out in time for wedding bells to ring?
Little Robinson Corkscrew
Belle Browne
Returning to his hometown a fitness equipment salesman falls in love with the store keeper's daughter.
The Lion and the Souse
Mrs. Niblick Van Hoosit
Mack Sennett silent short comedy.
Flickering Youth
Lady Barber
Flickering Youth is a 1924 silent Comedy.
Head Saleslady
Las aventuras de una joven dependienta que aprende que tener dinero no es la clave de la felicidad.
Kidding Katie
A 1923 Christie comedy starring Babe London and Dorothy Devore. Queenie (London) has sent a picture of her sister Katie (Devore) to her pen pal as if it was her. Now that the pen pal is in love and coming to meet Queenie in person, Katie has to pretend she is a child.
The Extra Girl
Belle Brown
Sue Graham is a small town girl who wants to be a motion picture star. She wins a contract when a picture of a very pretty girl is sent to a studio instead of her picture. When she arrives in Hollywood, the mistake is discovered and she starts working in the props department of the studio instead. Her parents then come out to California and invest some money with a very shifty individual.
Don't Weaken!
Party Guest (uncredited)
A dancing instructor gets involved with a newly rich family.
Up in Alf's Place
Flannigan's Wife
Charles Murray gets caught by his wife flirting with a dancer.
Carolyn of the Corners
The story of an orphan girl and her dog.
Charlot en la Calle de la Paz
Bully's Wife (uncredited)
Un miserable desposeído, acurrucado bajo los escalones de una iglesia misionera, se siente iluminado por el sermón de un apasionado predicador y enamorado de la belleza de la pianista de la congregación, de tal manera que trata de mejorar su vida de pobreza convirtiéndose en policía. Su primera misión será patrullar a lo largo de la calle de la Paz, territorio de un malvado matón y su banda criminal.
Charlot, héroe del patín
Edna's Friend (uncredited)
Charlot trabaja como camarero en un restaurante y sufre un percance con un cliente testarudo y gordinflón (Mr. Stout). Tras acabar su jornada se dirige hacia un local de patinaje donde casualmente se encuentra con Stout, y ambos competirán por la atención de una guapa joven que también ha ido a patinar.
Charlot tramoyista de cine
Actress (uncredited)
Durante el problemático rodaje de varias películas, David, el ayudante del utillero, conoce a una aspirante a actriz que intenta encontrar trabajo en el estudio. Las cosas se complican cuando los tramoyistas deciden ir a la huelga.
Charlot prestamista
Fishbowl Client
El ayudante de un prestamista trata con su jefe gruñón, su molesto compañero de trabajo y algunos clientes excéntricos mientras coquetea con la hija del prestamista, hasta que llega a la casa de empeño un pérfido ladrón con malas intenciones.
El conde
Mrs. Moneybags (uncredited)
Un aprendiz de sastre quema las ropas del conde Broko mientras las plancha y el sastre lo despide. Más tarde, el sastre descubre una nota explicando que el conde no puede asistir a un baile, así que decide vestirse como tal para ocupar su lugar; pero el aprendiz también ha ido a la mansión donde se celebra la fiesta y allí se topa con el sastre disfrazado…
El vagabundo
The Girl's Mother
Después de pasar el sombrero y recoger las donaciones destinadas a los músicos alemanes de la calle, Charlie se dirige al campo. Allí encuentra y rescata a una niña de una banda de gitanos. La chica se enamora de un artista cuyo retrato ve más tarde la madre de la niña en una tienda. La madre y el artista llegan en un automóvil con chófer y ofrecen dinero a Charlie por sus servicios, dinero que él rechaza.
Charlot, bombero
Charlot trabaja de bombero y siempre se las apaña para hacer algo mal.
Charlot encargado de bazar
Store Detective
Mientras Charlot crea caos y desconcierto en unos grandes almacenes, el gerente y su ayudante conspiran para robar el dinero guardado en la caja fuerte del establecimiento.
Charlot en el teatro
Lady in the Stalls
En esta ocasión Charlot acude al teatro, perfectamente vestido de etiqueta. Y allí se acumulan situaciones graciosas y molestas, algunas reconocibles para cualquiera...
Sweedie's Hero
Sweedie gets a job as mop artist in a hotel. She starts out from home encumbered with baggage and a pet dog of uncertain ancestry. Arrived at the hotel, she is given two pails and a mop and she starts to work.
The Victor
Mrs. Justwed's Mother
When Mrs. Justwed receives a note from her mother telling her that she expects to arrive next day, her husband seems overjoyed, and says he intends to make her stay all winter. She arrives next day, but it is not long before the well-meaning husband is hoping it will be a short winter.
Sweedie Goes to College
Mrs. Knowledge - the Matron
Sweedie, the cook, reads an ad in the newspaper for a maid to give her services in exchange for college tuition. She applies and is accepted.
Charlot cambia de oficio
Film Star
Charlot intenta conseguir trabajo en una película, y le asignan ser ayudante del carpintero que construye los decorados. Pero cuando uno de los actores no se presenta al rodaje, a Charlot le surge la oportunidad de actuar en la película.
Two Hearts That Beat as Ten
The Nurse
Mildred refuses Archie's proposal of marriage. Shortly after Fred arrives and she accepts him as her future husband. As he is leaving the house, his attention is attracted by a young lady who has a cinder in her eye. He stops to give her his assistance. Mildred, who happens to be watching from an upstairs window, thinks he is kissing the young lady
Sweedie's Suicide
3rd Trickster
Sweedie decides to commit suicide when she is jilted by her sweetheart, the captain of the police department. After writing a note to him, she calmly makes ready for the end. About this time the tricksters arrive and inject "dope" into her which puts her to sleep.
Two Dinky Little Dramas of a Non-Serious Kind
The Sweetheart's Mother
Two excellent fables in one reel. "The Fable of Another Side-Track an dthe Fatal Album," and "The Fable of the Difference Between Doc and a Physician."
Sweedie Collects for Charity
Mrs. Goodheart
Mrs. Goodheart, a charity worker, comes home one evening very much discouraged as she is unable to get even a small donation from Mr. Tightwad, the millionaire. She tells Sweedie, the cook, of her failure, so Sweedie decides to try her luck at making him "come across."
The Prevailing Craze
The Prevailing Craze
Three Boiled Down Fables
Passenger, Episode #3, The Prevailing Craze
#1: The Household Comedian; #2: Why Essie's Friends Got the Fresh Air; #3: The Prevailing Craze.
The Laundress
Wallace Beery dresses up as a lady to fool the man.
Sweedie Learns to Swim
Tall Student
Sweedie, the cook, decides that it would be nice to learn to swim, so goes to a "dry land" swimming class for instruction. She is thrown out of the class after fighting with several of the members and goes home, where she fills the bathtub with water and proceeds to learn to swim.
Golf Champion 'Chick' Evans Links with Sweedie
Mrs. Near Rich
"Chick" Evans, western amateur golf champion, is seen playing golf with his sister. Sweedie is the cook for a family of "get-rich-quicks" and treated very roughly until she receives a letter telling her that her uncle has left her an immense fortune. She is then handled with white gloves. To be a society lady she must wear fine clothes and play golf.
Topsy-Turvy Sweedie
Mr. Rhyme's Aunt
Mr. Rhyme, a poet, is distracted at his work by the different noises in his home. To cap the climax his aunt arrives, bringing with her all her pets.
A Boarding House Scramble
The Landlady
Tom and Dick live at the same boarding house and are rivals for the hand of their landlady. One evening the crowd decided to play all of the old-fashioned games, and the antics that they go through will keep one in a constant fit of laughter. Tom is determined to make Dick look foolish, and vice versa, so they are continually in a scramble.
Sweedie and the Lord
Mrs. Skidoo
Mr. and Mrs. Skidoo receive a letter from Lord Bunkum, saying he is coming to pay them a visit. They decide they do not wish to see the Lord, so they leave, telling Sweedie to inform his Lordship they have been called away. Meantime a tramp finds the Lord's letter, which Mr. Skidoo has dropped, and decides to impersonate Lord Bunkum.
The Usual Way
The Usual Way