Graphic Designer
November 1980. Southern Iran. We are at the beginning of the Iran-Iraq war. Abadan, the capital of the Iranian petrol industry resists the repeated assaults of the Iraqi army, but is soon under full siege. Omid, a 14-year-old boy, has stayed back in the city, with his grandfather, waiting for his elder brother to come back from the frontline. Along with Omid, we discover several other uncommon characters, each one having stayed for a personal reason. Each one resisting in his own way. But as the Iraqi siege of the city hardens, Omid has to quickly find a way to save those he loves.
Graphic Designer
¿Cómo se puede controlar a las masas? Al parecer, el publicista estadounidense Edward L. Bernays (1891-1995), pionero en el campo de la propaganda y las relaciones públicas, conocía la respuesta a esta pregunta clave. La sorprendente historia del maestro de la manipulación y la creación de la ingeniería del consentimiento; una aterradora historia real sobre publicidad, mentiras y charlatanes.
A short film animation by Zaven Najjar about the movie "Jaws".
Membre famille Amélie
Llega la Navidad, pero Santa Claus se enfrenta a un completo desastre. Los 92 mil elfos que trabajan con él en su misión de llevar los regalos a los niños de todo el mundo han enfermado simultáneamente. La emergencia es total. Santa Claus no tiene elección y, en busca de aliados que le ayuden a preservar la magia de la Navidad, aterriza en pleno París. El choque de Santa Claus con el mundo moderno desencadena una imprevisible aventura.
Beirut, 1982. Gabriel quiere cruzar un puente controlado por el ejército para reunirse con su prometida. La ciudad entera está a la espera de ver el partido que esta noche inaugura el mundial de 1982. ¿Estarán los francotiradores viendo el partido y permitirán que Gabriel y su amigo Mokthar crucen el puente en su viejo Plymouth?
Beirut, 1982. Gabriel quiere cruzar un puente controlado por el ejército para reunirse con su prometida. La ciudad entera está a la espera de ver el partido que esta noche inaugura el mundial de 1982. ¿Estarán los francotiradores viendo el partido y permitirán que Gabriel y su amigo Mokthar crucen el puente en su viejo Plymouth?
For seventeen year old Avaz, family is like a sentence. His mom is the subject, his father the verb, and he is the complement. He shows us his family's life through this prism until his father leaves for the hospital.
For seventeen year old Avaz, family is like a sentence. His mom is the subject, his father the verb, and he is the complement. He shows us his family's life through this prism until his father leaves for the hospital.
Graphic Designer
When ten-year-old Birahima’s mother dies, he leaves his native village in Guinea, accompanied by the sorcerer and cook Yacouba, to search for his aunt Mahan. Crossing the border into Liberia, they are seized by rebels and forced into military service. Birahima becomes a child-soldier. Fighting in a chaotic civil war alongside many other boys, Birahima sees death, torture, dismemberment and madness but somehow manages to retain his own sanity.
When ten-year-old Birahima’s mother dies, he leaves his native village in Guinea, accompanied by the sorcerer and cook Yacouba, to search for his aunt Mahan. Crossing the border into Liberia, they are seized by rebels and forced into military service. Birahima becomes a child-soldier. Fighting in a chaotic civil war alongside many other boys, Birahima sees death, torture, dismemberment and madness but somehow manages to retain his own sanity.