Faith Elizabeth

Faith Elizabeth

Nacimiento : 1991-09-14, Haywards Heath, Sussex, England, UK


Faith Elizabeth is a Sussex-born actress, model, producer, writer, and director. Although she was interested in acting since childhood, it wasn't until January 2013 that she decided to pursue it as a career. She has appeared in numerous TV shows and films. Since 2016, she started producing her own films. Elizabeth studied with the Actors Temple.


Faith Elizabeth


Video Shop Tales of Terror
Witch (segment "Witchfinder Actual 3D Trailer")
A sinister video rental store is the portal to six tales of terror. This is an anthology horror in the classic style of horror studios from the past but with a twist.
Powertool Cheerleaders vs the Boyband of the Screeching Dead
When a cursed amulet turns their rival boy band act into a screeching gang of zombies, a group of cheerleaders must learn to use their wits, friendship and assorted power tools before a TV talent show takes a turn for the apocalyptic.
Dracula: A Mystery's Afoot
Dracula is up to his old tricks again, but Van Helsing, his mother, and their assistant Juniper do their best to thwart him.
My Baby Cries
A young couple's journey into parenthood delivers an unexpected struggle as their previously stable relationship begins to fracture.
My Baby Cries
A young couple's journey into parenthood delivers an unexpected struggle as their previously stable relationship begins to fracture.
My Baby Cries
A young couple's journey into parenthood delivers an unexpected struggle as their previously stable relationship begins to fracture.
My Baby Cries
A young couple's journey into parenthood delivers an unexpected struggle as their previously stable relationship begins to fracture.
You Can Cancel at Any Time
A service for the modern-day dater. You are about to be taken into a new world of wonder. Introducing Adele, the girl of your dreams. You can cancel at any time, but with Adele, you won’t want to. Buy now or regret later.
Mother (segment "Lactophilia")
Anthology about Philias
Associate Producer
When a group of girl dancers discover boys on the new dating app Swiperr they hold a party for them all before they begin rehearsals for a dance competition and inadvertently let a murderer into their midst. Unbeknown to the group the psychopath and one of the girls has a dark past. One by one the girls disappear and the kidnapper/murderer leaves only dead crows and cryptic clues in their place. The remaining girls must fight to unravel the clues and escape the murderer before it’s too late.
When two best friends are abducted by an unhinged and obsessive stalker, their terrifying ordeal is live-streamed over the internet. With thousands captivated worldwide, it begs the question of how desensitized humanity is.
News Reporter
When two best friends are abducted by an unhinged and obsessive stalker, their terrifying ordeal is live-streamed over the internet. With thousands captivated worldwide, it begs the question of how desensitized humanity is.
Ragged Darkness
When a promise is broken, it sends out a ripple effect that is more devastating for these two. But problems get worse when a bailiff turns up at the door.
13 Graves
Dos veteranos asesinos a sueldo que se deshacen de su última víctima en un "cementerio de la mafia" son acechados, en un antiguo bosque, por una fuerza sobrenatural malévola.
Dragonfiles Only Live for 24 Hours
Two ambitious detectives stakeout a potential drug deal.
Dragonfiles Only Live for 24 Hours
Two ambitious detectives stakeout a potential drug deal.
First Assistant Director
A teen girl struggles with the pressures of performing well at school and pleasing her parents. She faces bullying and boy problems. Drink blots out her inability to cope.
A teen girl struggles with the pressures of performing well at school and pleasing her parents. She faces bullying and boy problems. Drink blots out her inability to cope.
In Flight
Welcome on board, strap yourselves in! 36,000 feet up. Jack a lone business traveller is pleased to be seated next to the breathtakingly beautiful Scarlett on this long haul flight. Jack's intent on impressing her with his well-honed chat-up line. But looks can be deceiving, as feisty Scarlett slowly reveals her dark secret and even Hanna the cheery air stewardess cannot save him.
In Flight
Welcome on board, strap yourselves in! 36,000 feet up. Jack a lone business traveller is pleased to be seated next to the breathtakingly beautiful Scarlett on this long haul flight. Jack's intent on impressing her with his well-honed chat-up line. But looks can be deceiving, as feisty Scarlett slowly reveals her dark secret and even Hanna the cheery air stewardess cannot save him.
Raymond's 5
Raymond's 5 is a story following a middle-aged man, "Raymond" who has been told he has just 30 more days to live. Raymond goes on a journey around the country visiting the 5 people he feels he has done the most wrong by in his life.
The Trial of Rebecca Worlock
Rebecca Worlock
Rebecca Worlock murdered her husband in 1820, by mixing poison into his beer. She was hanged for this crime the same year, in Gloucester, England.
The Whisperings
Executive Producer
A mysterious sea-creature, Asria, comes out in the moonlight to listen to the whisperings of the pebbles on Brighton Beach. "They whisper. They call my name, to share their truth, their love, their hope, their pain."
The Whisperings
A mysterious sea-creature, Asria, comes out in the moonlight to listen to the whisperings of the pebbles on Brighton Beach. "They whisper. They call my name, to share their truth, their love, their hope, their pain."
The Whisperings
A mysterious sea-creature, Asria, comes out in the moonlight to listen to the whisperings of the pebbles on Brighton Beach. "They whisper. They call my name, to share their truth, their love, their hope, their pain."
Party Girl (uncredited)
What do you do when the party of the year kicks you to the curb? Simple... create your own! When Sean and his friends are refused entry to the night of their year, they embark on a mission to stage a monster event, whilst at the same time taking down the opposition.
The Target
Uni Student - Claire
The film follows the story behind the murder of barrister Michelle Davis.
Tráfico humano
Trafficked Girl
Cuando una jóven de dieciseis años procedente de Ucrania, una madre soltera originaria de Rusia, una joven de diecisiete años de Rumanía y una jóven turista son víctimas de una red de tráfico de mujeres para la prostitución, el equipo de agentes de ICE que lucha por desenmascarar la organización que articula este horror descubre una conspiración de proporciones globales.
Leonard, an award winning movie star begins losing his mind whilst confined inside of his own home.
La mujer de negro: El ángel de la muerte
Mother (uncredited)
Secuela del film de 2012 protagonizado por Daniel Radcliffe ambientada 40 años después de los hechos de la primera parte. Contará la historia de un grupo de niños evacuados de Londres durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial que son alojados en una mansión maldita.
Commuter #3 (uncredited)
Paddington es un oso que ha crecido en las profundidades de la selva peruana junto a su tía Lucy quien, debido a un encuentro casual con un explorador inglés, ha inculcado en su sobrino el sueño de vivir en Londres. Cuando un terremoto destruye su hogar, la tía Lucy decide ocultar a su joven sobrino en un barco rumbo a Inglaterra en busca de una vida mejor. Cuando el pequeño llega solo a la estación londinense de Paddington, se da cuenta de que la vida de la ciudad no tiene nada que ver con lo que se había imaginado, hasta que conoce a los Brown, una bondadosa familia británica que se lo encuentra con una etiqueta alrededor del cuello en la que se puede leer: 'Por favor, cuidad de este oso. Gracias'. Los Brown le acogen en su casa mientras Paddington busca al famoso explorador que dejó marcada a su tía Lucy muchos años atrás. Sin embargo, poco después, una siniestra y atractiva taxidermista se fija en él, lo que supone una amenaza para su hogar y para su propia vida.
El tour de los Muppets
German Audience Member (uncredited)
Los Muppets regresan a la gran pantalla otra vez, para cautivar de nuevo a los más pequeños. En esta segunda entrega, el caos sigue a los Muppets a cualquier lugar donde vayan, hasta que sin quererlo, se ven envueltos en un gran enredo con un grupo de malhechores dirigido por Constantine, al que llaman el 'Delincuente número uno del mundo' quien tiene un gran parecido con Kermit y su miedoso y cobarde aliado Dominic, (al que llaman 'Número dos'), interpretado por Ricky Gervais
Vampire Academy
Moroi Vampire (uncredited)
Como a la mayoría de las adolescentes, a Rose y a Lissa les gustan los chicos, van de compras al centro comercial y se sienten incomprendidas. Pero entre ellas y las demás hay una gran diferencia: son vampiresas. Lissa es una princesa que desciende de la dinastía Moroi, y Rose es la guardiana encargada de protegerla. Tras escapar de la Academia St. Vladimir, son obligadas a volver, y Rose queda bajo el estricto control de su estoico mentor, Dmitri, pero pronto se dará cuenta de que se siente atraída por él. Mientras tanto, Lissa se ve obligada a afrontar terribles peligros.
White Dreams
Jason has been experiencing bad dreams and discovers spirits that appear. He has to find a way of stopping them before his dreams become his reality.