After four years, Jake Cardigan is prematurely awoken from his fifteen year cryogenic punishment to a world very different than the one he knew. Much more than before 'Tek', the highly-addictive electronic designer narcotic of the 21st century, seems to be prevalent. His wife has divorced him and disappeared together with their son. He wants them back and he wants justice for those undercover policemen who were murdered by unknown conspirators which led to his imprisonment for a crime he did not commit.
Allen Bauer es un neoyorquino que se salvó de morir ahogado cuando era un niño gracias a una joven sirena. 20 años después vuelve al mismo lugar y de nuevo cae al mar para ser rescatado otra vez por la misma sirena. Confuso sobre lo sucedido, Allen vuelve a Nueva York, pero la sirena decide buscarle. Ambos consigue encontrarse y se enamoran, aunque él desconoce su secreto